"My God! How fragrant it is

People's eyes fell on the big wine jar on the stove at the door of the restaurant. The closed mouth of the jar had been opened, and the incredible fragrance came from the jar.

If the previous flavor of Hexian soup is attractive, then the flavor is amazing, from scratch, just an action of uncovering.

The strong fragrance overflows and almost instantly covers the fragrance of river fresh soup, seafood, meat, mushrooms... And light wine fragrance. The wonderful combination brings incredible fragrance, which makes people fall into one of them all at once.

The crowd, who had been full of sarcasm before, closed their mouths and looked down at the wine jar beside MEG. What was in it? Why does it give off such a wonderful taste!

"This... How can it be like this..." the bald man opened his mouth wide. Although he didn't want to admit it, the fragrance pouring into his nose has destroyed most of his self-confidence.

"Is this the Buddha jumping over the wall? It's true that the flavor is above the river fresh soup, but the soup, after all, is the taste. " Sith slowly clenched his fist and said to himself that his eyes had become a little nervous.

"It's a wonderful smell, isn't it?" Randy forgot to put the shrimps in his mouth, opened his mouth slightly, and unconsciously stretched his neck to look at the wine jar.

"This fragrance, how can it be!" Candice, who was drinking the soup, suddenly looked up and looked at MEG in disbelief.

Robert, feipeter, Elvis and others also stopped their spoons and looked in the direction of McGonagall in surprise. They were obviously surprised by the fragrance.

"Boss, do you really want to use this small bowl? Is it too small? " Abelmia came up with a stack of bowls and whispered.

"They don't give any money. A small bowl is almost enough." McGonagall quietly whispered, took the bowl and began to serve the soup.

There are six small bowls of Buddha jumping over the wall. There are four small pieces of food in each bowl. Each bowl is different.

"Send it to the judges and boss Sith." MEG put down the spoon and looked at the people with a smile: "Buddha jumps over the wall, please taste it."

Bowls of Buddha jumped over the wall and put them in front of the judges. The last bowl was given to Sith.

MEG picked up the bowl of river fresh soup that Sith had given him before, motioned to Sith, and then scooped it up with a spoon. It tasted warm and delicious. The delicious taste of river fresh was perfectly released, and there was no fishy smell. It was really a good bowl of soup, which was better than most chefs.

"Good soup." MEG gave Sith a thumbs up and put the bowl aside. He was just too full to drink a bowl of soup.

Sith moved the corner of his mouth and looked at the bowl that Meg had put aside. He couldn't see that Meg's words were sincere praise or polite words.

Buddha leaping wall has been put in front of all the judges. Compared with the big bowl of river fresh soup, the small bowl of Buddha leaping wall is a little small. It is estimated that it is only about one fifth of river fresh soup.

"Although the soup is delicious, is the boss too stingy? It's just a small bowl. " There are passers by who make complaints about Tucao.

However, most people's eyes are focused on the five judges at this time, and both sides of the duel have already presented soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup.

"How does this soup... Work?" Candice looked puzzled at the brown soup in the small bowl in front of him. There was a piece of transparent shark fin, a piece of chicken, a piece of fungus, and a piece of meat.

She has been in Luodu for more than 40 years. Most of the chefs are friends and have tasted countless delicacies, but she has never met such an aggressive soup just with its fragrance.

Moreover, this kind of aggressiveness is not offensive. On the contrary, there is a kind of impulse that he wants to get rid of at the first contact.

Of course, the wording is a bit inappropriate, but that's how she feels now.

It seems to be a messy combination, but the perfect fusion into an irresistible wonderful fragrance, which is really incredible.

Soup has always been regarded as a side dish on the table.

But if there is a table of dishes in front of us now, even if it is a palace banquet, the fragrance of this soup has made it an absolute protagonist.

Meg's arrogant performance made her have a bad impression on him, but the soup in front of her made her want to try.

"As a fair judge, it's my duty to taste, so I'll just have a taste." Candice convinced himself in his heart, then picked up a spoon and put a spoonful of soup into his mouth.

Delicious soup, slowly infiltrating taste buds, and then like a storm, set off a crazy trio!

The delicious seafood, the mellow meat, the delicious fungus... All kinds of flavors come out one by one, playing a fascinating movement on the tip of the tongue.

"Oh! Incredible taste! In a small mouthful of soup, how to blend in the delicious taste of so many kinds of food materials is not only without the slightest abruptness, but also with a rich sense of hierarchy. This is a master cooking skill, which is amazing. " After swallowing the soup, Candice couldn't help exclaiming.

As soon as she said that, she felt that something was wrong. But when she looked at the wonderful bowl of Buddha jumping over the wall in front of her, she couldn't say anything against her heart. It was a blasphemy to her belief and career that she had insisted on for decades.

The onlookers were quiet for a while, and they were surprised.

It's incredible that the cooking queen was once so outspoken by McGonagall, but now she praises McGonagall's jumping over the wall?

"Boss Mai, as expected, never let people down." Pete looked at the small bowl in front of him. With tears in his eyes, he scooped up a spoonful of soup and fed it to his mouth.

In his occupation occupation, there was once a Waterloo, which was the last time Ricci met him. As an excellent tongue critic, he could only be too mean for Tucao boss, which made him make complaints about his career.

For this reason, he stopped writing for a week, then rallied his strength and decided to go to the Maimi restaurant to pick on the thorns and regain his self-confidence.

From that day on, his every day was Waterloo.

Waterloo is good for a while, it's good for a long time.

So far, he still only summed up one point: boss Mai, too stingy!


It's hopeless.

Delicious soup sweeps the taste buds, and the rich layers brought by dozens of ingredients are amazing, while the delicious combination makes people indulge in it, just like wandering in the warm spring water and having a good sleep.

"Sure enough... Boss Mai is still too stingy!"

Phoebe opened his eyes and looked at the little bowl with tears streaming down his face.

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