"Brother McGonagall, you're not making fun of me, are you? Master ROM really promised to forge a kitchen knife for you? " Godala looked at MEG, still unable to convince himself.

McGonagall nodded with a smile: "yes, if I don't believe it, I'd better go to the forge with us to get the knife. Today's dinner is also for me to thank my brother for taking care of me these two days."

"Hey, what's that? Of course I can trust you." Godala quickly waved his hand and said, "but since the time is coming, let's hurry over. It's not good to let master ROM wait."

"Not bad." McGonagall nodded, and the three men went to the carriage which was not far away.


The door of master Roma's forging workshop hasn't been opened all day, and the guests in the queue are worried. Although they usually hear bad news, it's even more worrying that there is no movement.

"The cook hasn't appeared yet?" The onlookers had changed for several times, and they didn't wait for the chef who asked master ROM to make a customized kitchen knife, nor did they see Master ROM open the door to welcome guests. It was really boring to watch.

"It's time for dinner again. The door of the forge has not been opened yet. It seems that today is another day without harvest." Harden, who was at the end of the line, sighed. Although he was used to it, it must be false to say that he was not melancholy at all.

What's more, the chef didn't come today, and there was less source of happiness.

After all, his strength is at the bottom here. It's rare to have one behind him.

He even regretted that he had said too much yesterday.

Just as the crowd was about to leave, the door of the forge, which had been closed, suddenly opened. Joey came out and scanned the crowd, as if looking for someone.

The crowd quickly stopped.

"Little master, how is master ROM feeling today? Will you accept new orders? " The orc at the front asked nervously.

Joey didn't find the human with the lovely girl yesterday. It seems that he hasn't come yet. He looks back at the orc and shakes his head. "Master says that he won't take orders today, but he's forging a new knife today."

"The new knife forged by master ROM!"

"If I remember correctly, master ROM hasn't produced a new weapon for two years, has he?"

"Two years to sharpen a knife, is this another artifact that can dominate one side?"

There was a sudden uproar among the crowd. Master ROM was silent for two years. He didn't launch a new weapon. Unexpectedly, he forged a new knife. This is big news. I don't know who ordered it.

Joey's expression was a little strange. If these people knew it was a kitchen knife, they didn't know what it would be.

"If you don't have anything to do, let's go. I'll wait here for another guest to pick up the knife." Joey said it's better to have fewer people and the master doesn't like the excitement.

"Will you pick up the knife today?"

"Can we all see that knife with our own eyes?"

"This kind of moment may last a lifetime. I have to stay and watch it for a while."

As soon as Joey said this, people suddenly climax. The people who had planned to leave also stopped one after another. They were all curious about who would get the knife and what kind of amazing knife it would be.

"When can I get a magic weapon forged by master ROM like that expert?" Harden is also envious, others have begun to carry the knife, and he still can only line up at the end of the team.

People looked up, even the voice unconsciously lowered a few points, for fear that they might accidentally provoke the big man who came to get the knife.

At this moment, a carriage came from a distance.

"Is the man with the knife in this carriage?" People's eyes lit up one after another. Although the carriage looked ordinary and the driver was just an ordinary human, maybe the boss was a low-key man.

The carriage slowly stopped in front of the forge. The coachman was staring at by so many people. His expression was a little nervous, and he was afraid to move with the reins.

In front of the forging workshop, the curtain of the car was lifted, and a young man with a light moustache came out of the car, followed by a four or five-year-old half elf little Lori.

This master is a master. He looks so young. He takes a lovely little Lori with him when he goes out. He is the focus of his eyes everywhere.

The onlookers sighed in their hearts about the man's handsome and expert demeanor, as well as the cute little Lori.

"This... Isn't this the chef yesterday?" Harden glared at MEG and Amy as they came down from the carriage.

The guests in the queue also recognized MEG. They all rolled their eyes. This guy was looking for master ROM to forge a kitchen knife yesterday. How could he be the man who came to pick up the knife.

"Is this the chef who made master ROM forge the kitchen knife?" The onlookers were also stunned, waiting for the mysterious chef who didn't appear all day. Unexpectedly, he appeared in the evening. And I almost thought he was the man who came to carry the knife.

"I said, is this guy too shameless? Even dare to appear at the gate of forging workshop. Do you want master ROM to forge a kitchen knife for him today? "

"Yes, a chef dare to make such a request. Master ROM is the first forger of Eisenberg!"

"I've been waiting here all day just to teach that guy who doesn't know himself a lesson and let them know the price of not respecting master Roma."

The dwarves around gradually became angry, and many of them were ready to give MEG some color to see.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that you would dare to come today. Are you going to ask Master ROM to forge a kitchen knife for you? But it seems that you may not even be able to walk to the door today. " Harden looked sarcastically at MEG, who was leading Amy, and said with a bit of schadenfreude.

McGonagall looked at the excited crowd, at the gloating harden, and said with a calm smile, "is that right? I'm here to pick up the kitchen knife today. "

"Well?" Harden was stunned.

The dwarfs who had planned to come around also stopped and looked at MEG with some doubts.

"Take the kitchen knife? You mean master ROM has promised to help you forge a kitchen knife? " Harden returned to his senses and said with a disdainful face: "Oh, if master ROM could forge a kitchen knife for you, I would kneel here today and call you dad!"

"Here you are, Mr. McGonagall!" Roy stepped forward quickly, looked at McGonagall and said with a smile, "your customized kitchen knife has been forged. The master is waiting for you in it."

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