"Anna." Sheryl was a little stunned. She looked at the rabbit which looked a little fat. The workmanship was not exquisite. The thread was exposed outside. Her eyes and nose were painted directly on it. It looked ugly and cute, which made her think of the lovely little man.

She can't knit any wool. I don't know how much time the little guy spent weaving this ugly rabbit, but it's much better than the rabbit hat he gave her.

"Thank you." Cheryl took over the rabbit and said gratefully to Phyllis. She led the elves to turn away and said goodbye. There was a smile at the corner of her mouth. It was so nice that someone else would miss her.


The night is deep.

"According to the distance, the Burning Legion should have sent Phyllis to the grottoes, right? I don't know if Elena can get some enlightenment from that book of war. " MEG stood on the balcony, looking northeast, showing a trace of worry.

His strength has only recovered to level 8. In the face of opponents like the whole elf clan, he can't be a powerful help for Elena. On the contrary, he may bring more opponents to the night elves.

What he can do is to do his best to support the night elves in terms of resources, so that they can survive the most difficult start-up period.

With the increasing number of restaurant members and the promise of mermaid, he can give Irina a strong help when necessary.

But there was only one chance, so he wanted to find the best.

"At present, the most important thing is to restore strength. Only by being strong can we be most reliable." MEG whispered to himself, took out his sword and began to practice.

Two hours later, McGonagall, sweating all over, went downstairs to take a shower, put on his clean pajamas and lay back on the bed. He opened the golden experience bag of minced pepper fish head in his mind. A huge amount of information came instantly. McGonagall digested for a while, sorted the information into his own things, and then pushed open the door of the kitchen god test field.

"Fight, fat headed fish!"

As soon as McGonagall entered the kitchen god testing ground, a high voice became loud. McGonagall had a golden Chinese kitchen knife in his hand.

"Well?" McGonagall was stunned for a moment, and suddenly a huge fat head fish flew out of the slant thorn, flying towards him with a big mouth open.

"What the hell is this?" McGonagall raised his hand and cut the fat head fish in half. It fell to the ground with a slap.

The head of the fat head fish is two circles bigger than that of the ordinary fat head fish, and the body is more mellow. The ratio of head to body is about one to one, which is basically a two head body.

A fat fish with a bare head.

At this time, Meg's mind in the upper left corner of the number 110000

Before McGonagall thought about it, another fat headed fish came to him on each side.

"Hello? System, what's this about? " McGonagall slashed two fat headed fish, looked at the number that had become 310000, and frowned.

"This is based on the host's evaluation of minced pepper fish head at that time. It's an opening game for the host - fight, fat head! The host needs to fight against more and more fat headed fish as time goes on. Once they are bitten by fat headed fish, all data will be cleared and started again.

And the fat head fish must be split from the middle of the head with a knife to be counted as effective death. The first level, 10000, host, come on The system sounds with a smile.


MEG looked at the fat headed fish, which had become four, and brushed two knives to split it.

Variegated carp, when he was eating the chopped fish head in Changsha, he was very ordinary because he had a knife job. He make complaints about his brain shell. He told the chef to go back and cut ten thousand fat fish and sell them.

Never thought of

A word is a word.

Come out to mix, as expected sooner or later is to return.

When the knife cuts the fat head fish, McGonagall is like a whirlwind. He jumps around the fish crazily. When the knife rises and falls, a fat head fish dies.

"It doesn't seem to be difficult." McGonagall, relying on the physical fitness and reaction of the level eight knight, easily dodged those round fat headed fish, such as dragonflies skimming water, passing through the trees, not touching leaves


McGonagall suddenly felt a pain in his buttock. Looking back, a fat head fish bit his buttock and rolled his eyes at him.

"Challenge failed!"

"Data clear!"

There was a cold voice.


McGonagall looked at the data that had reached more than 9000 and cleared it instantly. He couldn't help but utter a sigh, and then slapped the cheap fat head fish with a knife.

A fat headed fish flew out of the slant thorn

"Challenge failed!"

"Challenge failed!"

"Challenge failed..."

Although it has been failing, the data is steadily improving.

And McGonagall also from the beginning of the left and right Dodge, gradually became a cold fat head killer.

Three hundred fat headed fish appeared at the same time, brushing, two knives flashed, two hundred fat headed fish were cut in half at the same time, fell to the ground, each one is a perfect equal.

"Congratulations, successful customs clearance! This time... "

The system sounds.

McGonagall's hand swung, the golden kitchen knife flew upside down, nailed a fat headed fish in the corner to the ground, and the sound of the system was suddenly noisy. After a while, it recovered, "now, you can start to practice how to chop pepper fish head..."

"It's just fish head with pepper. What's the difficulty?" McGonagall's face was a bit of an expert smile. He picked up a pepper and put it on his nose.

His face turned red quickly and he sneezed a few times.

"Wocao, this chili is a little spicy." Meg's eyebrows. It's a little sudden.

Minced pepper fish head, minced pepper is the essence of the whole dish.

How to pickle a qualified pepper is also the key to make a delicious fish head with chopped pepper.

Therefore, Meg's journey of making fish head with chopped peppers starts with pickled peppers.

The hot red chopped pepper is covered on the white and tender fish head, with ginger, scallion, garlic and other ingredients. When the time comes, take out the fish head, sprinkle with soy sauce, and then add hot oil. A delicious chopped pepper fish head is finished.

At first glance, it's quite simple.

But when the requirements of all the steps are raised to the extreme, everything is not so simple.

Failure... Failure... Failure

The next morning, McGonagall opened his eyes, and his mind was still echoing the way the fat headed fish turned over his dead eyes.

"Hoo." MEG breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the alarm clock at the head of the bed. It was just six o'clock.

It's a day off. There's no need to open.

But he had to get up and make breakfast for the cleaners, who had no rest day.

McGonagall got up, washed, went downstairs, went into the kitchen and had a look in front of the fish tank. A fat head fish was close to the side of the fish tank, turning its eyes at him.


"I can't cure you!"

McGonagall grabbed the fat head fish, picked up the Chinese kitchen knife on the knife rest, and put a knife at the head of the fat head fish.


The kitchen knife broke in two.

Only a little bit of skin of the fat head fish proud of turning the dead fish's eyes.

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