"A failed preserved egg."


"An ordinary preserved egg."


"A preserved egg without skin."

McGonagall looked at the exquisitely patterned preserved eggs on the plate. After three circles of color, he raised his eyebrows and said, "system, what's the devil if there's not enough skin?"

[(head) Shen Maige

Three years ago, from Huawei imate 10

"What kind of authentic Weishan Lake preserved egg doesn't taste like skin at all? You'd better go home and see more Pikachu to make it."]

McGonagall: "and

It's a jerk.

McGonagall poured the preserved eggs into the kitchen waste bin and continued to make preserved eggs.

In life, if he can do it once in a while, he must be a kind and loving rich second generation. He loves life and never goes online blindly.





"Congratulations! You have made a very skinny preserved egg

A successful preserved egg is really very skinny.

McGonagall poked it with his finger. The feel of q-bomb was very obvious. It sank slightly. After the finger was taken away, it quickly returned to its original state.

The tea brown preserved egg is translucent, with pine branch pattern on the surface. It's made by nature occasionally, but it's exquisite. It's just like a master of traditional Chinese painting. It's amazing.

The outer ring is full of elasticity, translucent Tan, the middle ring is slightly yellow, soft texture, and the middle is golden.

Beautiful is like a delicate work of art.

McGonagall nodded with satisfaction. This is a good-looking preserved egg.

A faint fragrance is coming.

When the preserved egg is finished, porridge is nothing to MEG.

After dozens of failures, a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge with perfect color and flavor was successfully produced.

"That's for breakfast tomorrow." McGonagall's mouth grinned as he smelled the smell, and then he quit the kitchen god test.


The next morning, McGonagall opened the door, looked at Camilla standing at the door and said, "it seems that our Countess has found the right door today."

Camilla's proud face rose a little red. She looked at McGonagall and wanted to eat him. With a cold hum, she drove McGonagall straight into the restaurant.

McGonagall rubbed his shoulder, which hurt a little. As soon as he entered the kitchen, his eyes fell on Camilla's hand, where he began to brush the cucumbers, and secretly raised her eyebrows. This woman is not easy to provoke.

"Uncle McGonagall, what can I do for you?" Asked Anna, looking at MEG.

"If Anna wants to help..." McGonagall took a look at the time, but at six o'clock, the little guy really remembered his promise and got up early to help.

"Good morning, boss, good morning, Anna." At this time, the voice of abelmia came from the outside. She came into the door smiling and said hello to magnana.

"Good morning." Elizabeth came into the door, and said plainly.

"It's so early. I think I should get some more sleep." Barbara came in yawning and rubbed her bleary eyes. She didn't wake up.

"Everyone came so early. I thought I was the earliest." Gina came down from the upstairs, blinked, with a look of surprise.

"Boss, we are all here. If there is anything we need to do, just tell us." Abelmia looked at MEG with a vigorous smile and said briskly.

McGonagall looked at all the people who were present. They were still more than an hour away from work time. They all came ahead of time in such cold weather. He was moved and said with a smile: "I'm going to make breakfast for them now. What I'm preparing for them is preserved egg and lean meat porridge. It's also a new product that I'm going to launch today. Just sit and have a rest. I'll need you when I start distributing porridge."

"And if you're going to come, come back at half past six and get more sleep in the morning." Walking to the kitchen door, MEG added, turning back.

A large enough pot, Taomi into the pot, the fire boil, in turn, add a variety of ingredients

Step McGonagall has been cooked in the chest, porridge in the pot gradually become thick.

And at this time, outside the restaurant, already began to have cleaners holding mops came one after another, carefully looking toward the restaurant.

"Oh, look at this big crystal. It's so big, and it's still two. How much does it cost?" An old man looked at the floor glass window of the restaurant with a look of amazement. He reached out to touch it. When he was about to touch it, he suddenly retracted his hand and said with a lingering fear: "if it's damaged, I can't accompany him even if I sell this old bone."

"Yes, this is the only restaurant in Aden square that looks so good. Even the Ducas restaurant is far worse than that." An old lady exclaimed.

"Do you think the boss will really prepare breakfast for us? I've heard that the cheapest dishes here cost 200 copper dollars. We have so many people, don't we have to eat thousands of them? Or does he just make us something to eat? " A thin old man was a little worried.

"Don't talk nonsense, Elton. Boss McGrady is a good man. He said he would prepare breakfast for us, so he would certainly prepare breakfast for us." Old Jack stares and says, "and boss McGrady provides us breakfast for free. Do you want the best?"

"I'll just say it casually. Today I don't even have any cakes. If I don't have any, I'll be hungry." Elton said with a smile, no more words.

The cleaners gradually gathered at the door. They came to work at four o'clock and swept the ground for more than two hours under the severe cold. It would be cold and hungry. Many people have already stamped their feet in the same place.

"Sir, what are you doing in front of the restaurant this morning? Will you come to dinner in a group? " Harrison and jergi, who meet for morning exercise and come to the restaurant directly without running for a few steps, can't help asking curiously as they look at the cleaners gathered at the door of the restaurant.

"The owner of the restaurant is a good man. He said he would provide us with free breakfast. Isn't it 6:30? We are waiting for breakfast." Old Jack said with a smile.

"Wow, boss Mai is happy to provide you with free breakfast." Harrison looked at the crowd with admiration.

"Boss Mai is really a good man." Jergi also said with a smile.

Ding Ling!

Just then, the bell on the door made a crisp sound, and the door of the dining room opened outwards. MIA came out with a big pot which was much thicker than her waist in her hands, and put it on the floor of the door.

"Is this what boss Mai calls weak women?" Harrison and jergi swallowed at the same time.

Abelmia smiles at the crowd and then uncovers the lid of the pot.

A unique fragrance, accompanied by the steaming heat, suddenly towards the crowd.

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