Although it's a kitchen knife, McGonagall can be sure that most of the swords of level 10 knights can't cut it.

Master ROM is right. It's a kitchen knife that can cut through the brain shell of level 10 Warcraft. Even if it's used to skin and cramp the dragon, it's probably very convenient.

The price of such a kitchen knife can no longer be simply measured by the kitchen knife. Even if the price is calculated according to the top weapons, McGonagall will not feel killed.

"This knife, no money, for you." Master ROM shook his head and said with a smile, "but before you take it away, I have to give it a name. This is also my rule. I don't care how you use the sword, but the name of the sword I forge must be given by me."

"Please give me a name." McGonagall served the kitchen knife with both hands. He knew that the name of Tiandu sword was determined by master Rom. it was probably a name addiction.

Master ROM took the kitchen knife, pondered for a while, his eyes lit up and said: "yes, this knife is called fat head fish!"

"Fat..." McGonagall opened his mouth and swallowed back what he said. OK, anyway, the knife is given. The fat head fish is the fat head fish. The master is happy.

The fat headed fish died well yesterday.

Master ROM took out a metal pen, carved a few words in the corner of the kitchen knife, collected the pen, nodded with satisfaction, and then handed the kitchen knife to MEG.

"Thank you for your knife." McGonagall took the kitchen knife in both hands, thanks.

He knew that master Roma was not short of money, but he still kept this in mind.


"Congratulations to the host for getting the magic sword: fat headed fish! Complete the task of obtaining kitchen knife, and get a reward: a chance to return to the peak! The duration is 15 minutes. "

The sound of the system sounded in McGonagall's mind, and there were two fireworks effects.

"You're welcome. I'd like to thank you for your hospitality last night." Master ROM waved his hand. When he woke up this morning, it was totally different from usual. He felt that he could work on the forging table for a few more years and continue to do what he liked.

And all this, thanks to McGonagall last night's share of chopped pepper fish head.

It was so good to be sober. He was willing to trade all his wealth for a sober mind. The things piled in the cellar were useless to him.

"By the way, Mr. McGonagall, you said your restaurant was in chaos city. If I lived in chaos City, would I be able to eat your minced chili fish head every day?" Asked master ROM, looking at MEG with some expectation in his eyes.

"Is master Roma going to move the forge to the city of chaos? If so, as long as you come to the restaurant early every day, you can eat minced pepper fish head. " McGonagall looked at ROM in surprise and said with a smile, "if you go to the city of chaos, you can order minced pepper fish head for free in the future."

"Master, will you move the forge to the city of chaos?" Joey and joss are also surprised, some incredible looking at ROM.

In the past 400 years, master ROM has never left Eisenberg. Even if the founding emperor of the Los Empire asked him to forge the power sword for him, he would be welcomed back by the Los empire after forging in this forge.

Countless famous weapons in Nolan are forged in this seemingly dilapidated forging workshop, which is also regarded as a holy land by the forgers of Eisen iron fort.

Now, in order to eat the fish head with chopped pepper, the master wants to move the forging workshop to the city of chaos? Is that crazy?

"No, No." Master ROM shook his head and said with a smile, "I haven't spent much money in my life. It's useless to put the money there. I have to spend more."

"Besides, I have to think about how to get all that money into the city of chaos. It will take several days to move out." Master ROM said to himself in some distress.

McGonagall is dumb. Most people can't experience the trouble of having too much money.

"If you want to make the money flow more easily, when I go back to the city of chaos, maybe I can talk to my friends at Buffett's Bank and ask them to come to your house to count your money, and then change it into an equivalent certificate of deposit. In this way, you can go directly to the city of chaos with the certificate of deposit. When you need money, you can go to the bank with the certificate of deposit at any time." McGonagall suggested.

"There's something so convenient. Thank you, Mr. McGonagall." ROM's eyes brightened, which solved a big problem for him.

"I think they will be happy to serve you." McGonagall said with a smile, as a gift to hill. He just wanted to ask her for help.

"Well, master ROM, I'll see you in the city of chaos, and I'll leave first." MEG put away his kitchen knife and said goodbye to master ROM.

"Goodbye, Grandpa." Amy waved her hand cleverly.

"We'll see you soon." Roma, too, nodded with a smile.

Joey walked quickly to the door, opened the door for McGonagall and took them out with a smile.

For the first time in this period, he saw the master smile so much, and his temper suddenly improved. Today, he carefully taught them a lot of forging skills, which had something to do with McGonagall.

"Come out!"

When people saw MEG coming out, their eyes lit up and they craned their necks to see what kind of kitchen knife master ROM had forged for MEG.

But McGonagall's hands were empty. He didn't see any kitchen knives. Most of them were put up.

"Little brother, what kind of kitchen knife did master ROM forge for you? Can you show it to us? " A dwarf standing in the front row asked curiously.

The crowd echoed and asked McGonagall to show us his kitchen knife.

Standing behind the crowd, harden could not help but stand on tiptoe and look around. He had been to Eisenhower for a year, and he had never seen the weapon forged by master ROM himself. Even if it was a kitchen knife, it would be nice to have a look at it.

"Well, let's take a look at master ROM's new work." McGonagall hesitated to see the crowd's anticipation, nodded, pulled the kitchen knife out of his schoolbag with his backhand, and then uncovered the gray cloth.

The red sunset shines down from the hole above and falls on the kitchen knife, shining with dazzling brilliance.


People subconsciously narrowed their eyes, and then issued a sincere praise.

The master is the master. With the light of the knife, you can't see anything and your eyes are almost blind.

"Everyone has seen it. Goodbye." MEG put away his knife, picked up Amy and went to the carriage.

After getting into the carriage, MEG and godala had dinner together, then went back to Tam hotel to get their luggage, and said goodbye to godala at the door of the hotel.

"Brother McGonagall, you can get the kitchen knife forged by master Rom. I'm happy for you, too. But I think some of those people just now have bad eyesight. If you want to leave tonight, be careful. I have nothing to give you. You can ride the white one horned horse in the stable. Don't stop when you get out of Eisen iron castle. As long as they don't have flying mounts, they should not catch up with you. " Godala approached MEG and lowered his voice.

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