"Mr. McGonagall."

Towards noon, there was a knock at the door and Gina's voice.

MEG opens the door. Gina and Elizabeth come in empty handed.

"Gina, didn't you go to get the shark fin?" MEG looked out the door. There was no shark fin outside.

"Mr. McGonagall, you are Alex's benefactor." Gina rushed towards MEG with excitement, and her legs twined up like octopus.

"Well?" McGonagall looked at him, hugging himself, excited, Gina, a little confused.

"With the help of the artifact you gave, all the ghost sharks that invaded landist were killed by the warriors of landist, and the rest have been put into the fishing ground and captive mode according to your requirements." This time the ghost shark invasion, almost no ordinary Mermaid casualties, no town because of the ghost shark has been seriously damaged

"It's all because of you!"

Gina looked up at MEG as if she were looking at a revered God.

"Well, that's great." McGonagall's eyes are bright when he hears the words. It's a good thing to protect the mermaid of landist from the harm of the ghost shark. The successful establishment of the deep-sea fishing ground also indicates the successful establishment of the supply chain for the shark's fin and lip.

"How on earth did he manage to subdue such a powerful Warcraft and solve a problem that has not been solved by a powerful clan for thousands of years?" Elizabeth looked at MEG curiously, as if she had known him for the first time.

Originally, she thought that he was just an ordinary human chef, and that he came to work in Maimi restaurant only because of MIA's invitation.

But now, she doesn't think MEG is an ordinary person. Whether he is calm in the face of all kinds of powerful guests or in the negotiation with the grand priestess of Landis on the sea, he is different from others.

It seems that there are many special abilities hidden in this man, which constantly surprise and make people curious.

"But what about shark fin?" MEG asked, looking at Gina.

"Oh." Gina quickly released MEG, and then took out a small blue crystal ball from her arms. She said with a smile, "because there are so many shark fins, I can't bring them back, so the high priest gave me the ball of the crystal ball to hold the shark fins and lips."

MEG looked at the marble size crystal ball in Gina's hand. The blue color, like a vast ocean, was similar to the big crystal ball in the high priest's hand last time, but it was much smaller. It seemed that it was still a space magic weapon.

"It's a lot. How many are there?" Asked MEG.

Gina thought and said, "there are about 500 copies. If you put them out, they can fill the whole kitchen."

MEG observed three seconds of silence for the Youming shark group. Then he looked at Gina and said, "let's put out 50 copies first. I need to dry them. Today, I have to make two copies of the Buddha jump wall."

"I'm coming to work." Camilla directly pushed the door in, looked at the crowd, said hello at will, walked straight to the kitchen, looked at nobody's kitchen, looked back at MEG a little surprised and said: "where's Miss Phyllis? It's the lady who told me to cut vegetables

McGonagall looked at Camilla and said, "she has left. From today on, you will be fully responsible for the food processing. Title: Junior pier."

"Left..." Camilla was stunned and pointed to a list of ingredients on one side. Her voice suddenly increased a lot: "don't you mean I'm going to cut all these dishes by myself?"

McGonagall said, "this is Phyllis's daily work. If you find it difficult, I can take part in it."

"Hum, no need. I can't finish such a simple job." Camilla waved and said confidently.

"There's still an hour left to open, so you can start first." MEG glanced at his watch and said with a smile.

"Hum." With a snort, Camilla went upstairs to change her chef's clothes. She quickly entered the restaurant, put on ten knives and began to brush the ingredients.


"From tomorrow morning, our restaurant will provide a free breakfast for the cleaners."

At lunch, MEG announced in public.

"If it's provided free of charge, is that no charge?" Abelmia was a little surprised.

Other people also look at MEG. The unit price of the dishes in the restaurant is a big expense.

McGonagall nodded slightly and said, "those cleaners have to start working at 4 a.m. in such cold weather, but they can only eat breakfast like ice and can't even drink a mouthful of hot water. I think they should do something, so I went to their person in charge to talk about the breakfast supply, at least until the end of this winter."

"They are so pitiful. Last time I saw an old man fall in the snow. Fortunately, I dodged in time. The uncle next to me helped him to the hospital. Later, I didn't see him again." Amy said with pity.

McGonagall looked at Amy in surprise. He didn't expect that he was so close to bankruptcy.

"Boss, when does that start? Is it in line with the opening hours of the restaurant? " Asked abelmia.

"No, the appointed time is seven o'clock every morning, but I'll do it all well. You don't have to worry. You don't have to change your working hours." MEG shook his head.

"Boss, you are a good man." Abemia gave MEG a thumbs up and said with a smile, "well, from tomorrow morning, I'll come to the restaurant early, too."

"Is this guy deliberately increasing his liking? Those people who sweep the floor are not slaves. They just work. What's the pity? " Camilla took a look at MEG, curled her lips, showing a bit of disdain, "human, just like to make a mountain out of a molehill."

"I work the same hours as MIA." Elizabeth said coldly.

"Since you are all here, then... I'll sleep more. The quilt in winter is so comfortable that I don't want to get up at all." Barbara blinked.

"I'll... I'll get up early." Gina raised her hand and said word by word in Mandarin, then gave MEG a big smile.

"I'll get up early, too." Anna followed and raised her hand.

Amy thought about it and said seriously, "if you all get up early, I'll have to help you sleep a little more, or you'll lose your spirits during the day."

"Meow." The ugly duckling put her two little forepaws on Amy's stool and yelled at her.

"It doesn't matter, ugly duckling. I'll help you sleep for your share. Just get up early." Amy comforted.

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