"Waiter, I'll have three rougamo and one salted bean curd." As soon as vicennio sat down, he ordered his meal.

"All right." Abelmia nodded.

Just then, a gust of fragrant wind came, and a plump woman sat down beside vicennio and said with a smile, "I also want three rougamo and a salty tofu brain."

Vicennio smelled the familiar fragrance, opened his mouth wide, turned his head slowly in disbelief, looked at the woman sitting beside him, looking at him with a smile, like a mouse stepped on the tail, jumped up from the chair and exclaimed: "wife! Why are you here! "

Everyone's eyes in the restaurant looked at it together. It's not allowed to make a lot of noise in the Maimi restaurant.

Vicennio's thin appearance was no better than Constantine's, pale and kidney deficient.

On the other hand, the young woman sitting next to him had a red and tender face, a plump figure, a delicate face, and a pair of eyes full of soft and beautiful color.

"Husband, you scared people." The young woman said in a sweet voice and patted her chest gently. Her chest was crisp and swaying, and her face was bashful.

"Who can stand this..."

I don't know how many men subconsciously swallow saliva, looking at vicennio's eyes, I don't know whether to envy or pity.

Vicennio soon found himself overreacting. Thinking of the rules of the McMillan restaurant, he quickly sat down again and apologized to abelmia, who was still standing by. Looking at Bonnie, he whispered: "wife, what's the matter with you? Aren't you asleep? "

"How can people sleep when you're gone?" Bonnie clenched her little fist and thumped vicennio on the shoulder. She said with an aggrieved face: "so I went out with you. Seeing you enter this restaurant, I was just hungry, so I came in with you. Why are you so unhappy? Is it not a happy thing to eat with me?"

"Why, I didn't call you because you were tired." Vicennio slapped himself in the heart, but he didn't find Bonnie being followed by Bonnie.

"No, you are the one who works hard." Bonnie drew a silk scarf from her chest and wiped vicennio's forehead. "You see, it's sweating."

"I... I'm walking here, just a little sweat..." vicennio's voice was trembling. His family is a female tiger, not a shy kitten. It's only in front of outsiders that he shows this appearance. If he changes to bed, it's a different appearance.

"Cough." Miya, who was forced to pour dog food in the air, coughed two times, interrupted their relationship and said, "do you want three rougamo and one salted bean curd, respectively?"

"Yes, I want to be the same as him." Bonnie nodded with a smile, looked MIA up and down, and said, "Miss, you are so beautiful."

Then she glanced at vicennio. Is it because the waiter in this restaurant is beautiful that this ghost comes out to eat every day?

Vicennio could only pretend that he couldn't understand Bonnie's eyes. He interrupted anxiously: "no, wife, the rougamo is not delicious. It's not suitable for your taste. You can have a rainbow fried rice. It's good-looking and delicious. And bean curd, you usually like to eat sweet, although I chose salty party, but you eat sweet bean curd may be more in line with the taste

"Rainbow fried rice?" Bonnie's eyes lit up when she heard it. The name of the dish sounds interesting. Can this restaurant really use the beautiful rainbow to fry rice?

However, why does the ghost of his own family want to prevent himself from eating rougamo?

There was a suspicion in Bonnie's eyes.

"Wife, order quickly. Other guests are waiting." Vicennio was a little guilty, and then said directly to abelmia, "she'll have Yangzhou fried rice and sweet bean curd. That's it."

"Yes, just a moment, please." Abelmia nodded and turned to the next guest.

Vicennio was relieved. Rougamo was so effective that he could barely compete with Bonnie after eating it. If Bonnie also ate it

He had no way to imagine what might happen.

Bonnie looked at the restaurant with comfortable decoration and proper partition. She looked back at vicenio with some sadness and said, "husband, you really know how to choose a place, but why didn't you bring me to such an elegant restaurant before? It's really sad to eat alone without caring about others. "

"Actually... Actually, I've just found this restaurant. I'm planning to try it. I'll bring you next time." Vicennio's forehead was full of sweat, a little uneasy.

"Well? Uncle frail, don't you come every day? " Amy passed by with the ugly duckling in her arms, and suddenly stopped, looking strange.

"The little boss mistook me!" Vicennio's face turned black. Looking at Bonnie's abnormal smile, he stammered: "old... Wife... Listen to me..."

"Well, needless to say, there's plenty of time to go back." Bonnie said with a big face.

Vicennio sighed silently in his heart. He had expected what would happen when he went back today.

"Your rougamo, Yangzhou fried rice and bean curd." Before long, abemia came with a tray and put the food in front of them.

Vicennio quickly took three rougamo and put them in his hand. Then he put Yangzhou fried rice and sweet bean curd in front of Bonnie and said with a smile, "wife, this is your rainbow fried rice and sweet bean curd. I heard that after eating this bean curd, your skin will become very good."

"I said that you are getting more and more tender. It turns out that you are taking this kind of tonic on my back outside every day. Do you want to wait for my old pearl yellow, and then go to other rich women to take care of you?" Bonnie looked at vicennio road with a scrutinized face.

Although vicennio is really a little white face who depends on his face to eat, but... He really didn't think so!

A Bonnie has already made his legs soft, so what's the point of looking for other rich women to eat bean curd? It's just because bean curd is really delicious.

"Well, I believe you." Bonnie stared at vicennio for a moment, nodded without waiting for him to explain, then picked up a spoon and scooped up a spoonful of beautiful fried rice, which seemed to cut up a rainbow.

"Oh! It's a wonderful taste Just chew, Bonnie's face will show amazing color, the wonderful taste of all kinds of food in this mouth bloom, and the more chew, the more fragrant, it is too happy.

A swallow, can't help but scoop a feed to the mouth, can't help but indulge in delicious, unable to extricate themselves.

Vicennio looked at Bonnie with a happy smile and was relieved. He also picked up rougamo, two layers of soft and sweet baijimo with soft and rotten stewed meat. When he bit it open, the delicious gravy overflowed, and every taste bud on the tip of his tongue seemed to be cheering and cheering.

He closed his eyes and felt the blood become violent in his body, constantly repairing and filling the vacancy in his body, which made him feel that his empty body was gradually enriched.

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