Elton was stunned. There was a trace of panic in his eyes, and he swallowed: "no... don't come. What do you mean?"

"It's a very simple literal meaning. From tomorrow, you won't be served breakfast at the McMillan restaurant." McGonagall looked at Elton with a smile of mockery. "You, I won't serve you."

Elton's face changed greatly. He looked at McGonagall with a pleading face and said, "Mr. McGonagall, I just made a joke. Don't take it seriously. I promise I won't make a joke in the future. You see, it's so cold this day. If I can't have a hot breakfast, I will freeze to death this winter. Please pity me."

Anna looked at Elton, and then at McGonagall.

Other cleaners are also looking at McGonagall one after another. It's true that Elton has gone too far, but he doesn't know how Mr. McGonagall will deal with this matter.

"I'm sorry, my kindness is limited, only to those I want to give. You, obviously, are not in this category. Now you are on the blacklist of the restaurant. From now on, my restaurant will not serve you any more. " McGonagall said calmly. There was no meaning to discuss.

Elton looked at McGonagall and saw that he didn't mean to discuss or retreat. He obviously decided not to give him porridge any more. He was angry and threw his bowl to the ground. It was smashed and rotten. He pointed to McGonagall and said with a smile: "you hypocritical fellow, just give us some porridge for the sake of being a scholar, I'll expose you and let you know who you are. I'll go to the Lord of the city and sue you! "

MEG took a look at the broken bowl on the ground. His eyebrows picked slightly. This guy is really a rotten man who can't get oil and salt.

Elton looks at McGonagall with a trace of pride in his eyes. What these rich people value most is reputation and face. Especially for those who run restaurants like McGonagall, if their reputation is bad, business will be difficult in the future. They will certainly be soft on him. When the time comes, they will knock on him again, and they will be comfortable in the next few months.

Old Jack wants to talk, but the old lady reaches for her hand and says in a low voice, "Mr. McGonagall can solve it by himself. Don't get involved. He's not the one that Elton can rip off."

McGonagall looked up at Elton, turned his mouth and said with a smile, "you can sue me wherever you want. It's your freedom. Of course, I'll hold you responsible for all the slander and dirty water. I have money and leisure, but I'm not afraid of anything."

Elton was stunned. He didn't expect McGonagall to be so hard. He became angry and said, "OK, I'll go to the Lord's house to sue you now." Then he turned to go.

"Wait a minute. If you want to sue me, you can compensate me for the bowl that was broken intentionally. This is the first-class porcelain bowl from the East. One, 400 copper coins." MEG stopped Elton and pointed to the broken bowl on the ground.

"Four hundred coppers!" Elton stared at the broken bowl on the ground, then at MEG, and said angrily, "you... You're blackmail!"

"Blackmail?" McGonagall laughed. His eyes were cold, and his voice increased a little. "You are making trouble, maliciously destroying other people's property. According to the law of the city of chaos, you need to compensate the other party for the loss according to the price, and bear the corresponding responsibility."

"I... I..." Elton's eyes were a little alarmed. He didn't know the law. He didn't expect that Meg would be tough with him. He didn't mean to step back.

His monthly salary is only 600 copper coins, and he spent it on drinking and gambling within a few days. He still owes a lot of money. Where can I find 600 copper coins to compensate MEG.

"I don't agree with you." With a flick of her sleeve, Elton picked up her broom and turned to go.

"Hey, dirty grandfather, if you break something, you have to pay for it. Otherwise, my little fireball won't let you go easily." Amy's crisp voice sounded from behind. Amy, who didn't know when to get up, stood at the door, with a fireball beating slightly in his hand.

Elton looked back at the fireball in Amy's hand. Her face changed dramatically. She ran with her broom and cried, "hit! Someone's working as a cleaner! Hit people... "

"Running away, it seems that I'm not ready to give money. It's a bad choice." Amy murmured, then pointed her hand to Elton. The fireball flew out and chased him.

A bad old man carrying a broom, a red fireball jumping, so crazy chase up in Aden square, always maintain a distance of about half a meter.

"Amy, is nothing wrong?" MEG asked, looking back at Amy.

"Don't worry, father. He won't die." Amy promised.


With a bang, a small mushroom cloud rose in the distance, accompanied by a scream like killing a pig.

The whole body was wrapped by the fire, Elton jumped into the cold fountain pool, the fire just went out, although not scalded, but his clothes had been burned, a pool of water quickly turned black.

He shivered and shrank in the water. He didn't get up, nor did he get up. His face was full of tears. "It's good to have a free breakfast if I knew earlier. Now I have no breakfast and no clothes. What's the winter like?"

The cleaners looked at the scene and held the big bowl tightly. It was a big bowl of 400 copper coins. If one of them was broken, it would be useless this month.

But no one really sympathized with Elton. Everyone knew exactly who that guy was. He didn't clean his hands and feet, and he didn't clean his hands and feet. So he hit Mr. McGonagall. Instead, he was punished. It was a deserved crime.

"Mr. McGonagall and the little girl are really good. They have completely controlled Elton this time." Old Jack said to the old lady with a smile.

"Uncle McGonagall and Amy have a way to deal with the bad guys." Anna looked at MEG and Amy, thinking silently that if it was her own, she would not know what to do just now.

MEG grinned and pinched Amy's face, then looked at the cleaners and said, "let's go on eating. There's more in the pot after eating."

He took the broom, swept away the pieces of porcelain bowl on the ground and poured them into the garbage can.

He's not a virgin. He's not used to anybody.

At the end of breakfast, MEG packed up, wrote a notice and hung it at the door.

"Uncle McGonagall, are you going on a trip?" Anna looked at the bulletin board and asked curiously.

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