"Well, thanks to the Burning Legion." McGonagall looked at Sargeras and said gratefully.

Since Phyllis proposed to go to find Elena, he was preparing some things. Because her strength had not recovered, he could not give much positive support, so he could only give some help in other aspects, preparing food, and employing the Burning Legion to escort her.

With his understanding of Elena's character, she probably didn't consider the issue of food and grass before the incident. Now facing the crazy siege of wind forest, it must be very difficult to obtain food and grass.

"I didn't expect that Mr. McGonagall had prepared so much for me. It was so moving..." Phyllis looked at the truck full of parking in the yard. Her heart was moved, and her eyes turned red again.

After negotiating with Sargeras, McGonagall turns to Phyllis, takes out a small volume of kraft paper from her arms and hands it over.

"What's this?" Phyllis took the pamphlet and her heart began to beat. Did Mr. McGonagall have anything to say to her? If so


"I'd like to..." Phyllis almost blurted out. Suddenly, she seemed to have snapped, and her face turned red.

"Yes?" MEG looked at her eyebrows, and did not know what the son was talking about. Why did he suddenly blush and continued, "Phyllis, this is what I had learned by chance. I think it's very good. You can give it to your princess, maybe you can bring him some help."

"Hand in... To your highness?" Phyllis was stunned. It turned out that this was not a gift from Mr. McGonagall, but she just

Phyllis felt a little lost in her heart. Her face was more red. She nodded her head and said, "OK... OK, I will give it to Her Highness."

"The war is very dangerous. Don't be careful this time. This knife is my gift to you. There will always be a place for you in the restaurant. Come back when the war is over." McGonagall took out a Chinese kitchen knife from his purse and handed it to Phyllis.

"This is your own kitchen knife, boss." Phyllis took the kitchen knife in both hands. She was surprised by the familiar pattern and weight.

Meg said with a smile, "now it belongs to you."

"Thank you, boss." There was a smile on Phyllis's face.

"Good bye, then." McGonagall looked at the unicorn that had been attached to the van, looked at the Burning Legion, and said with a smile to Phyllis.

"Goodbye, boss." Phyllis also waved to McGonagall, then turned to the direction of the train and ran lightly to get into the carriage.

MEG stood at the door, watching the long motorcade slowly leave, standing in the empty lane for a while, then turned and rode away on his bicycle.

I am afraid that only Taizu's practical achievements can serve as the theoretical support for the success of this war.

He also must grasp to enhance the strength, otherwise even if more backhand preparation, after all, or a little bit worse.

When MEG rode to the cleaning department in Aden square, they were just about to finish the morning meeting.

McGonagall knocked on the door, and the thirty odd old cleaners standing in the room and the thirty odd young man at the front all looked at him standing at the door,

"Excuse me, I'm MEG, the owner of the Maimi restaurant. I want to discuss something with you. I don't know if I can come in?" MEG asked with a smile.

"Oh, that kind gentleman." In the morning, the old lady's eyes lit up and poked old Jack, who was standing beside her and dozing.

"Mr. McGonagall." Old Jack opened his eyes vaguely and saw MEG standing at the door with bright eyes. He waved to him with a smile and turned to the young man sitting in front of him: "Mr. sidka, this is the kind man I just told you about."

"Old Jack, is that the kind gentleman who bought you breakfast this morning?"

"You just said he was going to prepare us a hot breakfast?"

"Is it really McMillan? I heard that restaurant is super expensive. "

The cleaners whispered and looked at MEG strangely. It was the first time that they could have a steaming breakfast every morning. It would be very happy.

Sidka also stood up and looked at McGonagall with a smile on her square face. "Mr. McGonagall, please come in quickly. Old Jack and I mentioned you just now. I didn't expect that you really came."

Maimi restaurant has been in the limelight recently. Naturally, he has heard of it. The cleaning department is under the management of the city master's office. Although he is in charge of the Aden square area and has more than 30 cleaners, he is just an ordinary staff member,

Cleaners generally recruit old people who are unable to do heavy physical work and have no children to support. Their work efficiency is extremely low and their wages can only maintain food and clothing. However, this is a huge financial expenditure of the city government, and there is no way to continue to improve the conditions for these old people.

Therefore, although he knew that it was not easy for these old people, especially in winter mornings, when they were working in the cold with cold food, every winter several old people would leave with ordinary wages and a family to support, he could not do anything.

So this morning, I heard that someone was going to provide a breakfast for these cleaners, which really surprised him. After I heard that this man was the owner of Maimi restaurant, I was even more shocked.

Recently, there have been many rumors about the Maimi restaurant in the city Lord's mansion. The waiters there are all first-class beauties. The city Lord is a frequent guest of that restaurant. The important meeting of the three ethnic groups was held there. It is said that a prisoner escaped from Basti prison yesterday, but he didn't run away and turned to enter the Maimi restaurant.

Any one of these rumors is surprising, let alone all belong to the same restaurant.

"Hello, Mr. sidka. Hello, everyone." McGonagall came in with a smile on his face. It seemed that the two old men had already helped him to publicize.

"Well, I think you have to start the cleaning work so early every morning, and the weather is so cold recently, so it may not be rich to provide you with a breakfast, but I hope it can give you some warmth." McGonagall's on the hill.

"Great, that's a good thing."

"Yes, Mr. McGonagall is a good man."

"I don't have to eat breakfast like ice in the future."

As soon as McGonagall's voice fell, there was a burst of warm applause.

"Mr. McGonagall, on behalf of the cleaning department of Aden square, I would like to thank you." Sidka took Meg's hand and said with a thank-you look.

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