Harden's proud expression froze for a moment, and his eyes widened. He looked at Joey with a smile on his face, and his brain was in confusion.

"What did the little master say just now?"

"Did master ROM really forge a kitchen knife for the chef?"

"This... How can this be? After two years of silence, master ROM forged a kitchen knife for a chef for the first time

"Is this man not only a cook, but also a hidden master?"

The onlookers also looked at McGonagall strangely. They felt that their brains were not enough. They could not imagine that the first forger in the world had forged a kitchen knife for a chef.

Especially those guests who come to line up at the gate of forging workshop every day, they have eaten Meg's heart.

They queue here respectfully every day, but they don't even have the chance to see Master Roma. This guy came here for the first time yesterday, and he was able to let master Roma forge a kitchen knife for him.

However, this is the guest who has been ordered by master Roma. No matter how many ideas they have in mind, they dare not act rashly. If master Roma is angered, it is impossible for him to help forge weapons.

"Call dad on the spot?" MEG looked up and down at harden, then looked at Amy and said, "Amy, what do you think of this brother?"

"No, it's too ugly. It's uglier than an ugly duckling. I don't want such a brother." Amy shook her head seriously.

"That's a problem." MEG nodded with approval.

The conversation between the father and daughter caused a burst of laughter among the onlookers, but the big talk was made by harden himself, and he could not say anything about the father and daughter.

"You... You two..." harden's beard trembled with anger. The father and daughter were obviously deliberately mocking his handsome appearance. However, he was beaten in the face in the twinkling of an eye when he just said what he said. Now they don't know how to refute it.

McGonagall looked around, pointed to an ugly and black stone not far away, and said, "well, you can kneel down and shout at that stone over there, Dad. That's all right. Maybe you can become brothers with the great sage in the future. You'll never worry about any weapons."

Harden was confused about the style, but McGonagall asked him to worship the stone and call him Dad. He understood. It was a shame.

"For such a big man, what he says counts." Amy looked up at harden, her face full of encouragement.

"Yes, we all heard it. Please call dad. We're still waiting to see the new knife forged by master Roma."

"Even if it's a kitchen knife, it's also a kitchen knife forged by master Rom. it's probably the only kitchen knife forged by master ROM in the world."

The onlookers also followed suit. Anyway, it's not too big to watch.

Harden's face turned red as he listened to the crowd's laughter. He looked at McGonagall, who was standing still. He didn't mean to expose it. He gritted his teeth and said, "do you have to force me?"

"I'm not forcing you. You're forcing yourself." McGonagall looked at harden and said calmly, "you can refuse to perform, but I heard that master ROM always pays the most attention to integrity."

Harden's face changed slightly. He took a look at the direction of the forge, gritted his teeth and walked towards the black stone nearby. With a puff, he knelt down on the ground, and then yelled at the stone: "Dad!"

The crowd looked at harden with a smile. They could see a demon calling dad to a stone. Today's excitement was not in vain.

"The McGonagall brothers are bloody, too." Godala, sitting in the carriage, sighed to himself. He looked at the demon with a face full of grievances. He was worried that the demon didn't look good. Would he retaliate against the McGonagall brothers afterwards?

"Let's go." McGonagall takes back his eyes, takes Amy's hand, and follows Joey to the gate of the forge. He is not a clay figurine, which can be easily mocked.

Joey opens the door, meets MEG and Amy, and closes it again.

They all looked around curiously, wondering what kind of kitchen knives master ROM had forged. Even if they were weapon envoys, they were mostly magic weapons, right?

"Here you are, Mr. McGonagall." MEG came in, and master ROM, washing his hands, came out of the forge room and said with a smile.

"Yes, I played in Eisenberg again today. I came late and kept master ROM waiting for a long time." MEG was a little sorry.

"Well, I've just forged the kitchen knife you want. It's time for you to pick it up." ROM shook his head, pointed to the forging table beside him and said, "go and see if this kitchen knife is in line with your mind."

"Good." McGonagall nodded and walked toward the forging table. Before he came near, the shining golden light made him squint subconsciously.

In the middle of the forging table, a kitchen knife is quietly placed on the knife rest.

The broad back of the knife, the sharp blade and the sharp blade are awe inspiring.

This is a neat Chinese kitchen knife.

It's also the type of kitchen knife that McGonagall gave to master ROM yesterday.

"Whether the knife is suitable or not is known only by the first hand." Master ROM's voice came from behind.

"I agree with that." McGonagall replied with a smile, then reached for the kitchen knife.

The handle of the integrated kitchen knife is also metal. After several anti-skid lines are finely polished, the handle feels more comfortable and cool than wood.

Moreover, it seems that the kitchen knife is not heavy, but the starting weight should be about 30 jin. The extremely dense metal condensed into such a kitchen knife after a lot of tempering, which shows the superb skill of master ROM.

But for McGonagall, this kitchen knife is just in his hand. It won't be as light as an ordinary kitchen knife in his hand. It has a great texture.

"Try it." ROM handed an iron bar that was the thickness of his arm.

"Try this?" MEG took the iron bar in a bit of surprise.

"If you can't even try this, how can you split the head of level 10 Warcraft?" Roma asked.

"So it is." McGonagall nodded, cut his hand, slapped the iron bar like a cucumber into a flat shape, and then cut it all into tinsel and hair like tiny wires.

"What a good knife worker!"

Roy and as like as two peas looked terrified, no one in the world could cut iron into size and size, and each one was exactly the same size.

"What a knife McGonagall collected the knife, looked at the kitchen knife without any scratch on the surface and no notch on the edge, and sincerely praised that it was much better than the golden kitchen knife given by the system in the kitchen god test field.

"I don't know how much I should pay for such a good knife." MEG put down his kitchen knife and looked at romdo.

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