The effect of the notice on hair care day is very obvious. It is a reassurance to the baldness guests who originally held a wait-and-see attitude. Although ten thousand copper coins are somewhat painful, it is nothing compared with the rebirth of hair.

"Miss mia, I've lost my hair. The hairline has moved back half a finger."

"Miss mia, he's nothing. You can raise fish on my head."

"Miss mia, do you think my bald head is big and round?"

How to prove that they really lose their hair, guests began to show their means, let abelmia see a Leng.

Some people look normal, but maybe half of their hair is fake.

Twenty five bowls of Buddha vaulting wall reserved for patients with hair loss were soon ordered. Today, MEG made two bowls of Buddha vaulting wall, and the rest were on a first come first served basis, regardless of whether they lost their hair or not.

"Well, I heard that you have a kind of soup, which can make people's strength soar after drinking. Is it true that you have this kind of soup? Give me ten bowls and eight bowls first A rough knight with a big beard sat down and looked at MIA.

"Our restaurant only has fotiaoqiang soup, but it's not clear whether it will increase greatly after drinking it. Here's the menu. Guests can have a look. Fotiaoqiang is limited to one bowl per person. I can order it for you if you need it." Abelmia opened the menu, put it in front of the knight and said with a smile.

"Only one order?" Lev frowned, and then his eyes fell on the menu. Buddha jumped over the wall - 10000 copper coins.


Lev blinked and confirmed that he didn't have a majority. After two zeros, he looked up at Mia and said, "did you write the menu wrong?"

"There are no errors in the menu." Mia shook her head.

"Er... That... That..." Lev felt his pocket, showing some embarrassment, hesitated and said, "can you buy half of it?"

Mia shook her head. "I'm sorry, we can't sell half a meal."

Lev's face was embarrassed. He only had 5000 copper coins in his pocket. Anyone who went out to eat had so much money with him. Besides, he just came back from the mercenary mission and heard about it in the guild. He had been in the level 5 card for four years and had no hope of breaking through, so he wanted to come and have a try at the first time.

"Then... Can you get credit here? I'll press this sword here, and I'll get it tomorrow. " Lev thought about it, took off his sword and looked at MIA.

"I'm sorry, the restaurant only accepts cash settlement, no credit, no mortgage." Mia shook her head and said with a smile, "you can have a look at the other dishes on the menu. They are also delicious."

If this restaurant was changed, this would not work, that would not work. Lev would have been angry long ago. However, the waitress's face was smiling, and her face and words were pleasant. He was not only not angry, but also ashamed of not being able to bring enough money, which caused trouble to others.

Looking back from the wall, Lev looked at the other dishes on the menu, and then casually ordered a braised meat and a small roast fish.

"Miss mia, we'll have six copies of Buddha's jump wall." The young knight who used to brag with his teammates at the gate of the union waved with a smile.

"My God! The Buddha jumps over the wall and asks for ten thousand copper coins A member of the team opened the menu, looking at the price, eyes almost stare out.

Several other mercenaries also leaned over their heads and looked at the price. They were all surprised.

Their mercenary regiment can only be regarded as a small mercenary regiment. They usually take on tasks that are not very dangerous and difficult. In contrast, the Commission is naturally not high.

And most of them are good at wine. They usually play in the gambling house. It's good to keep some money in their hands. Even if they can get so much money to drink a bowl of soup, even if it's a bowl that may improve their strength.

The Mercenary Captain took a look at the menu and hesitated.

"Ha ha, in order to celebrate my successful breakthrough today, it's my treat. You can have whatever you want. The food in this restaurant is delicious." Said the young knight with a smile.

Bowls of Buddha jumped out of the wall and were delivered to the guests. The restaurant was full of wonderful fragrance.

"I... did my hair grow a little?"

"My mother! I'm hairy! "

"I broke through!"

From time to time, people with alopecia and knights scream in the restaurant. Although the restaurant forbids noise, most of the guests are able to smile or send a blessing for such a happy life.

"Another breakthrough. The Buddha jumping over the wall is really a breakthrough." Lev craned his neck and looked around, ignoring the delicious braised meat in front of him. He was surprised and anxious.

"That... Can you leave me a bowl of fotiaowei? I'll go back to get the money now and I'll be back soon." Lev raised his hand and motioned MIA to come, some earnestly said.

"I'm sorry, guests. Today's shares of fo Tiao Qiang are all sold out. If you want to eat, please come early tomorrow evening." Mia said with a smile.

"It's sold out?" Lev stares. It's a dish for ten thousand copper coins. How can you sell it out with such skill? How rich are these guys?!

"Yes, please take your time." Mia nodded and went to the next guest.

"Adams, can you help me see if my hair has grown out? A little bit? " Chanel put his head to Adams with an excited face.

"Yes, your hair has grown a little." Adams looked at the tiny hairs on Chanel's bald head and nodded with a smile.

"Great! I'm finally going to have hair again! " Chanel clenched his fist excitedly, his face was full of ecstasy. He hugged Adams, patted him on the back, and then got up to hug the businessman with a bright smile on his face.

Adams looked at Chanel with some surprise. It was the first time he saw him so happy. His father, who had always been bareheaded, actually wanted hair. He never knew that his son was really incompetent, so he should communicate with him more.

"Help patients with hair loss, task progress: 2930... 3030."

McGonagall looked at the successful progress bar and showed a smile. Without the stumbling block of the system, it was quite easy to complete the task.


"System learning over!"

"1024t resource download completed!"

"Host, you are so coquettish!"

Just then, the sound of the system suddenly sounded.

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