"Vegetables... Knives?" Although he has only been with master ROM for half a year, he receives many famous guests every day. He has heard many strange requests, but the kitchen knife is really the first time.

"Yes." McGonagall nodded affirmatively, adding: "it's the kitchen knife used by the chef to cut the ingredients."

"Master ROM said that we won't see any guests today, and we won't accept orders from anyone. Please come back." The young man shakes his head. I'm afraid some of the human chefs don't understand the situation. They are all experts who come to the master usually. They come in order to make a handy weapon, but his requirement is to make a kitchen knife.

"Please let me know." McGonagall held on to Tao.

The boy looked at McGonagall's firm eyes, thought about it, nodded and said, "OK, I'll help you, but don't expect too much."

"Thank you." MEG nodded.

The boy turned to enter. The interior of the weapon shop was much more open than the outside, but there was no light. There were only two dim yellow wall lamps, which made the interior look a little dim.

A teenage blacksmith stood in front of the fire, waving the hammer in his hand, beating the red iron into a flat shape.

A gray haired dwarf old man sat on the iron stool in front of the fire. The pipe in his mouth had burned out, and his eyes were looking at the sparks jumping in the fire.

"Master Roma." The boy came forward and cried carefully.

The old man was stunned for a while before he raised his head. His red rosacea collapsed, his brow wrinkled and he said, "what's the matter? Haven't those annoying people gone yet? "

"No, they have already left, but there is a chef who claims to be from the city of chaos. He wants you to make a kitchen knife for him. Please let me inform you." He said quickly, looking at the master's expression secretly, feeling that he would be implicated by the guy at the door.

"Kitchen knife?" Master ROM was obviously stunned for a moment. He seemed to think of something. His voice doubled. "You mean, there's a guy outside. Let me make a kitchen knife for him?"

The little guy began to sweat on his forehead. He suddenly regretted why he wanted to inform that guy about a kitchen knife. He might lose the chance to continue working in master ROM's workshop. However, being watched by master ROM's eyes, he could only nod his head.

"Well! When I was five years old, I began to learn forging. When I was eight years old, I stopped making kitchen knives and hoes. I can't count how many weapons I have made in the past four hundred years, but all of them are called magic weapons. Now someone is looking for me to make kitchen knives? Do you think I can't do it anymore? " Master ROM kicked over the iron frame on one side, and the iron frame full of unfinished weapons fell to the ground with a bang.

The little apprentice slowly put down his hammer and looked at the guy with a worried face.

The boy panicked, his voice trembled and said, "I'm going to let him leave."

"No! Get out of here, all of you! Get out of here Cried master ROM angrily.

"Yes." The boy and the apprentice answered, but they didn't dare to clean up the mess and hurried towards the door.

McGonagall, who was standing at the door, heard the movement clearly through the door. Looking at the two guys who came out in a hurry and closed the door, he felt guilty.

"You go, Mr. ROM won't see you." The guy took a complicated look at McGonagall, and then left with the other guy with a dejected look. Their backs looked lonely.

"Father, why aren't they happy?" Amy asked, puzzled.

"They may lose their jobs because their father was lectured by master." McGonagall looked at their backs and thought he might have a chance to compensate them.

Until their backs disappeared at the end of the street, McGonagall looked back at the old workshop.

"System, does this kitchen knife have to be forged by master Rom? Is it possible to change to advanced forging? " MEG asked in his heart.

"Master ROM is the first forger in the world, and his forging skills are unmatched. Only the kitchen knife forged by him can achieve the effect that nothing can be split, and it is also a good kitchen knife that can accompany the host for a lifetime. Therefore, the host must ask Master ROM to forge a kitchen knife for you in order to succeed. " The system replied.

"System, your task is unreasonable. People look down on forging kitchen knives. This is an impossible task." MEG resisted.

"On the way to become a kitchen god, there will always be all kinds of troubles. I hope the host can take the initiative to overcome them. Come on!" The system encourages the way, and then completely disappears.

"Shit." MEG rolled his eyes and looked at the closed door, lost in thought.

In the blacksmith's shop, Rom looked at the mess, sighed deeply, and lay back in his chair, staring at the fire in a daze.

He never left the forge in his whole life. At the age of five, he learned to forge with his father. At the age of six, he was able to forge the best kitchen knives and hoes in Eisenhower iron fort. At the age of eight, he began to forge weapons, which was beyond control.

Tiandu sword was forged for a knight who came from afar when he was 20 years old.

It took him a full year to forge the sword.

And the young knight, holding the sword in the northern part of the Terran territory, made great contributions and killed many strong people, which made him a famous forging master.

Then for hundreds of years, a weapon was forged out of his hands, and then it became a killing weapon in the hands of a strong man.

His reputation is becoming more and more famous. The top ten people lined up to ask him to forge weapons. The low and noble heads of all ethnic groups only wanted a weapon forged by him.

Even in those years of racial chaos, he still did not leave his forge, immersed in forging, and gave powerful weapons to those who were strong. He made a great reputation in Nolan and became the first forging master.

He didn't know what he wanted, but he enjoyed the feeling of being immersed in forging. He was even more obsessed with the sense of achievement when he saw the weapon coming out of the oven.

Just two years ago, when he woke up one morning, he suddenly didn't remember what he had done yesterday. He even forgot how many hammers and processes he had gone through with the sword forged yesterday.

This is undoubtedly fatal for a forge master.

He could no longer forge a weapon on his own, but he would not reveal it to anyone.

So he became irritable, drove away his most familiar apprentice, stopped accepting new orders, and didn't hand in a weapon in two years.

Four hundred years of life seems to have come to an end.

Roma himself knew about it, but he didn't want to admit it.

He would like to fall on his forging table one day, and never want to die like this.

"May I have a knife, please?" At this time, there was a knock on the door and a soft and lovely voice.

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