Irene smell speech, good-looking eyebrows slightly frown up, looking at the fire dragon at the foot of the mountain, a little colder.

"These guys don't dare to enter the grottoes because they know we are short of food. If we want to break through and leave now, there will be a big war. I'm afraid we are not rivals with our current strength. But if we continue to consume it like this, we will have no food and grass, and we will be helpless. In a few days, we will not be able to attack ourselves. " The elf looked at Elena with a sad face and said, "princess, what shall we do?"

"The grottoes are our last line of defense. We must not give up." Irina shook her head slightly, looked into the distance, and said coldly“ I will solve the problem of food, so that they don't have to worry. As long as I'm still there, the grottoes will not be lost. "

The elf looked at Elena and hesitated: "princess, now they don't dare to attack rashly. The biggest reason is that you are here. Once you leave the grottoes to look for food and grass, they may soon invade and destroy the grottoes."

Irina pursed her lips, and a trace of chagrin flashed in her eyes. Berg and Irina, the two insidious and cunning guys, did not dare to fight her head-on in order to save their strength, but they used such inferior means.

To the north is the wind forest controlled by the enemy, to the south is the goblin vickling, which refuses them to go further. In this remote place, where can we find food and grass to supply a thousand elves.

At this time, a few loud explosions suddenly came from the foot of the mountain, and then there was a chaotic cry.

"What's this?" Irina looked down in surprise. A big fire broke out in the forest in the northwest. From time to time, huge fireballs burst out in the forest, making the fire more fierce.

The torches that originally surrounded the grottoes were also rushing towards the direction of the fire, and soon there were gaps.

"Did anyone come to join us and fight them?" On one side, the spirit also came forward and said in surprise.

"You ask them to guard the grottoes. You can't attack without my command. I'll go and have a look." Irina ordered. A green light appeared at her feet and disappeared in the same place.

Kiel took a look at the direction of the fire, and pressed his voice: "the boss has attracted their defense and solved the problems of the elves, so we can drive the carriage through quickly. Pay attention to the speed, don't make too much noise."

The Burning Legion all nodded in silence and grasped the reins.

With a nervous face and two books in her hand, Phyllis looks at the dark mountain peak. With a little excitement, she will see the princess again soon.

Kiel and Mond looked at each other and walked forward silently. At the same time, they gave the elves a stick. Then they threw the unconscious elves into the trees.


Kiel beckoned to the motorcade. The unicorn motorcade full of grain passed quickly along some uneven roads. Under the cover of night, it drove from the rough road left by goblin mining to the grottoes.

"A devil?" Irina stood on the top of a tree, watching a dark shadow dart out of the woods and run in the opposite direction. It was a lava devil, and the direction he ran was the direction of the grottoes.

"This guy, what do you want to do?" Irina's face showed a trace of doubt. There was still a deep hatred between the elves and demons, but the lava demons were not in the invasion of the wind forest in those years. This hatred was much less. The light flashed at her feet. When she appeared again, she was already standing in front of the demons. With a horizontal wand in her hand, she said in a cold voice: "sneaky, what do you do?"

Sargeras stopped at once. The flame was rising slowly in his palm. His eyes fell on Elena. His eyes suddenly lit up and the fire went out. He said with a smile: "are you princess Elena? I'm Sargeras. I'm entrusted by boss Mai to send Miss Phyllis and food and grass here. Because I found that the mountain was surrounded, setting fire attracted the attention of those elves. My brothers should have taken food and grass and miss Phyllis through the blockade line

"Boss McGonagall..." Irene said softly, her eyes brightened, and her voice improved a little bit. "Do you mean MEG asked you to send Phyllis and food here?"

"Yes, all this will be verified as soon as you see Miss Phyllis." Sargeras nodded, looked at the rear again, and said, "those elves may soon seal off the mountain again, and the night elves in the grottoes don't know that there are reinforcements to send food and grass. For fear of accidental injury, please go back and have a look."

Irina looks at Sargeras. It's a level 8 demon, which poses no threat to her. Besides, Felice is there. If you have any questions, you'll know as soon as you ask.

The two teleportation arrays lit up at their feet. The light flashed and they disappeared.

On the other side, Kiel and Mond drove up the road with the caravan, and soon came to the entrance of a cave, where nothing could be seen.

"All the roads above are destroyed. You can only get in from here." Murmured Mond.

"It's dark. I don't know what's going on inside. The night elves should have laid a lot of traps. What can we do?" Kiel looked into the cave, scratching his head, not daring to act rashly.


Just then, an arrow shot out of the cave, flew close to Kiel's forehead, nailed to the carriage, and its tail trembled rapidly.

There was a sound of bows and arrows in the cave. In the dark, it seemed that countless arrows aimed at them.

"Lying trough!" Kiel touched her head, which was a little chilly. She couldn't help shivering. If it wasn't for her short stature, she would have said something. She turned to Phyllis and cried, "Miss Phyllis, isn't this her own person? You yell twice to stop them from shooting arrows. You almost hurt your friends by mistake. "

"I'm Fei..." Phyllis said quickly.

"Shoot the arrow!"

There was a cold voice in the passage, and at the same time there was a whew.

"Damn it Kiel and Mond both spoke at the same time and jumped to the side.

Makza picked up Phyllis standing on the shaft and jumped to the side.


Just then, a light drink sounded, and a green light curtain appeared at the entrance of the cave. Dozens of arrows fell on the light curtain, and none of them could pass through.

"Stop it. It's my own man." As the green teleportation emerges, Elena comes out and says to the cave.

"Princess!" Felice, who had just landed, had a red eye and rushed over.

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