"Boss, put up the challenge post and challenge Maimi restaurant. During this period, the business opportunities of our restaurant have doubled, and the new guests are full of praise. The number one soup list should belong to us." Outside the Maimi restaurant, a bald middle-aged man looked at Sith and said excitedly.

"It's almost business hours now. It's not a good time to submit a challenge book..." the boss of Sith restaurant, wearing a black chef's suit, held a challenge card in his hand and hesitated a little on his face.

The bald middle-aged man shook his head and said, "no, so many guests can just be used as a witness. We also need to tell everyone that the Hexian soup of our Sith restaurant is the real top soup list, so that the food association can be ranked again."

"So many guests are still hoodwinked by the wrong ranking on the food list. This is our ranking. These guests should have been outside the Sith restaurant. Boss, shouldn't we make a little voice for our fight for rights?"

Sith watched the hundreds of people standing in line at the door of the McMillan restaurant and fell silent. Although Sith restaurant's business is very hot now, it is still much worse than McMillan restaurant. If Sith restaurant's business can reach this level at any time, he will almost reach the peak of his life.

"Well, let's go and present the challenge book and have an open fight to decide who is the real number one on the soup list." Sith's eyes became firm, and he went straight to the door of McMillan's restaurant. The bald man quickly followed.

"Who are they? Did you jump the queue? "

In the long line, the guests looked at the two people walking straight to the door of the restaurant, with a look of curiosity on their faces.

"Why? If I remember correctly, isn't that the boss of the Sith restaurant? What is he doing here? "

"The river fresh soup in Sith restaurant is not bad. It's good to drink."

"Yes, they are all freshly harvested. The ingredients are sincere and the quantity is quite large. Soup alone is one of the rare delicacies in the chaotic city."

Soon, someone in the team recognized Sith and began to talk.

Sith came to the door of the dining room and was about to knock.

The bell on the door shook and made a crisp sound, and the door opened from the inside.

McGonagall looked at the middle-aged man in front of the door wearing a black chef's suit and holding up his hands. He said strangely, "excuse me, what's the matter?"

"Hello, Mr. McGonagall. I'm Sith, the boss and chef of Sith restaurant." Sith reached out to MEG.

"Hello, boss Sith." McGonagall held out his hand and shook it with him. He remembered that the No.2 River fresh soup on the soup list came from the Sith restaurant. The Sith boss came here in a fierce manner. It didn't look like he was coming for dinner.

Sith drew back his hand, looked at MEG and said, "first of all, congratulations on your restaurant's success in the top six of the food charts last time. Today, I'm here to challenge you to the top of the soup charts. Your stewed chicken rice is really excellent, but my ancestral River fresh soup is no worse than any soup. Therefore, I want to have a duel with you to decide the real soup number one

"Oh, it's a challenge." McGonagall knows that he has been famous since he defeated the chef of Ducas restaurant. He hasn't been challenged for some time. He didn't expect that someone would challenge him after he won the top six, which really surprised him.

"Yes, it's a challenge. Mr. McGonagall, please." Sith handed the challenge in his hand.

McGonagall hesitated and reached for the challenge.

He doesn't have a bad impression on the Sith boss. He is somewhat arrogant for those who have skills. First and second, he is a natural opponent. If he can't be convinced, a duel will come sooner or later.

After a glance at the challenge book, it is almost the same as what Sith said before. Take soup as the theme of the duel, and invite the well-known gourmet and the president of the Food Association as the referee to have a professional duel.

And as a bet, it's the top of the soup list.

To be honest, McGonagall didn't like this meaningless challenge.

But if he refused, he would weaken his prestige and couldn't help thinking about it for a while.

"Wow, I'm here to challenge boss Mai! Boss Sith, is he a little stiff? "

"It's going to be a wonderful duel between the first and second place in the soup list."

"In other words, after the Buddha jumped out of the wall, is there anything else to do with the soup? If there's no accident, it's probably a crush, isn't it

When the guests heard the words of Sith, they immediately began to talk.

The bald middle-aged man behind Sith looked at MEG and said sarcastically, "are you afraid? If you don't dare to accept the challenge, just explain to the Food Association and ask them to change the list of soup, so that the river fresh soup of Sith restaurant comes first. In this way, we won't ask for anything

Sith looked at the bald head with some displeasure, but he didn't say anything about the future of the restaurant. He looked at MEG, waiting for his answer.

McGonagall took a look at the bald head, turned his mouth slightly, folded up the challenge book, looked at Sith and said with a smile, "since boss Sith has kindly invited me, I will take the challenge book, but the challenge is issued by you, and the rules are set by you. The time and place are decided by me, so there should be no problem?"

Sith was a little surprised by McGonagall's briskness. After a little thought, he nodded.

"It's 4:30 this evening. We'll have a fight at the door of McMillan's restaurant. My restaurant will open on time at 5:00 sharp, so please ask boss Sith to start cooking earlier."

"Oh, by the way, there's one more thing I want to say in advance. I've divided the stewed chicken and rice from the soup into the staple food. I just launched a soup called" fo Tiao Qiang "yesterday. Because the cooking time of this soup is as long as one day, I won't cook on site, but directly produce the finished product. I hope you will know."

MEG continued.

"New soup?" Sith was even more surprised. The previous stewed chicken soup had been recognized by the Food Association. Unexpectedly, McGonagall abandoned it and prepared to fight him with a new soup.

"Oh, about the bet, I want to add a little more than the number one on the soup list." McGonagall added.

Sith looked at McGonagall with some vigilance and said, "what's more?"

"The loser needs to pay 10000 copper coins." Meg said with a smile.

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