"It smells good!"

The people at the door of the restaurant looked at the bucket one after another. Their eyes were full of surprise. Smelling the attractive fragrance and looking at the rising heat, their hungry stomach suddenly began to purr.

"What is this? Why is it so fragrant? " An old man swallowed his saliva, stretched his neck and looked in the direction of the barrel.

"It's really delicious. It's like the smell of meat. Will we have meat in the morning?" Elton licked his lips, surprised.


As soon as they heard meat, the cleaners' eyes lit up one after another. With their wages, they could barely eat enough. They could only eat meat once every few months. If they could eat meat every morning, they would be very happy.

"The fragrance is so unique. Is there any new product from boss Mai?" Harrison was also curious. He stepped forward and looked into the barrel. The rising heat covered the barrel, and he could not see the situation in the barrel clearly.

Then MEG came out with a notice board and hung it on the door.

"Today's new product: preserved egg and lean meat porridge, special for breakfast." Harrison whispered, clapped his hand and said, "I knew it must be a new product. Let's have this this morning."

"Good." Geerjee nodded, "the new product of boss Mai will never let people down."

McGonagall, Harrison and jergi nodded to say hello, then looked at the cleaners and said with a smile, "everyone is here. Please wait a moment. We'll serve you a bowl of steaming preserved egg and lean meat porridge right away."

"Preserved egg and lean meat porridge, that's really meat!" Elton looked at the bucket with his eyes shining. His salary was not enough for him to gamble. He was in debt everywhere. He had not had a full meal for a long time, let alone meat.

"Boss Mai, it's OK. We're not hungry." Old Jack said with a smile.

"Nonsense, your stomach has been growling for a long time." The old lady beside him said with a smile.

As soon as the old lady's voice fell, there was a grunt around her, which made everyone laugh.

"It seems that they are all hungry." MEG laughed, took a spoon with a long handle, took a big bowl from abemia, scooped a bowl full of preserved eggs and lean meat porridge, and handed it to the front cleaner.

A thick bowl of porridge is dotted with sauced shredded meat and translucent preserved eggs, and then sprinkled with a pinch of green scallions. It is full of color and fragrance, making people want to swallow their saliva just by looking at it.

Abelmia looked at the crowd and said with a smile, "everyone line up and come forward one by one to get porridge."

After a short period of confusion, the cleaners quickly arranged two lines according to the usual standing line at the meeting, and one by one came forward to receive porridge.

"It's a little hot. Be careful." McGonagall cautioned.

"Thank you. You are a good man." The cleaner took the porridge and said gratefully, carrying the big bowl to the side of the square steps, put his sack on the steps, sat on the ground, holding the bowl and blowing it carefully.

"Meat, really meat!" As soon as he turned around, no matter how hot the porridge was, he grabbed a piece of shredded meat and put it into his mouth. After chewing, two lines of tears rolled down from the corner of his eyes! It's really meat! "

More and more cleaners received the preserved egg and lean meat porridge. Most of them carefully held the bowl and sat on the side steps. They warmed their cold and stiff hands with the bowl with suitable temperature. The heat and aroma fell on their faces, making those wrinkled black faces smile and look forward to it.

"Boss Mai is really a good man. It's better to provide breakfast for these old people than anything else." Harrison said, but his eyes were fixed on the bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, and he swallowed.

"These old people are really poor." Abelmia looked at the old people pitifully. At such an old age, she had to do the cleaning work early in the morning.

"Is it so hard and difficult for the cleaner to work? I thought they just had to do it with magic. " Barbara holds her chin and looks curious, which is too different from her imagination. She always thinks that these old people with big broomsticks are actually witches.

Elton wiped a tear and looked at the cleaners sitting on the steps. His eyes fell on the empty seats, beautiful log tables and chairs, exquisite carving. Normally, only the rich and powerful can sit there and enjoy expensive food, while they can only sit on the cold steps.

"Why can they sit there? We can't sit there. Since he wants to be a good man, why can't he be a good man to the end?" Suddenly, Elton was jealous. He looked back at McGonagall and said with a smile, "boss McGonagall, since you are a good man, let me sit there and eat. It's not convenient to sit on the steps."

"Sit down?" The eyes of the cleaners also fell on the tables and chairs placed at the door. It is really a very good thing to be able to sit at the table and eat hot porridge like a rich man.

McGonagall handed the porridge to old Jack at the end of the line and told him not to burn it. Then he looked at Elton.

A few white hair flying disorderly, a worn-out cotton padded jacket do not know how long did not wash, all kinds of oil, dirt layer upon layer, even that face feel can scrape half a jin of dirt, just like a tramp.

But he is a cleaner with a salary. Although the salary is not high, it is enough for an ordinary person to ensure food and clothing. Even if he can't live decently, he can at least live cleanly.

McGonagall looked at Elton and said calmly, "I'm sorry, sir. I'll provide breakfast for you, but there's no way to provide a dining place, because the restaurant will be open soon. As you know, cleaning is not an easy thing. I need to ensure that my restaurant can be open normally."

"What's the matter? We'll clean you up after sitting. Don't you think we're dirty?" Elton said innocently.

The cleaner's eyes fell on McGonagall, with a trace of inexplicable emotion.

McGonagall frowned and looked at Elton. What worried him the most was still happening?

"This dirty grandfather, don't you know you are really dirty?" Just then, a soft voice came out of the dining room. Amy came out with the ugly duckling in her arms and looked at Elton with disgust on her face.

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