Phyllis stopped in front of Irina. His eyes were red and looked at Irina. He disappeared for a few months. His royal highness looked very thin and looked tired.

The more she looked, the more distressed she was. Phyllis couldn't help crying.

"Bean sprouts." Irina looked at Phyllis, eyes also have joy, but there is a trace of chagrin, that guy how to send back Irina, now the night elf situation is not very good, Phyllis can't magic, in the war, even the ability to protect themselves.

"I haven't grown up at all." Phyllis's eyes rested on her chest and sighed.

Familiar tone, the soul of the blow, Phyllis is happy to smile, as long as you can stay in the princess's side, even if every day to listen to her say these words are happy.

Sargeras also came out of the transmission array, looked at the feather arrow nailed to the carriage, looked at the oncoming Kiel and others, and asked, "are you not hurt?"

"Boss, we're OK, but we almost got hurt by mistake." Kiel shook his head and touched his head again.

A light came up in the passage, and dozens of elves with bows and arrows came out. The leader of the elves looked at Sargeras and others, and could not help saying, "it's you!"

"Why? Isn't this miss Sheryl? Why are you here? " Sargeras and others looked at Sheryl, also a look of surprise, Sheryl's hair was tied into a neat ponytail by her, her clothes were broken a few holes, but still looked very clean.

"I heard that Miss Sheryl had left her job. I didn't expect that she was here. Boss Mai asked us to send food to the night elves." Sargeras said with a smile.

"Boss..." Sheryl was a little stunned, looking at the carriages full of sacks. She couldn't help feeling warm. She didn't expect that he would send so much food for her.

"Sheryl." Phyllis also said hello to Sheryl, and her expression was also a little excited. After all, she had worked together for a period of time, but she didn't expect to meet her here again.

"Phyllis." Sheryl also nodded slightly. It's really rare to see her old friend here.

"Grain and grass!" The elves looked at the loaded carriages, and their eyes were all bright, showing the color of joy.

They have been drinking porridge for some time, and they have been completely deprived of food since yesterday. They can only rely on water to satisfy their hunger.

Now that they suddenly have so much food and grass, they will no longer have to go hungry, and the grottoes can continue to stick to it.

"So you all know each other." Irina looked at the crowd unexpectedly, and her eyes stayed on Sheryl for a while.

This beautiful elf, who claims to be from the city of chaos, has the strength of level 7. She is the leader of a guard team because her strength is higher than that of the night elves now. But I didn't expect that she worked as a waiter in McGonagall's restaurant.

"Pretty fairy, just a little worse than me." Irina's eyes narrowed slightly. MEG hid his identity. How could such a powerful and beautiful elf be willing to serve in the restaurant?

"Yes, Sheryl and I worked together in a restaurant in the city of chaos." Phyllis nodded and looked at Sargeras and other humanitarians again: "Mr. Sargeras, they are entrusted by Mr. McGonagall to escort me and the food here. He is a regular customer of the restaurant."

Having been certified by Phyllis, Elena looked at Sargeras and said, "thank you. We are short of food and grass."

"Your Highness is welcome. The boss has paid the reward, which is what we should do." Sargeras said with a smile, looking at the wide passage, "we can help you move the grain and grass in."

"No, we will carry the grain and grass in ourselves. You can unload the unicorn horse and leave directly before they return to defense. If you disturb the high-level elves, you will not be able to leave." Irina took a look at the torches that were redistributing to form a circle.

"Not bad." Sargeras nodded, then looked at Phyllis and said, "Miss Phyllis, take care."

"Thank you." Felice bowed gratefully to the people. They took care of her all the way, which completely changed her impression of the devil.

The Burning Legion released the unicorn, and the elves took over the carts full of grain and grass. They rushed down the slope in the dark, and soon disappeared into the night.

Irina took her eyes back and calmly ordered, "drag all the carts back, don't leave any traces."

A carriage was soon dragged into the cave.

"Princess, the grain has been counted. If we save some, the grain will be enough for two months." Previously, the bodyguard reported that the smile on his face could not be hidden.

"Well, the problem of grain and grass will be solved for the time being, and we will strictly keep this news. At the same time, we will continue to consolidate the defense of the grottoes and strengthen our defense." Irina nodded, her face relaxed.

"How can he know what I need most now? This guy, though he doesn't talk about it, is still doing a good job." Irina's mouth slightly raised, looking at the food, mouth smile more brilliant.

"Princess, our boss asked me to give you this." Phyllis took a pamphlet wrapped in kraft paper from her arms and handed it to Elena.

"To me?" As soon as Irina's eyes brightened, there was a trace of doubt. Did McGonagall tell Phyllis about their relationship?

"Yes, he said it was a Book of war. Let me give it to you. Maybe it will be useful." Phyllis nodded and added with a smile, "the boss is really a good man."

"The book of war?" Irina took the pamphlet, opened it, looked at the first page, and read, "the first half: guidelines for encircling the city from the countryside!"

"What strange thing is this?" Irina frowned, then turned to the middle, frowning deeper: "thirty six strategies of Sun Tzu's art of war."

"The boss is also kind-hearted, maybe it's really useful..." Phyllis whispered. Although she doesn't know anything about military science, it seems that it's not very reliable.

"Well, I'll study it." Irina nodded and turned away with the pamphlet.

Phyllis looked left and right, and her eyes fell on Sheryl, who was leading a pair of elves to continue to patrol. She quickly said, "Sheryl, wait a minute."

Sheryl stops and looks at Phyllis running in front of her.

Phyllis took a rabbit out of her arms, handed it to her and said with a smile, "Anna asked me to give it to you. She said that she would wait for you all the time."

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