"Borrow a knife?"

The soft voice made ROM wake up from his meditation and look at the small window in the corner. Suddenly, it was dark.

"Who wants to borrow a knife? A little girl? Strange? " Roma frowned, stood up slowly, picked up the bottle beside him, unscrewed the lid and took a big drink, then walked towards the door.

Although I can't control my emotions in the past two years, the older I get, the more I can't refuse children.

ROM opened the door and saw a half elf girl, four or five years old, standing at the door. The little man, in the shape of pink carving and jade carving, was looking up at him.

"What are you doing knocking on the door, little fellow?" ROM tried to keep his voice down for fear of scaring the lovely little guy.

"Grandpa, can you lend me a knife? My father and I have come from far away places. We have no place to live and have no place to eat. We have to cook by ourselves. However, we forgot to bring the kitchen knife. We can't even cut the big stupid fish. " Amy looked pitifully at ROM and said.

ROM looked in the direction Amy pointed out. There was a fire burning in the open space opposite the forge. A young man stood by the fire, looking at it with a smile, and a big bag was still at his feet.

"I don't have a kitchen knife here, kid. You can borrow it somewhere else." ROM shook his head. He didn't lie. There was no kitchen knife in his forge.

"But other people's houses are closed. Can you lend us a knife? As long as you can cut that big stupid fish Amy took a look at the dark street and shook her cerebellum.

Meg, who was standing by the fire, was also looking at Rom. this dwarf old man still looked strong. His strong arms were almost as thick as ordinary people's waist, which made him look like a square. His gray hair and face proved his age.

Judging from the general 400 year life span of the dwarves, the Roma master is indeed very old.

However, when he talked with Amy, he seemed to be very kind. He couldn't see the irascibility when he just roared with the boy.

ROM looked around and found that all the shops on Huijie street had been closed. Dwarves were good at drinking. Most of them went to pubs to drink at night. It was not easy to find another place where there were people to borrow a knife.

"Hello, I'm MEG. My father and daughter have come all the way from the city of chaos. They want to ask Master ROM to forge the world's first kitchen knife for me. I feel very sorry for offending the master and implicating the two little brothers because of my reckless behavior. I'd like to apologize to master ROM and hope master can forgive the two little brothers." MEG came up, looked at ROM and said.

"Are you the guy who just wanted me to make a kitchen knife?" Roma frowned, his face was covered with anger, his voice increased a few minutes, and said: "I'm a weapon forger. I forge weapons for fighting, and I never forge kitchen knives. Please go back. I won't forge a kitchen knife for a chef. "

"Master ROM, as a cook, I think the battle between the cook and the ingredients is better than the battle between the knight and Warcraft, because any Knight will not peel Warcraft's skin armor and split the hardest bones in the battle, just to find the most delicious part and present him to the diners." McGonagall looked at ROM and said firmly.

"Oh, the cook is just a cook. Do you want to deal with Warcraft like a knight?" ROM sneered and disagreed with McGonagall's ridiculous point of view.

"This is a third-class Warcraft fat headed fish. I want to use it to make a delicious minced pepper fish head. I have a hundred ways to kill it, but my kitchen knife can't split its head, so I took it from the city of chaos to Eisenhower iron castle, in order to find a kitchen knife that can split its head." MEG took out the bucket and pointed to the fat headed fish in it.

ROM looked at the fat headed fish in the bucket, who was crazy with his head against the end of the bucket and made a thumping sound. He felt that it was really a level 3 Warcraft, and its big head, which almost occupied half of its body, should be the hardest part of its body.

It is not easy to split the head of such a Warcraft without a weapon.

But... ROM looked at MEG and frowned, "don't fish eat fish? I've never heard of people eating fish heads. Even if you split the fish heads, will you still eat the things in the fish heads? "

"A well cooked fish head is more delicious than fish meat. It's not a pity to give up a delicious dish." McGonagall shook his head, looked at ROM and said, "master ROM, why don't we make a bet, you lend me a knife to cut the head of this fat head fish, and then I'll cook a dish made of fish head. You'll taste it later. If I think it's delicious, I'll make a kitchen knife for you. If it's not delicious, I'll leave Eisen iron Castle immediately. What do you think? "

"Grandfather, my father's cooking is really delicious." Amy looked at ROM and said, touching her stomach again. She said pitifully, "I'm so hungry ~ ~"

"Meow ~"

The ugly duckling stares at the fat head fish in the bucket and swallows. His eyes are already green.

The fat head fish seemed to feel the terrible threat, but suddenly stopped all the movement, slowly turned to look at the ugly duckling, flashed to the other side of the bucket, and looked at the ugly duckling in horror.

"Bet?" ROM's face showed a trace of hesitation. He looked at the fat head fish in the bucket and Amy who looked forward to it. After hesitating for a while, he ordered and said, "OK, I'll bet with you, but don't be happy too soon. I'm rather picky about the food."

McGonagall's face brightened. Since it comes to food, no matter how picky your mouth is, I can make you close your mouth and concentrate on eating.

ROM turned and went into the kitchen, picked up a semi-finished sword from the ground, and then came out and threw it at MEG.

McGonagall catches the sword lightly. The black sword is quite light to start with, but it seems that the sword has not been forged yet, and the pattern on the hilt has not been carved yet.

However, even if it is only a semi-finished sword, it is still a good sword.

"Good sword, thank you, master Rom. just a moment, please." McGonagall arched his hand slightly and walked towards the fire with his sword and barrel.

Put down the bucket, MEG washed the sword with snow, then opened the lid, grabbed the fat head fish, looked at the fat head fish struggling in his hand, and said with a smile, "you keep on jumping."

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