"Yes, I received the list of the chef from the chaotic city you reported yesterday. Today's job is to make a kitchen knife that can cut the skull of level 10 Warcraft for him before dark." ROM nodded, raised his hammer and smashed it heavily on the metal block on the forging table. He began to explain the hammering method used to forge different weapons.

Although Joey and joss are full of doubts and don't understand why master ROM suddenly accepted the chef's order, when they heard that master began to explain forging skills, they immediately calm down and listen to him carefully.

Outside the forge, harden and others arrived early and formed a long line at the door.

Among them, there were many onlookers who heard from harden yesterday that someone had asked master ROM to make kitchen knives, and they were ready to see jokes this morning.

"Is the guy who asked the master to make the kitchen knife here?"

There were two human knights, but they didn't look like chefs.

"Is that guy out of the picture?" Harden, who was at the end of the line, was also surprised. Even he didn't have much confidence that master ROM could make a weapon for him, let alone a cook who wanted to make a kitchen knife.

The news that a chef from the city of chaos wanted to find master ROM to make a kitchen knife spread in Eisenhower like he had wings, which became the source of happiness for Eisenhower today.

MEG checks out and deposits his luggage in the hotel. He is going to take Amy out for breakfast.

"Mr. McGonagall? Here you are. " At this time, a voice sounded from behind.

"It's Mr. godala." McGonagall said with a smile, looking at godala coming from one side.

Godala also lives in this hotel. It's not strange to meet him. It seems that he has just had breakfast and is chatting with several people dressed as businessmen.

Godala came up, looked at McGonagall, and said in a small voice with a smile, "I heard that you have become celebrities. Eisen iron castle has been spread all over the world. There is a chef from the city of chaos who wants to make a kitchen knife from master Rom."

"Can it be famous, too?" McGonagall had some accidents. He didn't do anything extraordinary after he came to Eisenberg, just like a good family.

"You don't know Master ROM's position in Eisenberg. If you ask him to make a kitchen knife, you are insulting all the forgers in Eisenberg." Godala lowered his voice a little.

"So." McGonagall thought that if they knew that master ROM had promised to make a kitchen knife for him, the whole Eisenberg would be crazy?

"You didn't see Master ROM yesterday, did you? It doesn't matter. There are so many people lining up at the master's gate every day, but they will never see him. Just get used to it. " Godala comforted.

"It's OK. I'm in a good mood." McGonagall said with a smile, afraid godala reaction too much attention, so McGonagall did not express.

"Father, I'm hungry." Amy looked up at MEG and said, "let's eat something delicious."

"Anyway, I don't have anything to do today. Let me take you to visit Eisenhower iron castle. What's good here? Few people know as well as I do." Godala said with a smile.

"Then there's Mr. rogodala." McGonagall's eyes are bright. He's a newcomer. It's best to have a guide. He can get rid of a lot of thunder.

Walking out of the TAM Hotel, the light from the hole on the top of the head lights up the street. The shops on both sides of the street are also open. Most of the people who come and go on the street are dwarves. Even one or two other races can be seen.

The weapons of Essen iron Fort sell well in Norland, so a large number of merchants gather. They bring strange things from all over the world to sell in Essen iron fort, and then buy weapons from Essen iron fort and sell them all over the world. They make a lot of money in one round trip.

The dwarves are a neutral race. They have good relations with all kinds of races on the continent of Nolan, so they are allowed to enter Eisenberg and do business.

Godala told MEG some rules of Eisen iron fort and the dwarves on the way. For breakfast, they took MEG to eat a kind of big cake called dwarves cake. The cake fried in oil pan was baked into crisp in high temperature oven. The taste was crisp. One bite opened, and there was salty and fragrant dried vegetables in the middle. It tasted like the combination of pancake and pot helmet, He didn't feel greasy at all, which really surprised MEG.

"Isn't this family's cake good?" Godala took a bite of the pie in his hand and said with a smile: "there are hundreds of pie makers in Eisenhower iron fort, but none of them has this delicious one. I don't bring him to ordinary people."

"Mmm, this cake fried chicken is delicious!" Amy lit the cerebellar pouch, holding the big cake in her hands like a little squirrel, and eating it sweetly.

"It's really a delicious cake." McGonagall nodded, which was a good thing to think of. If he was allowed to look for it by himself, he would not be able to eat such delicious cakes.

After breakfast, godala took MEG and Amy to visit several famous scenic spots in Eisenhower iron fort. Along the way, godala ate a lot of delicious snacks and had a good time.

Towards evening, godala looked at McGonagall and said, "brother McGonagall, let me take you to the forge master I know and make a kitchen knife for you. Although it's not as good as master ROM, it's also the top forge master in Eisen iron fort. With my friendship with him, it's OK for him to give you a free one. Let's go now. You can tell him what kind of kitchen knife you want. I'll take you to eat delicious food in the evening. "

"In fact, master ROM promised to forge a kitchen knife for me last night. It's time to get the knife now." MEG looked at his watch and said with a smile.

"What... What?" Godala was stunned for a moment. He felt as if he had heard something wrong.

"Yesterday, after eating the fish head made by my father, my grandfather promised to make a kitchen knife for him." Amy added, looking at godala expectantly, "Uncle businessman, what do you mean by delicious food?"

"Master ROM promised to make a kitchen knife for you!"

Godala's voice suddenly raised several tones, then quickly covered his mouth and looked at MEG in shock.

As a businessman who has been in Eisen iron fort for 20 to 30 years, he knows what master ROM stands for very well. Those who can customize weapons from him are strong men of all nationalities, and they have to pay extremely high prices.

It is said that there was a businessman who was lucky enough to customize a weapon from master Roma. After changing hands, he retired immediately.

Of course, this is just a legend.

If you want master ROM to customize weapons by himself, status and money are indispensable.

In the past two years, master Roma has not received a new list, nor has he produced any new works.

But now McGonagall even said that master ROM promised to forge a kitchen knife for him, and that he could pick it up today?

This is more shocking than master ROM's promise to forge a weapon for him!

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