Watching the cook cook, there will be a wonderful addition. When the cover is removed, the fragrance is satisfied with all the imagination of the audience. Although it is not tasted, it seems that it is very delicious and attractive.

At this time, the crowd and the five judges felt this way. The Milky River fresh soup exudes an attractive fragrance, and the delicious taste of fresh fish and shrimp is thoroughly stimulated by the secret seasoning, which makes people surprised and satisfied.

The ringing of the bell awakened the crowd, and they looked at MEG coming out of the restaurant. Because he went to dinner on the way, people almost forgot that it was a cooking duel.

"It seems that boss Sith's River fresh soup has been finished." McGonagall took a look at the bowl of fresh river soup in front of the judges, and then looked at the expression of the crowd. It seemed that he was not very popular when he left for dinner.

"This boss's behavior is really impolite."

"Yes, first he met the judges, and then he left for dinner in the middle of the duel. Now boss Sith's River fresh soup is in front of the judges. What does he compare with others?"

"Yes, the flavor of this river fresh soup is really attractive. It's pure wild river fresh and fresh food. I decided to go to the Sith restaurant to have a river fresh soup later."

The onlookers whispered that they were not optimistic that McGonagall would win.

"Mr. McGregor, this one is for you." Sith came over with a bowl of fish soup and handed it to MEG.

McGonagall took a look at Sith. It seems that this man is really confident in his own river fresh soup. Is this to convince him to lose?

In this case, wouldn't he want to pay him back?

Isn't that cruel?

McGonagall showed a trace of hesitation.

"I think no matter what the result is, it should be approved by the other party." Sith said with a smile.

MEG took the fish soup and nodded with the same smile: "boss Sith is right, but my soup is coming out of the pot. Let's drink it later." Said carefully put the bowl of fish soup on the side of the table.

"This river fresh soup is milky white, thick but not thick. It perfectly stimulates the delicious taste of fresh river fresh and melts into this pot of soup. It's really a good soup." Candice sniffed and exclaimed, then picked up a spoon to scoop up a spoonful of river fresh soup, put it to his mouth, gently blew a few mouthfuls, and fed it to his mouth.

Although Candice is not the first time to taste the warm river fresh soup, she can't help but praise it: "the freshness of river fish, the softness of mussel and the delicacy of river shrimp are perfectly integrated in this soup, but they show their own taste. They stir up the taste buds and surprise people. It's really delicious."

"Wow, the legendary queen of cold noodle cooking gave such a high evaluation. It seems that boss Sith is really going to win this time!" Someone called softly.

He picked up a spoon and took a spoonful of soup to drink. After a little aftertaste, he nodded slightly and said, "well, the taste of the soup is a little weak, and there is something missing in the seasoning. However, there is something unique in stimulating the taste of the food itself. As far as river fresh is a kind of food, no one in the city of chaos can match it. It can be called a good soup."

"Well known as a gourmet with venomous tongue, since Philip Peter has given boss Sith such a high evaluation, it seems that this vote is stable!" The bald man said to himself with an excited face that he seemed to have seen the dawn of victory.

"Boss Sith's cooking skills are as stable as ever. This bowl of river fresh soup is really worth eating. Although the fish and shrimp in winter are not as plump as those in autumn, they taste more crisp and have a different taste. Good soup." Robert took a few mouthfuls of the soup and nodded.

Mr. Elvis drank a few mouthfuls of soup, looked at Sith and said with a smile: "the best River fresh soup in LoDo is the one from Roosevelt restaurant, which was the best dish in the banquet of Los Empire Palace. The river fresh soup made by Sith chef has eight points of standard. If we make some improvements in the side dishes and seasonings, it is possible to surpass Roosevelt River fresh soup one day."

"The president and Mr. Elvis also highly praised. Four judges have approved him. Has the result of the duel come out yet?" Everyone's eyes turned to Randy, the young food critic. How would he evaluate the river fresh soup?

"No, these judges seem to be very satisfied with this bowl of river fresh soup. Is boss Mai really going to lose?" The familiar customers of Maimi restaurant also have a nervous look on their faces. Although they are full of confidence in boss Mai's cooking skills, now it seems that the other party is also an opponent that can't be underestimated.

"Boss... Should win?" Mia clenched her fist a little nervously. Although McGonagall has never lost, the situation is too tense now.

"Don't worry, my father is so powerful that he will win." Amy said confidently, looking at MEG who was lowering the temperature of the stove.

"Yes, uncle McGonagall is the best cook." Anna also nodded her head and looked at Meg's eyes full of worship.

"If you praise me like this, I will be proud." McGonagall looked back at the two little guys and said with a smile. He was in a good mood. He put on a glove and was ready to uncover it.

On the other hand, Randy also picked up his chopsticks and said with a smile: "several predecessors have commented on the soup. As a meat eater, I'd like to taste the fresh water in the soup first."

Said he picked up a small fish, although cooked in the soup for a long time, but the fish did not scatter, still maintain the appearance of a whole fish.

He put the fish in a small bowl, then picked up a piece of fish and fed it to his mouth.

"Because it's soup, the fish itself tastes very light, and it should be too long, so the fish has a little firewood."

Then he scooped up a spoonful of soup, put a piece of fish in the soup, and fed it to his mouth.

"Well, it's really much better. The soup is very rich, which makes up for the weakness of the fish itself. Moreover, the soup is more rich and delicious than I expected. If I only evaluate the soup, it's really the most delicious soup I've ever tasted in the city of chaos."

"Next, let's try the river shrimp. Stir fried river shrimp is my favorite dish. I don't know how the river shrimp tastes in this soup. Let's tear off its head first, then squeeze out its intestines and peel off its soft shell. Now..."

"Boss Mai has uncovered the cover!"

Just then, someone suddenly exclaimed.

A strong smell of meat suddenly appeared, and then swept away in all directions like a wave. The people who were listening to it couldn't help turning their eyes.

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