Forced to resist the urge to hang master Shengfa's plaque at the door, McGonagall dropped it in the corner of the third floor, adjusted his mood, went downstairs, had breakfast and sent Amy to school.

When going out, McGonagall specially observed the proportion of baldness among the guests queuing at the door. At a glance, the baldness people that can be seen everywhere are not common in the queue. Besides Adams, there are only two middle-aged guests.

"Hair loss is really melancholy." MEG sighed, pedaling his bike and driving Yami slowly away.

When I passed guangluo work agency, boss Chris was watering the plants at the door.

"Good morning, uncle bird's nest." Amy said with a smile.

"Good morning, little boss." Chris raised his head and answered helplessly.

During this period of time, Maimi restaurant has become the most popular restaurant in the whole chaotic city. He also took time to eat it once. Although the employment agency brought him a lot of income, it still made him suffer a lot when he had to take out hundreds or thousands of copper coins for a meal, so he only went once.

McGonagall also smiles and nods to Chris. His eyes stay on his head for a while. What a baldness. It would be perfect if he could have a Buddha's jump wall.

"Ding! Warning system, do not take the initiative to solicit guests, otherwise it will be regarded as illegal behavior, directly determine the failure of the task Before McGonagall spoke, the sound of the system had already sounded in McGonagall's mind.

"System, are you going too far? I'm afraid the wine is fragrant. The basic propaganda is in line with the trade rules. Why don't you let me publicize it? " McGonagall raised his eyebrows.

"Host, as a candidate of Kitchen God, how can he do the act of soliciting guests on the street? This will seriously reduce your forced grid, not conducive to the cultivation of kitchen god temperament

"You're discriminating against girls who make money with their bodies." Meg said sternly, "what did they do wrong? Aren't they working people? "

"I remember that there was an alley where many little sisters lived. They often stood at the door to enjoy the cool. They were very hospitable and always asked me to go to their house. What good girls! Later, there were too many people who wanted to promote the city. The alleys were gone, and the hospitable ladies were gone. Do you think that's right? " MEG continued.

"Hospitality is not a commendatory word in the human language system? So why were they driven away?

Information inquiry

There is no required information in the database

There is no solution to the problem, enter the learning state! "

"In system learning..."

McGonagall was still waiting for a systematic answer, and a line of words floated silently through his mind.

"It's really a learning system." McGonagall is picking his eyebrows. I don't know how long the system will come out this time.

"Uncle bird's nest, why don't you go to our restaurant and have a Buddha's jump wall? In this way, your hair will grow out? " Before MEG spoke, Amy asked curiously.

"The hair is growing out!" Chris's eyes lit up and he looked at Amy with surprise and said, "little boss, is that true? After eating the Buddha... After the Buddha jumps over the wall, his hair will grow out? "

"Yes, several uncles and big brothers who have no hair have come to the dining room to eat Buddha's jumping off the wall and grow their hair again." Amy nodded and added, "but Uncle bird's nest, you have to come at night. Buddha jumps over the wall. It's only available at night."

"Good, good, good! I will come Chris nodded busily. If there's something more important than making money in the world, it's probably the thinning hair.

Seeing the Mediterranean growing bigger and protecting the only golden hair on the top of his head like a baby every day, he suddenly heard that there was a way to regenerate the hair, which really surprised him.

McGonagall looks at Amy, who has successfully facilitated the transaction. Unexpectedly, he hasn't opened his mouth and Amy has completed it. In this case, the little guy really has a business mind of precision marketing.

Chris is eager to go to McMillan's restaurant now. This guest has been included in the hair set meal series. McGonagall continues to drive towards the school on his bicycle.

Holding Amy's hand, he walked into the school. It was really the place where intellectuals stayed. McGonagall immediately saw some bald heads and some heads on the verge of being bald. Especially in the direction of physics college, several young people with obviously backward hairline were arguing fiercely. They were shaking their heads and their hair was flying. The scene was quite amazing.

"It's a rich resource pool." McGonagall's eyes brightened, but there was no computer school. Otherwise, as long as he ran to the door of the school and yelled, it was estimated that the students and teachers of the computer school would be able to fill the restaurant.

An alternative solution has come to Meg's mind.

As soon as he entered the magic room, Krasu looked at Amy and said with a smile, "after my negotiation with Julian, if little Amy wants to have a holiday, we will also give you a long holiday, five days before and five days after the peace day, a total of ten days."

"Really?" Amy's eyes lit up.

"Of course it's true. When did Shifu cheat you?" Krasu nodded with a smile.

"Thank you, master Krasu!" Amy jumped into Crassus' arms, then turned to MEG and said happily, "father, I can have a holiday, too!"

"Well, Amy can have a holiday, too." McGonagall said with a smile, it seems that Krasu and Julian are still very concerned about Amy's wishes. Although they can't take a 30 day long holiday like ordinary students, a 10 day long holiday is also very rare.

Back in the restaurant, the morning business hours soon began.

The story of Adams delivering the plaque in the morning has spread, and the rumor that the Buddha can jump over the wall has been verified again, and it has become a big topic.

Who has no one or two people who suffer from hair loss? Since there is this kind of special medicine, even if it's a little expensive, it's still worth recommending.

In the morning, when the business was over and the sunshine was good, MEG went out with a deck chair, laid it up, and lay flat, ready to take a nap in the sun.

"Mr. McGonagall, I'm not bothering you with the sun, are you?" At this time, a gentle voice sounded.

MEG opened his eyes, sat up, looked at Gloria, shook his head with a smile and said, "it's OK. I just lay down. What can miss Gloria do for me?"

"Yes, there's something I'd like to hear from Mr. McGonagall, so I'd like to interrupt you abruptly." Gloria nodded.

"Then sit over there and talk. I'll get a pot of tea." MEG got up, motioned Gloria to sit aside, and turned into the dining room.

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