As he watched the motorcade go away, McGonagall, with his backpack on his back and Amy's hand in his hand, looked at the quiet corner of the blacksmith shop, which was ordinary and even shabby. He was stunned for a moment. It didn't feel like the No.1 forge shop in the world at all. On the contrary, it was like an ordinary old blacksmith shop on the street.

Then his eyes fell on the line of more than ten people at the door.

The blacksmith opened a small door, which was hidden. He could hear sporadic jingles coming out of the door, and the line was outside.

Ferocious looking demons, burly demons, armored human knights, cold looking elves, sharp mouthed goblins, stand in the ranks with some hostility to each other, all of them exude the smell of the strong.

McGonagall glanced at him. Even the weakest elf had the strength of level 7, and the rest were mostly level 8 or level 9.

This scene is kind to MEG.

"Father, are they waiting in line for dinner?" Amy looked at the team curiously and asked.

"No, they should be waiting to forge weapons. Let's line up, too." MEG shakes his head and leads Amy to the end of the line.

McGonagall entered the line and immediately attracted the eyes of all the guests in front of him, with a trace of hostility.

And after seeing that McGonagall was just an ordinary person, there was a bit of banter.

"I said, what do you come for? Did you come out with the kids? Do you know where this is? " The devil in front of McGonagall turned around and looked at McGonagall with a bad look. His eyes stayed on Amy for a while, making a terrible face at her.

"Ha ha ha, uncle, you look funny." Amy was not frightened at all, but laughed happily.

"Funny?" Harden was stunned. His appearance, not to mention the ordinary human children, even the devil children saw it, and many of them cried on the spot. This kid even said he was funny? Isn't that insulting his appearance!

"This should be master ROM's workshop. I'm here to ask him to help me make kitchen knives." MEG will protect Amy behind, looking at the ugly devil calm said.

Level 7 demon, even now he can easily kill.

In other words, any one of the team, he has the power of the first World War.

He broke through the eighth level. He hasn't dealt with anyone yet.

"Vegetables... Knives?" Harden a Leng, a face some unimaginable looking at McGonagall, "you mean, you human cut food with that knife?"

The people in the team were also surprised and angry.

They come here to line up every day, hoping that master Roma will one day be kind-hearted and create a unique weapon for them, so that they can become famous masters in Nolan.

And this guy wants master ROM to make a kitchen knife for him?

Isn't that an insult to the master!

It is precisely because these out of tune guys run to the master every day to make a fool of themselves, so the master will be more and more tired of these innocent visitors.

"Well." McGonagall responded calmly.

"My father's cooking is delicious." Amy didn't forget to add.

Everyone glared, but the father and daughter didn't have any self-knowledge.

Harden was very angry, but looking at the lovely little Lori, he couldn't get out of her temper. He pointed to the front and said, "I said, if you want to fight a kitchen knife, you can do it at any blacksmith's shop. What's the matter with master Rom? See, there's a special kitchen knife and hoe in front of us. You can go quickly. "

"Thank you for your kindness. I have to find master ROM to make my kitchen knife." McGonagall shook his head. He didn't want to pay attention to harden any more. He took out a kettle from his bag and poured a cup for Amy. Then he looked up for a drink.

"You..." what else did harden want to say.

At this time, the wooden door opened out suddenly, and a teenager came out with a sad face and said, "you go, master ROM said. No one will see you today. Even if it's dark, he won't see you."

All the people in the team were immediately dejected.

"Little master, master ROM is not in a good mood today?" Whispered the orc at the front.

The young man looked back and said in a low voice, "master, you are in a bad mood in the past two years. You'd better not come here. Anyway, master will never help you make weapons before he finishes his work."

People look lost and begin to disperse. Although it takes many times to experience the same thing, it seems that the hope is more and more dim.

"Well, it seems that we can only come back tomorrow." Harden sighed. He was ready to leave. He looked at MEG, who was putting away his kettle and going to the front of the empty line. He was puzzled and said, "I said, what are you going to do? Master ROM said, "I'm not seeing you."

"If you leave, you may see me." McGonagall said with a smile. He only has three days. Although it seems that master ROM is really cranky and hard to touch, he still has to have a try.

Harden said with a little sarcasm: "Oh, you really think you look good. Master ROM has refused many requests from the top ten. You want to ask him to do it with a kitchen knife. Nothing else, Alex. You should know, right? It's the one riding a griffin whirring about in the sky, who can easily cut two giant dragons. His sword was made by master ROM. You want to use the same kitchen knife as Alex? "

The guests who had not gone far also laughed and looked at McGonagall sarcastically. This guy is really a fool. A cook dares to find master ROM to forge a kitchen knife. It's a big joke.

"How long has master ROM not received a regular order?" McGonagall asked, not paying attention to harden's mockery or the other guys' mockery.

Looking at McGonagall, who was calm and didn't get angry at all, harden's sneer on his face narrowed a lot. He thought, "it's been more than a year. It's said that master ROM was very kind. Although he didn't take many orders, he was very kind to his disciples and guests. But in the past two years, his temper has been getting worse and worse. It is said that three batches of apprentices have been changed, and he doesn't have a good face for visitors

He seemed to think that he was too kind to MEG. Harden regained his face and said with a scornful smile, "anyway, if you want master ROM to forge a kitchen knife for you, it's absolutely a fool's dream. Maybe you'll be beaten by his apprentices and thrown into another street."

"I hope to see you again tomorrow." With that, harden turned to leave, and the other guests soon finished.

MEG tidied up his clothes, took Amy to the front, looked at the guy who was going to close the door, and said with a smile, "little master, can you tell me that I'm a cook from the city of chaos, and want to ask Master ROM to make a kitchen knife?"

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