"Travel?" Gina stood aside, puzzled, not quite understanding the meaning of the word.

"Yes, Amy and I are going out." MEG nodded, looked back at Anna and said with a smile, "does Anna want to go together?"

"Is it inconvenient?" Anna thought in her heart, shaking her head and saying, "no, I'll go to Mia's sister's ice cream shop."

"So." McGonagall didn't force him to go to the dwarves. He didn't know if he would encounter any danger. He then looked at Gina and said, "Gina, we're going to go out for two or three days. If you're bored, you can go back to landist or go to find MIA to play with them."

Gina shook her head. "Randist is too far away. I'm sorry to trouble Elizabeth again. I'll go to the ice cream shop with Anna."

"Not bad." MEG nodded. There was no flying mount. It was really troublesome to go to endless waters.

"Father, where shall we play?" Amy asked curiously, holding the duckling in her arms.

"Go to a far place, you wait for me, I'll get something." McGonagall turned and went into the restaurant, went into the kitchen, picked up the fat headed fish that he had criticized in the morning and stuffed it into a small bucket. Then he took a portion of the ingredients of minced pepper fish head from the refrigerator, looked down at the fat headed fish swimming in the small bucket and said, "don't think I can't cure you. I'll eat you on the way. I don't have a kitchen knife, but I have a sword."

Fat head fish a stare, immediately in the barrel crazy jump.

McGonagall put a lid on the bucket, which was a special bucket bought from the system. No matter he was a level 3 Warcraft, he was tied with the fat head fish.

"Come on, let's go to the ice cream shop first. I just have something to tell them." MEG came out, locked the door, took Anna with her left hand and Amy with her right hand, and walked towards the ice cream shop.

Gina looked around, then trotted forward, took Amy's hand and showed a bright smile.

MEG and Mia said they would go out for a trip, and it might take two or three days to come back. Before he came back, the restaurant was closed, and then they took Amy away.

Out of the city, MEG took Yami directly up the mountain to find a Zi, ran to the hillside position, MEG whistled.

Ah Zi quickly flew out of the cave, gave out a cry of surprise, leaned over and rushed towards MEG.

The ugly duckling lying comfortably in Amy's arms suddenly opened his eyes, looked up, and saw a huge Griffin swooping down. With a swish, he jumped down from Amy's arms and hid behind her, shivering.

Ah Zi fell in front of McGonagall and rubbed her head against McGonagall's hand. She saw Amy stretch out her hand and shrunk her head subconsciously. Seeing her expression, she quickly poked her head over and let her touch her.

"Hello, little purple." Amy said with a smile, not frightened by the huge size of the purple Griffin.

"Meow ~" the ugly duckling called weakly, as if to improve his sense of existence.

“?” A Zi was stunned when she heard the voice. Then she stretched her neck and turned to Amy's back. She bit the ugly duckling hiding behind Amy, and her eyes lit up.

"Meow!" Surprised, the duckling hugs Amy's feet and buries her head on her shoes. She dares not look up and counsels.

"Ugly duckling, you are such a coward." Amy dislikes Tao.

Ah Zi bowed her head slowly, then blew a breath at the ugly duckling.


As if there was a gust of wind, the ugly duckling rolled back two times, then sat down on the ground, looking at the huge head in front of him.

Hairy head, with dazzling purple golden hair, full of dignity.

The ugly duckling's eyes turned and didn't dare to move. She looked at Amy like asking for help.

Ah Zi got close to the ugly duckling and sniffed, showing some doubt. She went to the other side to sniff, and then blew a breath at the ugly duckling.

Ugly duckling turned two times in the other direction, white belly up, white eyes, tongue out, motionless began to play dead.

McGonagall, who had planned to stop ah Zi from harming the duckling, stopped and looked at ah Zi looking at the duckling with great interest.

So far, no one has recognized the ugly duckling, which makes him curious.

Ah Zi is a level 10 purple Griffin. He always sniffs at ordinary Warcraft and doesn't take them seriously.

But now he was so interested in the ugly duckling, which really surprised him.

Is the ugly duckling also a descendant of some kind of super Warcraft?

Ah Zi came up to the ugly duckling and suddenly showed her teeth.


The ugly duckling opened her eyes, raised her hand and clapped her paw on ah Zi's head. Then she jumped back to Amy's hand and put her head in her arms. Only half of her buttocks were exposed outside.

"Cluck cluck."

The ugly duckling only left three shallow white marks on ah Zi's head, which made ah Zi laugh wildly.

"Look, little purple laughs that you are fat, fat and counsellor." Amy put out her finger and poked the ugly duckling's fat ass, looking disgusted.

"Ah Zi, here's some meat for you." McGonagall took out a large piece of beef from his backpack with a smile. As soon as he threw it into the sky, ah Zi jumped up, caught it, chewed it, swallowed it, fell in front of McGonagall and wagged her tail at him.

"I've only brought one. You'll catch it on the way and I'll cook it for you." MEG shook his head with a smile, touched his head, picked up Amy, jumped on the Griffin's back, and said, "purple, let's go to Eisenberg. Don't be found on the way."

"Ouch!" Ah Zi let out a long cry, flapped her wings and flew to the West.

"Meow!" The duckling leaned out of Amy's arms and looked down. Then she turned her eyes in circles and fainted in Amy's arms. Ah Zi laughed again.

On the way, a Zi catches a big goat. MEG roasts it on the spot and cuts off two pieces for lunch with Amy. The rest is for a Zi.

After eating the roast goat, ah Zi took MEG and they continued to fly west. Not long after, a Senran iron fort built between the mountains appeared in Meg's sight.

Black steel, embedded between the cliffs, connecting the caves, built up a Chinese mountain.

This is Eisenberg, a dwarf Kingdom and the forging capital of Nolan.

Ah Zi stopped in a valley not far from Eisen iron fort. MEG jumped to the ground with Amy in his arms, touched ah Zi's head and said, "ah Zi, you just play around here. Don't be found by others. We can stay for three days at most."

Ah Zi nodded her head, and her eyes fell on the ugly duckling in Amy's arms.

"Although the ugly duckling is a bit stupid, it belongs to me, little purple. You can't make an idea of it." Amy's face was solemn, and she said with a straight face.

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