"I'm MEG and this is my daughter Amy. We're from the city of chaos. There's something wrong with our flying mount. We left us before we got to Eisenberg, so we had to walk there." McGonagall responded with a smile, half true and half false.

Maimi restaurant is now famous. Maybe there are some acquaintances in Eisenhower. If they lie completely, they may arouse suspicion and concern. Just be calm. Anyway, the purpose of his visit is to have a good kitchen knife.

Godala took a look at MEG by accident. He was able to ride a flying horse from the city of chaos to Eisenhower iron fort, which showed that the father and daughter were not vagrants, but rather rich people. But they were not very lucky. He said with a smile: "well, your luck is really bad. If you didn't meet me in such cold weather, you would have to walk for two or three hours. What are you doing all the way to Eisenberg? "

"I'm a cook. I'm here to find the best forger to make me a handy kitchen knife. I wonder if Mr. godala knows who is the best forger in Eisenberg? Where can I find him? " Asked MEG.

"I've been going back and forth between lodu and Eisenhower for more than 30 years. I spend three months in Eisenhower every year, and I know it like the back of my hand." Godala looked at MEG with a confident but strange face: "although I haven't been to the city of chaos, many colleagues have said that there are all kinds of races in the city of chaos. It's not difficult to find a dwarf forger there to make a kitchen knife for you, is it? Why did you come all the way to Eisenberg? And the best forger? Isn't that exaggerating? "

McGonagall looked at his godala as if he were mentally retarded. He said calmly, "the kitchen knives forged by the forgers in the city of chaos can't meet my requirements."

"Can't meet your requirements? Is there such a high demand for a kitchen knife? " Godala, still puzzled, tore open a chicken leg and ate it.

He usually gets some game on the road. That is to say, he bought it with his own knife and three copper coins from Eisenberg roadside stall. It has been used for more than ten years, but there is no problem at all. There is nothing so particular about it as McGonagall.

"Some ingredients can't be split by ordinary kitchen knives, so you can only come to Eisenberg to find the best forging master and make the best kitchen knives." Said Meg.

"What else can't be split with a kitchen knife? Are you doing Warcraft? " Godala was a little surprised. Warcraft has been in business for so many years. However, because teams usually find one or two riders to accompany them, there is nothing wrong with low-level Warcraft.

Warcraft does have some hard bones. Even the special sword of the dead knight can't split.

"Yes." McGonagall nodded and said, "Mr. godala, just tell me about the great forger at Eisenhower. The purpose of my trip is to bring back the best kitchen knife. If you come to Eisenhower later, it will take more time."

"Well, I'll tell you." Godala saw that McGonagall had made up his mind, so he didn't continue to ask, "if you want to say that the most famous forger in Eisenhower iron fort is the legendary forger, master ROM.

Master Roma, who is 400 years old, has forged countless world-famous weapons and left a great reputation on the continent of Nolan. One of the most famous is Lord Alex's Tiandu sword.

More than 300 years ago, master ROM made Tiandu sword for the forefather of the Alex family. Later, the forefather guarded the northwest of the Empire and made great contributions, which continued the heyday of the Alex family.

Many years later, the iron fort of the Alex family was broken by the demon and orc forces, and the family was destroyed. Almost no one survived.

Three hundred years later, Lord Alex came out with Tiandu sword and became the most powerful man in the military of the Los empire. Just as the God of heaven came into the world and defeated all the experts in Nolan, he was known as the first knight to kill dragons and demons, and Tiandu sword was once again known as the first sword in the world. "

McGonagall was surprised that the master who forged Tiandu sword was still alive. Looking at godala, who spoke of Alex, his eyes were shining and his saliva was flying, he asked with a smile, "does Mr. godala like Alex very much?"

"Of course! Is there anyone else in the Ross Empire who doesn't like Lord Alex? He is the pride of our empire. He is the first knight in the world who is known as the Dragon Slayer. From him, the people of Los empire are no longer afraid of the dragon. " Godala took it for granted, looked at McGonagall, and then shook his head in a dull way. "Forget it, I don't understand what I've told you as a cook. Anyway, what adult Alex is doing is not what you can imagine."

"Well, you can continue to talk about master Roma." MEG laughed and nodded.

"Apart from Tiandu sword, master Roma also has many famous works. Those who can reserve a weapon with him are the most powerful of all ethnic groups. Ordinary people are not qualified to queue up." Godala said with some emotion.

"In this way, this master ROM represents the highest level of Eisenberg forge master?" McGonagall thought.

"It's right to say that. Who dares to say that his level is higher than master Rom?" Godala nodded, looked at McGonagall and said, "don't think about master ROM, you can't be in line. What's more, I heard that master ROM's temper has been getting worse and worse in recent years. He has replaced several groups of shop assistants. The guests who come to the shop without an appointment are also directly scolded. You'd better not touch the bad luck. "

"If I want to forge the best kitchen knife, I'm afraid I'll have to touch the mold." McGonagall said with a smile, "I wonder if Mr. godala can tell me the location of master ROM's forge."

"Well, I've already said that you can't succeed, master Rom. what people make are peerless weapons. How can you forge a kitchen knife for you? You have to be beaten by his disciples when you come to your door like this. If you want to find a good forging master, I'll introduce you to some forging masters who are good at talking and strength. Why ask for trouble? " Godala looked at MEG with a puzzled face.

McGonagall could see that godala was kind-hearted, but he still shook his head with a smile and said, "since we have all come to Eisenberg, there is no reason why we should not try. After I fail in the test, please ask Mr. godala to introduce me to other forgers."

"Well, I'll just pass master ROM's workshop, and I'll drop you off there." Godala was too lazy to persuade McGonagall when he saw that McGonagall was so stubborn. After he suffered a little, he naturally knew whether what he said was true or not.

On the way, godala and MEG talked about the rules and precautions of Eisenhower iron fort, and they had a good talk.

"Over there, Mr. McGonagall, is master ROM's forge." Godala looked at MEG and said, "I live at the TAM hotel at the end of this street. If you have any difficulty, you can come to me. Remember, don't annoy master Tam, or it will be very troublesome. "

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