Adams was wearing bright gold and silver armor, which made MEG quickly remember that he was the first guest to jump over the wall the day before yesterday, and he was very excited after eating.

However, the day before yesterday, he still had thick hair. Today, his hair is almost as short as a bald head, only a little short hair can be seen.

"Sure enough, some people look bright on the surface, but in fact, have their wigs withered?" McGonagall was thoughtful, but this morning, he was carrying a man and an unknown object. What was he going to do?

"Boss Mai, I'm... I'm here to give you a memorial tablet." Adams said excitedly.

"The tablet?" McGonagall, it's early in the morning. Is it a smash? Is it too much to give a memorial tablet or something?

The guests also looked at each other when they heard the words. The little boy looked pretty and sunny, but did he come to make trouble?

"No, no, I'm wrong. It's a plaque. It's a thank you plaque!" Adams quickly reflected his slip of tongue, quickly shook his head, turned around and pulled off the red cloth on the long plaque. A glittering plaque appeared in everyone's sight, and the glittering pure gold was very dazzling.

"Master Shengfa!"

Harrison blurted out at the top.

McGonagall looked at the glittering plaque and the four big characters made of pure gold. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

The regular customers in the queue looked at the short hair that just appeared on Adams' head, and at the glittering plaque, they immediately understood what.

"Well, I can't stand it. I can't stand it." McGonagall shook his head. He's running a restaurant. What kind of hairdresser? Where can I hang this plaque?

What if people fail to learn in the future and send such banners as "hanging pot to help the world", "peerless doctor" and "gynecological master"?

"Your extraordinary creation and invention have changed my life. This plaque is just a little bit of my heart. If you can't afford it, there will be no other person in the world who can afford it. Please accept it." Adams said with a sincere face that he commissioned someone else to make it yesterday and sent it in person this morning to express his gratitude.

"Mr. Mai, just take it. Look at this plaque. It's shining and bright. It's so conspicuous on the door. It's very helpful to improve the popularity of the restaurant." Harrison laughed.

"Yes, boss Mai, he is also grateful to you. If you do something good, take it." Soon other guests followed suit.

"Speaking of it, should I also make a plaque of midwifery master for boss Mai to express my gratitude?" Jergi looked at the plaque thoughtfully.

"Please accept it." Adams said sincerely.

Looking at Adams's sincere expression and listening to the persuasion of other guests, MEG pondered for a while. It was inconvenient to stand in this stalemate, so he reluctantly nodded his head. Looking at Adams, he said: "since you have a piece of heart, I can't refuse, but although I have collected this plaque, I won't hang it. I will keep it well."

Adams was a little disappointed when he heard that McGonagall didn't hang up, but he soon showed a smile and nodded: "OK, it's up to boss McGonagall to make the decision, as long as you can accept my wishes."

"You're welcome." McGonagall nodded slightly, relieved that if Adams insisted that he put up the plaque on the spot, the restaurant would be renamed the McMillan salon.

"I'll ask him to take the plaque in for you. It's a little heavy." Adams sidled to let the coachman out.

"No, I'll take it in myself." MEG reached out and took the plaque from the coachman's hand. It seemed that the plaque was made of gold. It was really heavy. If it was hung outside, it would be stolen the next day. "Then I'll go to dinner first, and I'll send Amy to school later." Then, holding the plaque, he turned and entered the restaurant.

"Go back first." Adams and the coachman said he went straight to the end of the line and lined up.

"It turns out that young master Adams's hair grew out of boss Mai's jumping over the wall. I just don't know if it has anything to do with his sudden breakthrough." In the team, a middle-aged man's eyes followed Adams all the way to the end of the team, thinking, "if you tell master Chanel about this, there should be some new breakthroughs in the business he didn't negotiate last time. I heard that he was also troubled by hair loss when he was young."

McGonagall went out of the door, and then came in with a long golden plaque, which immediately attracted the eyes of the women sitting at the table eating.

"Father, what is that?" Amy asked curiously.

"Master Shengfa? What's the title? " Mia read over the words on the plaque, a little strange.

McGonagall saw that everyone was curious and explained helplessly: "a guest said that I had changed his life, so he specially sent a plaque to express his thanks."

"Then why not hang it outside and let everyone see it?" Anna asked curiously.

"It seems strange to hang a plaque of master Shengfa in a restaurant?" Barbara looked at the plaque.

"Yes, we are a restaurant after all. The guests are not willing to refuse, but this plaque is not suitable for hanging at the door." McGonagall nodded approvingly, carrying the plaque toward the stairs, and said, "you eat first. I'll take the plaque upstairs."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the title of "hair master" and triggering the hidden task: hair loss will cause great harm to people's physiology and psychology at the same time. As a candidate for Kitchen God, we must cherish the world, rescue those people who are deeply troubled by hair loss, and let them have beautiful hair again to welcome a new life. Please help 30 hair loss people get rid of their hair loss troubles in three days! Mission success: get a cut pepper fish head recipe! Mission failure: the host will become bald and irreversible. Task progress: 630. "

At this moment, McGonagall's mind suddenly sounded the sound of the system.

"Lying trough!" McGonagall almost blurted out.

"System, is your failure punishment too vicious? What the hell is baldness MEG rolled his eyes and said to himself.

"Saving a bald person is better than building a level 7 putu, host, come on!" The system encourages the way, and then completely disappears.

"Shit." McGonagall looked at the plaque in his hand, and suddenly had the impulse to hang it out again. After all, it took two days for the Buddha to jump out of the wall, and only six hair loss patients got help, and the remaining 24 people, who knows when they can get together.

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