"Wow! Boss Mai has taken the battle! It seems that I have to ask my boss for leave to see the duel tonight. "

"I usually queue up at this point. It seems that I can watch a good play for free today."

"Does anyone open a business? I'll bet on boss McGrady

"No fool will set up a village in a duel without suspense."

The guests began to get excited when they saw Meg's men in the afternoon.

"Ten thousand coppers?"

Sith was stunned. He thought MEG would make a big bet. After all, the owner of Ritchie's barbecue shop had a duel with him, but he lost the barbecue shop to him. Unexpectedly, Meg's bet was only ten thousand copper coins.

"Well, it seems that this guy is really counseling." One side of the bald man some disdainful look at MEG, eyes gradually hot up.

As an old employee of Sith restaurant, he just waited for Hexian soup to top the list of soup, and then touted the boss to open a branch. At that time, he should be the only choice for the new store manager, and the recipe of Hexian soup, which has been dragged by the boss, should also be taught to him?

"Yes, ten thousand coppers." MEG nodded.

"Yes, I promise." After a little thought, Sith nodded.

"I'll take it in the afternoon. Boss Sith, please. I'm going to start business." McGonagall put the book away, opened the door, moved out of the way, and said with a smile, "welcome to the McMillan restaurant."

"Boss Mai, can I help you?" When Krasu came to the door, he took a look at Sith road.

"I can, too." Amy stepped forward, eager to try.

"That's not necessary." McGonagall said quickly. He was a little afraid that Crassus and Amy would directly destroy the two people with a fireball, which was a bit cruel.

"Come on, Mr. McGonagall." Gloria also stopped when she came to the door, holding her little fist and encouraging with a smile.

"This fellow, how can I get my lovely Miss Gloria's smile?" Camilla stood in the corner, looking at MEG with a sad face, gritted her teeth and said, "the opposite sex has no true love!"

"Thank you." McGonagall nodded with a smile, feeling his back chilly.

McGonagall said hello to his acquaintances, ignoring Sith.

"This unreasonable guy..." the bald man was angry and wanted to come forward to argue.

"OK, he has shown enough self-restraint and magnanimity. I'm afraid I can't do that." Sith interrupted the bald man and took a deep look at MEG. Although the man was young, his composure made him a little uneasy. "Let's go to the food association first and visit some gourmets."

"Good." The bald man looked back reluctantly and turned around to catch up with Sith.

"Mr. McGregor, is there still no news from Miss Sheryl? Perhaps, did she write to you? " Constantine came to MEG and asked expectantly.

McGonagall looked at Constantine, a little scared. This diamond king, who always pays attention to brand face and combs his hair meticulously, has lost his weight in a few days. His black eyes are deeply sunken, his eyes are covered with blood, his hair is in a mess, and he has no beard, just like a tramp.

"She didn't send us a letter." McGonagall shook his head, but looking at Constantine's appearance, he felt that he couldn't bear it. What's the pain of such a single Acacia? Besides, the other person may be bigger than you.

"Still no message..." Constantine seemed to have been taken out of his strength. He shook his body and grabbed the door frame to stop.

"I hate that I didn't have the courage to confess my heart to her in time. I didn't realize how important she was to me until I lost her..." Constantine began to sob and burst into tears.

"It's a real spoony."

"Yes, there are not many such good men now."

Many familiar customers have an impression of Constantine. During this period, he often asks Sheryl about her news. For the beautiful and quiet elf waiter, the familiar customers naturally remember that looking at Constantine like this, they can't help but feel a little sad.

"Constantine, male, 33 years old, is suffering from severe insomnia and loss of appetite due to Acacia, with a sharp decline in body function and extremely poor immunity. If his condition continues, his life will be in danger.

"Is this guy Liang Shanbo? You can still get lovesickness McGonagall raised his eyebrows and looked at the test results given by the psychic gate. It seemed that Sheryl's sudden departure had a great impact on Constantine. After a little thought, he looked at the heartbroken Constantine and said, "Mr. Constantine, Sheryl said that she would come back, but the time could be a few years later."

"She... Will she really come back?" Constantine suddenly looked up at MEG as if he had grasped a straw.

McGonagall nodded with a smile and said, "however, no matter how many years later, the appearance of Cheryl will not change much. If Mr. Constantine continues to live in this state, I'm afraid that the next time we meet will be at your funeral."

Constantine looked at his pale and thin hands, almost without any blood color, and was stunned. During this period of time, he was immersed in sadness and missing, and abandoned himself. He hardly paid attention to his body, and did not expect that he was weak to this extent.

"No! Before Miss Shelley comes back, I have to keep healthy and slow down my aging. I can't let myself grow old too fast, otherwise miss Shelley won't recognize me Constantine quickly made up his mind, looked at McGonagall and said, "Mr. McGonagall, thank you. Even if I want to see Miss Shelley again and tell her what I didn't have time to say, I will live a good life."

With that, he strode toward the restaurant and sat down in his familiar position.

"I hope you can live a strong life when you have failed." McGonagall shrugged and continued to greet the next guest with a smile.

"Man's charging station, mami restaurant, I'm here again." A man with flimsy steps is walking towards the Maimi restaurant, his eyes are full of hot light.

Vicennio had already realized this sentence, but he didn't expect that the new marriage would last so long. His mother tiger became more and more fierce, and almost squeezed him dry in bed every day.

If it wasn't for the Maimi restaurant, two rougamo a day would provide power for him, and he would have died in bed.

"No, today we have to add another rougamo to make it up." Vicennio made up his mind and quickened his steps.

A carriage stopped beside the restaurant. The curtain of the carriage was lifted, revealing a pretty face. The charming eyes followed vicennio's back. With a charming smile, he whispered to himself, "Oh, the ghost sneaks out here every day. I'd like to see what medicine the restaurant sells, which can make my ghost worse every day."

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