At the gate of the mercenary guild, a young knight showed his biceps to his teammates and hit a testing machine.


There was a dull noise.

A red line rose slowly and stopped at the second level.

"See, I ate a portion of the Buddha jump wall the day before yesterday, and then broke through. You see, I'm a real level 2 Knight now." The young knight said excitedly.

"The trough! You really broke through? "

"Whether it's true or not, you can break through, but you are the one who was identified as scrap by the team leader?"

"Isn't the machine broken?"

The mercenaries were stunned for a moment, looking at the red line in surprise, and someone else checked the tester.

"It's true. I haven't told anyone about it yet." The young knight looked at the scar knight and said with a smile: "boss, can you take me with you next time? I've been sweeping the land for three months

"When you stabilize your state, you can join us in the mission." Scar knight took a look at the red line and turned away.

"Yes The young knight clenched his fist excitedly, and he finally made it.

"Boss, where are we going to eat tonight?" The mercenaries followed and asked.

"Maimi restaurant." Scar Knight calm way, but eyes lit up a trace of fiery light.

"Are we going to eat the Buddha jumping over the wall, too? Can you really break through after eating? " Hearing this, the mercenaries began to ask the young knight about the news of the Buddha jumping from the wall.

The magic effect of Buddha jumping over the wall soon spread in a small area of hair loss circle and knight circle. Whether it was true or not, it also aroused the desire of many people to go to find out.


"My God, boss Mai, this business is good. It's inhuman." Chris thought he was very early. Seeing the long line of more than 200 people at the door, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Looking ahead, you can see people wearing the uniform of the grey temple and the Lord's mansion everywhere. Chris didn't think much and went straight to the end of the line. Let's line up. For the sake of hair, what's a line.

An expensive carriage stopped at the door of the dining room. The driver opened the door and Chanel came out. Looking at the long line at the door, he was stunned. He was a little surprised and said, "why so many people?"

"What you don't know is that Maimi restaurant is now the hottest restaurant in the city of chaos. Hundreds of people come to line up for dinner every day. Business has always been so hot." The middle-aged man who reported the news to him came out and said with a smile, "my Lord, we are a little late. Go to the back and line up."

"Line up?" Chanel frowned, shook his head and said, "I never wait for anyone. How much does it cost to enter directly? Let's go in directly after paying, or go to the front row."

"Oh, that's impossible." The middle-aged man quickly grabbed Chanel's sleeve and said nervously: "the rules of this restaurant, if you want to eat in the restaurant, you have to queue up. If you jump in the queue, you will be banned from the blacklist, and you can't spend money to go in advance."

"There are so many rules in this restaurant? Is there any backing behind it? I can't even jump in line? " Chanel frowned, a little displeased.

The middle-aged man whispered: "you see, the two in the front of the line, the white bearded one on the left is Krasu, the God of fire, the one on the right is Julian, the Lord of frost, the one on the back is the Deputy Lord of the grey temple, the girl in the middle on the left is the daughter of the Lord of the city, the one behind her is the wife of the Lord of the city, and then back..."

"Come on, let's line up." Chanel interrupted him with a complicated look, stepped out of the carriage and consciously walked towards the end of the line.

He saw many familiar faces in that team. Their identity and strength were higher than each other. He couldn't really get in this team.

What kind of fairy restaurant is this? Even the wife of the city Lord, who seldom goes out on weekdays, is in line.

What's more, the boss is really a bull. There are so many big men standing in line outside, just closing the door and letting them wait.

As long as they are from Nolan, they have heard about the two legendary magicians.

"Master Mai's daughter is the apprentice of Lord Krasu and Lord Julian." The middle-aged man added.

"These are really two big backers." Chanel sighed that with these two gods, no one dares to make trouble.

Ding Ling!

Abelmia opened the door, hung a notice on it, and turned to enter.

"Care for hair day activity: today's restaurant will lock 25 copies of Buddha leaping over the wall and offer them to customers with hair loss troubles for a fee. Please show the features of hair loss to the waiter when ordering."

The guest in the front row said aloud.

"Hair care day? What kind of festival is this? Why haven't I heard of it? "

"It's too warm, isn't it? I'm afraid I won't be able to eat today. "

"Isn't that a bit unfair to us who haven't lost our hair?"

"In this way, Buddha jumping over the wall can really make hair loss rebirth! That's great, isn't it

When the guests heard the speech, they immediately began to talk. The guests who came to the Buddha's wall were very happy. They were worried that they would not be able to eat.

"It seems that the Buddha jumping over the wall is quite popular." Charlotten, a little nervous, craned his neck and looked forward, silently counting the number of bald heads.

"Father, what are you doing here?" At this time, a voice sounded from the side.

Chanel was stunned for a moment. He turned to look at Adams who didn't know when he was around. He laughed awkwardly. But he immediately pointed to the middle-aged businessman behind him and said, "we've come to talk business. I heard this restaurant is good, so come and have a taste. How come you're here, Adams?"

"I often come to this restaurant for dinner, and I plan to eat here tonight." Adams said with a smile.

Chanel said with a smile: "well, let's eat together. Our father and son haven't had dinner together for some time."

"It won't disturb your business, will it?" Adams hesitated.

"Never mind, Mr. Adams. We've already talked about it. It's my pleasure to have dinner together." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Well, I'll be behind you." Adams nodded and stood behind them.

"Welcome to the Mami restaurant." At five o'clock sharp, MEG opened the dining room door and said with a smile.

The guests, looking at the constantly beating information in the psychic door, one by one affected by different degrees of hair loss, his mouth showed a smile.

A glance at the news of "systematic learning..." in my mind made my smile even brighter.

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