At the end of business at noon, MEG followed Mobai to the outside of the city.

Mobai's artillery workshop was built on a plain ten miles away from the city. The surrounding area was very remote and covered with loess. A loess courtyard stood there abruptly.

"I've bought this piece of land. No one will come here on weekdays, so I don't worry about doing any experiments." Mo Bai stopped the carriage and looked at MEG coming out of the carriage. He said with a smile.

"It's very good. The veterans of the two bombs and one satellite also won the world peace in such a difficult environment." MEG stood on the shaft of the car and looked around. The seriously desertified plain really felt like the northwest.

"Come in." Mo Bai tied up his horse, opened the big lock on the door, pushed the door open and went in.

MEG jumped out of the carriage and followed him into the yard.

As soon as I entered the yard, a smell of gunpowder came to my face. Iron blocks were piled up everywhere in the yard, and two guns were placed in the corner. The style of the gun had the feeling of a big gun in red.

"Mr. Mai, you see, these are the guns I made. These two doors were newly made two days ago. Some improvements have been made. Before, the blast chamber was broken and they became scrap iron." The white-collar led MEG to the gun in the corner.

Although McGonagall graduated from mechanical design at that time, he didn't study gun manufacturing after all, and he didn't have any in-depth research on advanced artillery. He could only put forward some suggestions on the manufacturing process of these two guns from the perspective of mechanical specialty, such as changing the quenching method, improving the heat resistance of the barrel, polishing the interior of the barrel, and thickening the barrel.

And McGonagall further improved the structure of the gun, from the original ignition firing to firing ignition firing.

At the beginning of the class, the teacher took a German gun of World War II as a case to talk about. He still remembered the structural drawing and parameters. As for whether the technological level could meet the standard, it was Mobai's business.

"What a wonderful design, Mr. McGregor. You are a genius!" Mo Bai looked at the new drawing and exclaimed.

"I'm just standing on the shoulders of my predecessors." MEG laughed and shook his head.

"Is there anyone else studying artillery?" Mo Bai looks at McGonagall curiously and asks.

"For now, it should be just you and me." MEG shook his head.

"Boss Mai is willing to show me such a complete idea. I really don't know how to thank you." Mo Bai took the drawing and couldn't put it down.

McGonagall looked at Mo Bai and said seriously, "I can provide you with the drawings for free, but I want to make a deal. After the successful research of this artillery, you can only accept my order, and you can't transfer the manufacturing technology and drawings of the artillery to a third person."

"Does boss Mai want artillery, too?" Mo Bai a Leng, some accident of looking at McGonagall.

"If the peace agreement can not continue to be signed, the world may fall into chaos again. As an ordinary person, I have to have some means of self-defense." Meg said with a smile.

"Well, don't worry. With Mr. Mai's cooking skills, there are definitely many people who will protect you, and there are Lord Krasu and Lord Julian." Mo Bai said with a smile: "but I promise all your conditions. In the future, just say how much you want. My goal is the dragon. I don't want to make money with guns."

McGonagall nodded slightly. The reason why he would choose to give the artillery technology to Mobai is also because of this.

"In addition to artillery, I want to customize a batch of mines for you..." McGonagall continued.

An hour later, MEG returned to the dining room in Moby's carriage.

"Fool, don't strike iron. Go back early today. This batch of orders has stopped. From tomorrow, you and I will go to the workshop outside the city. There is a batch of new orders to be made urgently." Mo Bai returned to the workshop and said to Lu Lu, who was waving a heavy hammer.

"Hey, hey, good." Lu Lu wiped a sweat, and then beat the iron on his hand into a sword embryo. Then he put down the hammer and left.


"Is that true? Did Adams' hair grow out of the wall after eating a bowl of Buddha from that restaurant? And Adams sent him a plaque today? " In Goodall manor, Chanel looked at the middle-aged man with a surprised look on his face.

"Yes, this morning I saw with my own eyes that Mr. Adams sent a plaque to Mr. Mai, the owner of the Maimi restaurant, with the words" master Shengfa "on it." The middle-aged man nodded and said, "besides, I've heard a news that the Buddha jumping off the wall can not only produce hair, but also enhance the strength of those knights. Yesterday, a first-class Knight drank a bowl of Buddha jumping off the wall and directly broke through the second level."

"Do you mean that Adams was able to break level 4 overnight because he jumped off the wall after drinking Nafu?" Chanel's voice raised a little bit, some absurd way: "how can there be this kind of soup in the world, it is not a god medicine?"

"It seems that you must have never heard of Maimi restaurant, which is quite a legendary restaurant. The delicious food made by boss Mai is not only delicious, but also has some unusual magical functions.

For example, the tofu brain, which has been regarded as the beauty saint by women in the city of chaos, can not only moisten the skin and remove wrinkles, but also remove some scars and stains that even magicians can't do. The effect of the Buddha jumping over the wall has been verified by several guests who have taken it. It must not be wrong. " The middle-aged man said with a smile that he had a kind of inexplicable confidence when he talked about boss Mai.

"Maimi restaurant, I didn't expect to have such a wonderful restaurant." Chanel was thoughtful.

Yesterday's events can be said to have made him lose face. However, at this point, he made a ten-year agreement and gave Adams another ten years, but he didn't have much regret.

He didn't want Adams to hate him all his life. The Molton family was a lesson. He could afford to wait ten years.

But he was really curious about how Adams made his hair grow.

But yesterday's situation was too embarrassing for him to ask Adams. This gentleman provided him with valuable information.

It's not too late to grow hair at any age.

Chanel reached out with a smile and shook hands with the middle-aged man. "Thank you for providing me with an important information. I remember last time you talked about cooperation with my secretary, right? You're talking to me about your plan... "


"Well, let's go back early today." Before five o'clock, Chris urged the clerk to leave work.

"What's the matter with iron cock today? Let's get off work so early? " The shop assistants could not help muttering as they watched Chris rushing away.

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