The guests came one after another and lined up at the door of the restaurant.

"Why do I have to go through this early in the morning?"

"I want to be a cleaner all of a sudden."

"Is this preserved egg and lean meat porridge really that delicious? It seems necessary to change the breakfast today. "

Looking at the cleaner sitting on the stairs eating delicious hot porridge, the guests in line had a strong discomfort and envy.

After eating the porridge in the bowl, a chubby cleaner went to the bucket with the bowl in his hand and hesitated: "but... Can you give me another mouthful of porridge?"

"Of course, I've prepared enough porridge for everyone, even if everyone has another bowl." McGonagall nodded with a smile, took the bowl, scooped it up again and handed it to him. The porridge didn't fill his stomach much, let alone they were hungry people.

"Thank you." The cleaner gratefully said, holding the bowl carefully back to the steps to sit.

Hearing McGonagall's words, many cleaners came over with bowls and filled a bowl of porridge. It's the first time for them to eat such delicious porridge. If they can eat another bowl, they will be very happy.

Although porridge is delicious, most of the cleaners eat very fast. Before long, two bowls of porridge are eaten. Old Jack and his wife help to fold up the bowls and chopsticks and put them on the table.

The cleaners expressed their thanks to MEG one after another, and their old faces were a little more ruddy and smiling.

"Burp." Elton belched and drank three bowls of porridge. If he didn't really have to drink it, he planned to have another bowl. He put the bowl on the table casually and looked at a lot of preserved egg and lean meat porridge left in the big pot. His eyes brightened and he looked at McGonagall with a smile and said, "well, boss McGonagall, we've eaten this porridge, you should not have it? Why don't you give it all to me and I'll take it back for lunch. It's a pity that you pour it. "

"The rest is our breakfast. It won't be poured out." McGonagall took the lid of the pot and put it on the pot. Looking at Elton, he said calmly, "I'm not as noble as you think, and you don't have to belittle yourself. We are just ordinary people. My daughter is eating the same food in the same pot with you in the same bowl, so are we."

The cleaners who are going to leave are looking at MEG and the lovely little Lori who is holding a big bowl and licking the bottom of the bowl. Their eyes are moist.

Standing on one side, the guests were thoughtful. They even thought that the cleaners had used the dishes. They felt a little ashamed and gave MEG a look of approval.

Elton was stunned for a moment, and found that the atmosphere was not quite right. He did not expect that McGonagall, a rich restaurant owner, would eat in the same pot with them. The abacus failed. He took back his hand and said with a smile: "well, then... I don't want to. You eat, you eat." With that, take two steps quickly, pick up your own things and leave quickly.

"Mr. McGonagall, that's what Elton is. He's greedy, but he's not too bad. I hope you don't take it too seriously. I'll talk to him later." Old Jack looked at McGonagall with some regret and said that he was the first one to know McGonagall. He felt sorry for this.

"It doesn't matter." McGonagall shook his head with a smile, then looked at the crowd: "tomorrow morning is still half past six. Remember to come on time."

After thanking the cleaners, they also picked up their tools and left one after another, and the cleaning work was waiting for them.

However, after eating this hot preserved egg and lean meat porridge, I felt warm all over, and my strength became abundant all at once, and I had a lot of energy to sweep the floor.

Abemia took the rest of the small pot of preserved egg and lean meat porridge into the restaurant. Everyone cleaned up the dishes and entered the door.

"It's said that boss Mai provides breakfast for the cleaners in Aden square. What they serve are new products?"

"Yes, I came early. I just saw it. The cleaners were very happy. It was delicious."

"Boss Mai is really a good man. I have to taste the preserved egg and lean meat porridge this morning to see what kind of skin method it is."

The guests came one after another. Today's new product and McGonagall's breakfast for the cleaners spread all over the world, causing a lot of discussion.

And in the restaurant, Meg's breakfast today is really the preserved egg and lean meat porridge left in the bucket.

"Well, this porridge is really delicious. It melts immediately in the mouth, and its texture is thick. The smell of meat has been completely integrated into the porridge, and the preserved egg doesn't taste like duck egg at all. It's delicious!" Abelmia's mouth moved and swallowed a mouthful of porridge. She said with surprise.

Other people eat preserved egg and lean meat porridge, and their faces are full of surprise, which is more delicious than they think. The beautiful preserved egg played by Q brings us a wonderful experience.

"Father, may I have a fried dough stick? I think it will be delicious with this porridge. " Amy refilled the bowl and raised her hand.

"If anyone else wants fried dough sticks, give them a name." MEG got up and went to the kitchen, as he said.

"I'll have one, too." Mia raised her hand.

"I want to eat it, too." Anna raised her little hand.

"Meow!" The ugly duckling tries to raise a little paw.

"No, you don't want to." Amy pushed his paw back.

"Meow ~" the ugly duckling looks at Amy with some bitterness. The appearance of Wei qubaba makes people feel sad.

"Can't wait to grow up? According to my father, the most suitable weight for roast duck is 10 jin. " Amy asked, looking down at it seriously.

The ugly duckling's eyes glared, immediately shook his head like a rattle, walked back to Anna's side, swished to hide behind Anna.


Outside the restaurant, the guests lined up early again. This corner of the cold square was very busy.

"Excuse me, please." Just then, a black carriage came and stopped in front of the dining room.

Adams came out of the carriage, jumped out of the carriage and said to the driver, "get the things out."

"Yes." The coachman answered, got into the carriage and came out with a long plaque covered with red cloth.

"And what is this?"

The guests in the queue looked curiously at the high plaque held by the driver. What is the knight going to do?

Adams tidied up his light armor, then went to the door of the restaurant, reached for his hand, knocked on the door, and said in a loud voice, "Mr. McGregor, please open the door. I have something I want to give you."

McGonagall, who was coming out of the kitchen with fried dough sticks, put the sticks on the table and motioned to the girls to eat first. He went to the door and opened the door. Looking at Adams standing in front of the door and the driver holding a long plaque behind him, he showed some doubt.

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