A pot of black tea was cooking on a small stove, and the warm winter sun came down. MEG leaned comfortably in the wooden chair, looked at Gloria, and asked with a smile, "what does Miss Gloria want to say to me?"

"Well, because of my family, I'm still a director of Aden chamber of Commerce. But two days ago, my grandfather suddenly came to me and said that my uncle Cyril wanted to dismiss me at the year-end meeting in a few days. He has contacted many directors.

Although I don't care about the so-called director status, my grandfather said that if I can't retain the director status with my own ability, I will be eliminated from the candidate list. And if I can stay, the part of the family property that was allocated to me will become my permanent property.

You said, "what should I do?" Gloria looked at MEG and said helplessly.

"It's really a big family series." McGonagall sighed in his heart that although he was born in a wealthy family in his previous life, because he was the only child, there was no such drama as fighting for family property.

Because of the Aden chamber of Commerce, except Gloria, McGonagall didn't like the Molton family. The powerful president, Liu Adou Cyril, who couldn't afford it, was nothing good to him.

At the beginning, he made a great wish to subvert the Aden chamber of Commerce and reset those people with unequal rules.

Miss Hill is a pawn for him to invest in this game, and miss Gloria, who gradually shows her business talent and begins to explore madly towards the succession of the Morton family, is his second-hand preparation.

Of course, when he first decided to help Gloria, he didn't think so complicated. He just took it as a little help to his friends and became an angel investor.

Now, Dailan clothing is developing rapidly, and the production line is becoming more and more perfect under Meg's suggestion. With the evolution from inefficient individual labor to efficient division of labor and assembly line, the productivity is also rising. It has obtained a wide land in the north of the city, ready to build a new clothing factory.

MEG appreciated Gloria's talent and judgment in business operation, but she was immature in dealing with some daily affairs.

"Judging from the change of your grandfather's attitude, there should be some changes in the matter of inheritors. If you can complete this task, maybe you can compete with your uncle in the same position fairly.

However, since he dares to point out this matter directly with your grandfather, he must have contacted many directors who can vote, and his status as the only heir of the Molton family has existed for many years, so more people should think that he will become the heir of the Molton family.

Therefore, it's no longer meaningful to lobby the directors of the Morton department. Your grandfather may be able to influence some directors and make them stand in a fair position. But in just a few days, you can't come up with a performance that convinces those directors. " McGonagall analyzed.

"What should I do?" Gloria stares at MEG and asks. Because of this, she feels helpless and comes to see MEG.

"You may be able to meet Miss Hill, the four major families of Aden chamber of Commerce. In addition to the Molton family, the most powerful one is the Buffett family. If she can stand on your side, the result may be different." McGonagall.

"Miss Hill?" Gloria was a little stunned, shook her head and said, "Miss Hill has a bad relationship with my grandfather because of running for president. She certainly won't be on my side."

"How do you know if you don't try?" MEG poured a cup of black tea in front of Gloria and said with a smile.

Gloria looked at MEG with encouraging eyes, silent for a while, and nodded her head hard, "well, I'm going to try, even if I fail, at least I have to try first."

After a cup of black tea, Gloria left.

McGonagall drank tea alone, but he didn't feel sleepy. He put away the tea set and rode out on his bicycle. For two days, he didn't get any news from the elves.

"It seems that the situation of the night elves is not so good. I don't know if they are going well with Phyllis." MEG frowned as he came out of the alley and changed back into his clothes.

Just spent a lot of gold in exchange for the latest news, the wind forest has surrounded the cave where the night elves are. The attack and defense of the cave has been fought for several rounds. Although the night elves have the advantage of terrain, the strength and strength of the wind forest are more and more. Now it is completely relying on Irene's strong personal strength to support the last defense line of the night elves.

Although the goblins lent the caves to the night elves, they didn't mean to intervene in the war and didn't give any help to the night elves from the beginning to the end.

At this time, the grotto is like an isolated island. All forces basically believe that the rebellion will be put down soon. Even with the guidance of Elena, the strength of the night elves is still too weak to shake the rule of the wind forest.

"We have to find a way to give Elena more help." Meg said to himself, got on his bike and came back. He stopped at the next blacksmith's shop and went into the blacksmith's shop. The sound of hammering came from behind.

"Boss Mai, why are you here?" McGonagall just walked to the door of forging room, Mo Bai looked up to see him, some unexpected way.

"I've come up with something about artillery recently, so I want to talk to you." Meg said with a smile.

Ink white smell speech eyes a bright, put the heavy hammer in the hand aside, smile ha ha way: "OK, that we talk outside, I just also have some doubts, want to ask you."

"According to Mr. McGonagall's previous suggestion, I made a gun, but for some unknown reason, the shells often exploded inside the barrel, causing damage to the barrel, failing to shoot out or cause damage. Moreover, the power of the shell can't be increased in the limited volume. I have estimated that a shell can only cause fatal threat to Warcraft about Level 3 if it explodes in a short distance. " Mo Bai spread out a drawing and frowned.

MEG looked at the drawing and asked, "where's the barrel?"

"In the workshop outside the city, I built a workshop on a plain about ten miles away from the city of chaos because I was worried about the danger of the experiment." Mo Bai replied.

"If it's convenient, take me there in the afternoon. The gun has a high demand on the barrel. The reason for the explosion can only be found after seeing it. I have some ideas about how to improve the power of artillery shells, but let's wait until we see the artillery. " MEG looks at Mobai.

"Well, I'll take boss Mai that afternoon." Mo Bai nodded.

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