"Ding! Congratulations to the host, complete the task of delivering a warm winter breakfast to the cleaners, and get a reward: a recipe of preserved egg and lean meat porridge! On the way to become a kitchen god, the mind has been improved and honed. At the same time, we will get a "good person card" and get a chance to make a wish by collecting five good person cards. " The system sounds.

"The chance to make a wish? What is that? " McGonagall was slightly stunned and asked curiously.

"Make a wish: the host can make a wish to the system, and the system will satisfy it to the maximum extent within its ability."

"And how do you get the card?" McGonagall then asked. It sounds like a good chance to make a wish.

"As long as the host does good deeds, there is a certain chance to swipe the good card."

"That's really a good person card..." MEG curled his lips. It's not very reliable. Who knows how many times it takes to do good things to get five good person cards.

Looking at the glittering recipe of preserved egg and lean meat porridge in his mind, this is probably the simplest task he has done. However, the task has just begun, and the responsibility has just begun. It is a long-term task to provide a steaming breakfast for the cleaners every day.

"You're welcome. From tomorrow morning, please come to the door of Maimi restaurant at 6:30. I'll provide you with a free breakfast." Meg said with a smile.

There was another round of praise for MEG.

"Mr. sidka, can you give me a list of you, and then let me get to know you. In order to prevent other people from mixing in and causing some people not to have breakfast, I want to make a simple understanding." Said Meg, looking at sidka.

"Certainly, Mr. McGonagall is very thoughtful." Sidka nodded, walked quickly to his desk, took out a list from the jumble of papers, handed it to Meg, and began to introduce Meg's names one by one.

"Yes, thank you." McGonagall put away the list and remembered everyone's name so that he didn't have to worry about other redundant people coming in for free breakfast.

"Well, I'll leave first." McGonagall and old Jack and his wife nodded slightly, then left. He had to go back and prepare something.

"Boss McGonagall is a good man."

"Yes, I heard that the cheapest food in that restaurant costs 200 copper coins. I've never had such expensive food before."

After McGonagall left, the cleaners were still talking, with expectant smiles on their faces.

"Well, let's go back and have a rest." Said sidka, and the crowd dispersed.


MEG goes back to the dining room. Abelmia and they should have gone to the ice cream shop. Only Anna squats in front of the glass window with the ugly duckling in her arms and looks outside.

MEG stood watching for a while, walked slowly, squatted down beside Anna, and whispered, "Anna, what are you thinking?"

"I wonder if Sheryl and sister Elsa will meet on the battlefield..." Anna turns her head and looks at MEG, her small face full of worry and says, "if they meet, will one of them die?"

"No way." McGonagall shook his head and said with a smile, "whether it's Elsa or Sheryl, they won't hurt each other, even if they're really on the opposite side. After all, they've fought side by side."

Anna thought about it, a smile on her face, nodded and said, "well, they are very kind elves, and they are real elves."

"Well, we won't sit here in a daze. Shall I teach you how to cook Yangzhou fried rice today?" MEG put his big hand gently over Anna's head and said with a smile.

"Really?" Anna's eyes lit up. These days she has been practicing knife work and has never cooked.

"It's true, of course. Anna's knife work has been practising very well. She can cut the ingredients into the size of fried rice. It's time to learn how to cook." MEG nodded, and then in his heart bought a set of pots suitable for Anna from the system.

The pot provided by the system is half smaller than the normal one, which looks a little mini, but it's still a big pot for Anna.

The spatula also became smaller. Even Anna's little hand could hold it easily, and she didn't feel the effort.

Anna herself moved a small bench over, stepped on the top just enough to reach the height of the stove, looking forward to McGonagall.

Every day she watched uncle McGonagall cook hundreds of Yangzhou fried rice. Every step and detail had been firmly imprinted in her heart, but she didn't have the chance to do it. Now she can finally try to make her own Yangzhou fried rice.

"Yangzhou fried rice is a complicated dish. There are very strict requirements for the control of the temperature and the time of adding various ingredients. Let's start from the preparation of ingredients..." McGonagall took out two ingredients from the refrigerator, one for Anna, the other for himself, and began to teach carefully.

Anna's eyes were fixed on her. Although she had seen the same steps tens of thousands of times, she still didn't want to miss any details and kept everything Meg said in mind.

Yangzhou fried rice, which is full of color, fragrance and flavor, will soon come out of the pot.

"Well, Anna, you can start your first time." MEG put the Yangzhou fried rice aside and said with a smile.

"Yes, yes." Anna nodded, took a look at MEG, then drew back her eyes, stood in front of the chopping table with her eyes closed for a while, then reopened her eyes and picked up the Chinese kitchen knife.

Small hand holding that generous Chinese kitchen knife, but not the slightest sense of clumsiness, knife fell on the board, issued a strong sense of rhythm of the light sound, a kind of food in the knife into the size of rice, and then Anna into the plate for standby.

Fire, pour oil, pour ingredients into the pot with proper oil temperature, stir fry, shake the pot, everything goes smoothly. It's obviously the first time to handle it, but Anna's performance surprised MEG. It's not like a child of six or seven years old can do it.

"The child is really gifted." McGonagall couldn't help admiring that in time, he would become a better cook than him.

Turn off the fire, out of the pot, Anna's first Yangzhou fried rice was carefully brought over by her, put beside Meg's share, looking at MEG some expectations, said: "Uncle MEG, you try it."

"A fried Yangzhou fried rice."

Two Yangzhou fried rice put together, the appearance of the gap becomes very obvious, Anna's fried rice, bamboo shoots and mushrooms into a burnt yellow, eggs can not be perfectly wrapped in the rice, many have been damaged, too bright oil, the amount of oil is a little too much.

"Well, I'll try." McGonagall picked up a spoon and scooped Yangzhou fried rice into his mouth. The salty taste almost made him spit out. There was no evenly fried salt, and the scorched taste was very obvious.

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