"System, I've finished the task." McGonagall ignored the resources secretly downloaded by the system and said directly.

"I finished the task ahead of time. It's not scientific! According to the calculation of this system, this task has a nearly 30% failure probability, how can it be completed on the first day? " The system sounds surprised.

"Anyway, I've finished it. Let's give the reward." McGonagall said with a calm face.

"After the check, the system did not make any mistakes, and the host successfully completed the hidden task, so that 30 patients with alopecia regained self-confidence and won a reward: a fish head recipe with chopped pepper!" The system sounds.

Meg's eyes brightened when he looked at the experience pack of minced fish head with pepper in his mind. Minced fish head with pepper is a classic method of minced fish head, and he also loved it. He just didn't know how to make minced fish head with pepper in the recipe given by the system.


Buffet manor, an elegant teahouse, Gloria and hill sit opposite each other, separated by a pot of steaming tea.

Gloria apologized and said, "Miss Hill, thank you for taking the time to see me. It's very impolite of you not to make an appointment in advance."

She looked at hill, a woman of her own age, with a temperament that did not match her age. She had seen this temperament in her grandfather's body, but Hill was less than 20 years old. She already had this kind of superior temperament. Maybe this is a natural leader?

"I don't have a schedule tonight. I would like to have a cup of tea with Miss Gloria. After all, there is no one who is willing to sit down and have a cup of tea with me in such a big manor." Hill took a sip from his teacup with a smile of self mockery.

Gloria's eyes showed a trace of surprise, this young age has been standing in the upper circle of the city of chaos, life is not as complete as others think?

"I heard that Cyril wanted to kick you out of the Council at the chamber's year-end meeting. Are you here for that?" Asked hill, looking up at Gloria.

Gloria did not expect that hill would speak first, and immediately guessed her intention. However, she was not too surprised. She nodded slightly and said, "yes, I came to see Miss Hill because of this. I want to ask Miss Hill to help me."

"Why do you think I'll help you?" Hill's slender fingers rubbed the glass and looked at Gloria with a faint smile.

Gloria put down her tea cup, looked into Hill's eyes and said, "I think Miss Hill would rather let me be your opponent than Cyril."

Hill was a little stunned, with a glimmer in his eyes. Looking at Gloria, he became interested. He looked at Gloria for a while, nodded with a smile and said, "now, I do have this idea. Cyril is never qualified to be on my opponent list, but now, I may consider adding you."

Gloria's eyes brightened. Was Hill really willing to help her?

"Since we are all businessmen, let's make a deal." Hill continued.

"What are the conditions?" Gloria was on the alert. Although she had to ask for help from hill, she also knew the competitive relationship between the Morton family and the buffet family in Aden chamber of Commerce. If there was something in the hands of hill or the Morton family needed to sacrifice, she would never agree even if she was kicked out of the Council.

"I will ask the directors of the buffet department to vote against it. Of course, I will not guarantee the outcome." Hill raised his mouth slightly. "The condition is that from today on, I'm qualified to reserve one set of Dai LAN clothes in advance, and as long as it's the one I ordered, there won't be another one in the same color. Of course, I will pay at a high price. "

"Is that it?" Geluoliya Leng for a while, or some uncertain asked.

She didn't expect hill to make such an opinion. It's not about the Molton family, and it doesn't need her to make any commitment against her will. She just wants a new set of indigo with exclusive color. Although making the red series into a single high definition is equivalent to giving up a hot color, it's not an unacceptable condition.

"Yes, I don't like bumping shirts with others, although bumping is embarrassing for others." Hill nodded naturally.

"I accept that." Gloria said with a smile: "in the future, the new products of indigo will be sent to miss hill first, and you can choose them. The color you choose will be the only one."

"You are more interesting than Cyril." Hill picked up the cup, motioned, and took a sip.

"Miss Hill is more interesting than the rumor." Gloria took a sip of tea and said with a smile.

Hill said with great interest: "Oh? I'm quite curious about how to pass me on outside... "


Morton manor, study.

Looking at Geoffrey sitting behind his desk, Mars said respectfully, "master, young master Cyril has been close to the Bowen patriarch of the Marquis family recently, and the directors of the Marquis department have been informed to vote to remove Miss Gloria at the year-end meeting."

"It's Bowen, the fox, who's playing tricks. Otherwise, Cyril doesn't dare to be so arrogant. Does this guy think I'm really old?" Jeffrey grinned coldly, looked up at Mars and said, "I'll let the director of the Morton Department remain neutral in this matter. You can help Gloria. If she can keep the director's position this time, I'll assign you a new position."

Mars shook his head and said: "master, I just stay with miss. I don't need any other position. I will try my best to help her. She's a very smart kid, and I think she's going to be able to solve it. "

"You go down." Geoffrey raised his hand. Mars left. Looking at his back, he thought, "did Mars see Gloria from the beginning?"


In the north of weikeling of goblins, close to the direction of wind forest, there are continuous steep mountains.

There are abundant gold and gem mines in these mountains. The industrious goblins dug out countless mine caves and carried away precious gems and gold, leaving abandoned caves.

At this time, in the mountains, close to the direction of the wind forest, there is a peak, under the foot of the mountain surrounded by a large number of elves, torches like a long dragon, surrounded the whole peak layer upon layer.

In the middle of the mountain, at the entrance of a cave, a figure in white stood alone, looking down.

"Princess, we have been besieged for six days. There are no reinforcements. We have run out of food since yesterday. We must find a chance to break through and leave this cave to find food. Otherwise, I'm afraid we won't last long." An elf came and said anxiously.

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