This is a Yangzhou fried rice full of shortcomings.

But this is also Anna's first time to cook Yangzhou fried rice.

McGonagall swallowed the fried rice, laughed and gave a thumbs up and said, "it's pretty good on the whole, but there's still a lot of room for improvement in the heat, skills and salt use. However, Anna has been able to achieve this level for the first time, which is already very powerful."

"It seems that there are still many shortcomings, but I will continue to work hard." Anna nodded, her face also showed a happy smile.

"Anna, you wait for me here for a while. Later, we'll go to the vegetable market and buy you some ingredients to practice." MEG reached for Anna's head, turned and went upstairs.

Click on the glittering menu in his mind, and a stream of information directly flows into his mind.

Preserved egg and lean meat porridge is not complicated but delicious enough.

Porridge itself is not a complicated work, but how to make delicious preserved eggs is the most difficult process in this dish.

Preserved egg, also known as Songhua egg.

It's a kind of Oriental dark food.

McGonagall has a general impression of preserved eggs. He doesn't like it or hate it. If he can meet a plate of preserved eggs with good taste, he can still eat a few pieces.

It takes about 30 days to make preserved eggs according to the daily method.

After the system upgrade process, the preserved egg curing time was shortened from 30 days to three days.

However, even if McGonagall learned how to make preserved egg and lean meat porridge tonight, he would not be able to present a steaming bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge to the cleaners tomorrow morning because of the lack of food materials.

"System, are you digging a hole for me? If there is no preserved egg and lean meat porridge, is that still called preserved egg and lean meat porridge? " MEG rolled his eyes.

"The host please rest assured that as long as the host can learn how to cook preserved egg and lean meat porridge, the system has prepared preserved eggs for you within three days, which will not affect the sales." The system replied.

"What eggs are you using? What's the price of a preserved egg? " McGonagall continued.

"This system uses the eggs of cashmere duck, which are produced in Chenguang Lake in the northwest of Twilight forest. Cashmere duck is a third-class Warcraft. It feeds on fish. The eggs are rich in nutrients, sweet and cool in nature, and have the function of nourishing yin and clearing lung. It lays one egg every month, and the quantity is very small."

"The preserved eggs produced by this system are made from the Loess of vickling, the rice ash irrigated by the water of life..."

"OK, let's just say the price." MEG rolled his eyes.

"The price of a preserved egg is 200 copper coins, and one preserved egg can be used to cook four bowls of preserved egg and lean meat porridge on average." The system replied.

McGonagall thought for a while and asked, "system, if you use ordinary duck eggs and relatively easy to obtain materials to make preserved eggs, what is the cost of a preserved egg?"

"The host, as an alternate chef God, cooks delicious food for the guests with the most perfect ingredients. This is the most basic character. With the choice of excellent ingredients, how can we use ordinary ingredients to make up for the number? This is not in line with the identity and taste of chef God..."

"First of all, I am a boss who needs to consider the profits of the restaurant. While doing good deeds, I should control the investment cost and prevent the restaurant from falling into risk because of my personal feelings and behaviors. This is the performance of having brains and has nothing to do with identity and taste." McGonagall calmly interrupted the system.

"However, with ordinary ingredients, it can't perfectly show the delicacy of this dish, and the strength of the host Kitchen God is not symmetrical, which is not conducive to the shaping of the name of Kitchen God." The system insists.

"I will offer these hard-working cleaners a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge with ordinary ingredients and the most sincere cooking skills. The purpose is not to start a gourmet journey for them, but to let them work in the cold for several hours continuously and drink a bowl of steaming and delicious porridge, so as to make it easier for them to pass the cold winter.

System, you are going from the beginning to the end, and you don't grasp the real point. "

McGonagall sneered, and then said directly: "prepare 33 ordinary preserved eggs for me. The market price of ordinary duck eggs is 2 copper coins. I'll count the processing fee as 5 copper coins. I'll give you 3 copper coins for consumption. One ordinary preserved egg is 10 copper coins."

"Host, you..."

"It's settled." MEG calmly interrupted the system and continued: "the preserved egg and lean meat porridge sold in the restaurant, I will take the best preserved egg from you."


"After ordinary preserved eggs are supplied by you, the order is stable, the price is reasonable, and the profit margin is more than five times. In this way, after the business passes this village, there will be no such store." Meg said with a smile.

"I'll do it!" The system almost blurted out.

Meg's mouth slightly tilted, confirmed the ingredients in his mind, turned and went downstairs with a basket to take Anna out to buy food.

Learning to cook requires a huge amount of ingredients. The cost of ingredients in the refrigerator is too high, so MEG is going to let Anna practice with ordinary ingredients, just like Phyllis before.

What he wants to buy is the ingredients for the cleaners to make breakfast tomorrow morning, which will reduce the cost of doing good deeds. This is the long-term way.

McGonagall's money doesn't fall from the sky. He still has his own rules for what to do at what stage.

One hundred duck eggs, two bags of good quality pearl rice, a piece of lean meat, and all kinds of materials needed to make preserved eggs... When he came out of the vegetable market, Meg's basket was full of all kinds of ingredients.

"In half an hour, we'll take the rice to the McMillan." MEG and the owner of the rice shop, who was loading the truck, said that they took Anna to a building materials shop not far from the vegetable market with a basket. They bought loess and plant ash and then returned to the restaurant.

"Uncle McGonagall, are you planting flowers?" Anna looked at McGonagall, who had put down the Loess and ash, and asked curiously.

"No, I'm going to make a kind of food called preserved eggs." McGonagall shook his head and put the things behind the cupboard. He had to wait until he went to the kitchen god's testing ground tonight before he could start making preserved eggs.

"Preserved eggs?" Anna thought. She had never heard of this kind of food.

But every kind of food uncle McGonagall made, she had never heard of, but every time it could bring surprise.

"Anna, if you want to continue to practice, practice with these ingredients first. When you can make Yangzhou fried rice that makes me feel satisfied, you can use the ingredients in the refrigerator." MEG took out the ingredients that belonged to Anna, put them on the chopping table and said with a smile.

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