The fierce battle for kitchen knives lasted until the middle of the night.

When harden was surprised to dig out the magic knife wrapped in black cloth from the snow, and solemnly pulled out a faint fluorescent wand, the seven miserable looking experts on the scene raised their heads to the sky at the same time and spat out three mouthfuls of blood.

"I love your mother!"

Harden looked up at the sky and scolded.


On the other hand, MEG has taken Amy back to the dining room, took a comfortable hot bath, and is ready to go to bed.

"Mr. McGonagall, the high priest has found a way to connect the restaurant of landister and Maimi." McGonagall came out of the bathroom. Gina, who was in the bathroom door in dead water, rushed up and stood in front of McGonagall. She said happily.

"Oh?" McGonagall was a little surprised to hear that landist was able to find a solution so soon.

"Last time, Mr. McGonagall let more than 100 warriors of randiste have the ability to breathe in the outside world, so the high priest let them explore the direction of the city of chaos without disturbing other races, and opened up an undersea channel, which can go back and forth from the moat of randiste's sea pain City of chaos in only three days." Said Gina.

"It's slower than flying a mount, but it's nice to be able to travel in a way that doesn't attract the attention of other races." McGonagall nodded. The wisdom of race can't be underestimated, especially the once prosperous race like landister.

"In the future, the first warrior will send shark fin to the restaurant every three days to ensure the supply of shark fin." Gina said with a smile.

Hearing that someone else gave her shark fin, MEG looked at Gina in surprise and said, "well, Gina, are you going back?"

"No, I can't bear to leave Mr. McGonagall and all of you." Gina shook her head and took Meg's arm with a sweet smile. "I want to stay in the restaurant, live with Mr. MEG, and live with everyone."

"This..." McGonagall pondered. He was a little worried about whether Elena would kill him on the spot when she came back.

"Doesn't Mr. McGonagall want Gina to stay?" Gina looked at MEG with a look of anxiety on her face.

"No, Gina is a very good employee. She can make the children who come to the restaurant smart. If you are willing to stay, I can't help it." MEG shook his head.

"I'll keep trying." Gina's face showed a smile, opened her hands and hugged MEG. Then she turned and walked towards her room. When she came to the door, she stopped and looked at MEG. She said, "if Mr. McGonagall can't sleep, you can come to me at any time."

"Cough..." McGonagall almost choked to death by her own saliva. In the middle of the night, what was the girl saying in the dead water.

"I've been sleeping for a long time today. If you can't sleep, you can come and chat with me at any time." Gina added with a smile, then waved to MEG like a kitten, holding her paw, and turned into the room.

"At night, you'd better go to bed." MEG looked at her nose, nose and heart, passed Gina's room with a straight face, lay down on the bed, and fell asleep.


"In other words, boss Mai won't ask for leave today, will he? I missed him all night yesterday. I can't live without him all day. "

"Uncle, please be reserved."

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that there were still men in my opponents. The world is changing with each passing day."

Early in the morning, many guests came to the door of the Maimi restaurant. Yesterday, boss Mai suddenly asked for leave, but many people were greedy.

"The notice of asking for leave is still there. I wonder if boss Mai has come back?" Harrison, who was at the front of the line, said with a melancholy face that the cleaners didn't come to dinner this morning. It seems that most of them are still yellow today.

It's really sad that we haven't opened the door for three days in a row.

Time to 7:30, the daily opening time, the restaurant is still quiet, the guests have to disperse.

McGonagall didn't wake up until nine o'clock, and he made up for all the sleep he had just come back in the middle of the night yesterday.

"I feel a little guilty about taking an extra day off." MEG sat up from the bed.

On one side of the bed, Amy just sat up and looked at McGonagall pitifully. "Father, I woke up from hunger this morning."

"Meow ~" the ugly duckling standing on the ground put his two forepaws at the end of the bed and stared at MEG.

"Please get out of bed with our Xiaomi children's shoes. My father will make delicious food for you." Meg said with a smile. She got up and took a lovely red and Black Gothic Lori dress from the cupboard, and a little black cloak outside.

"Today I'm going to make a nice ball." Amy raised her hand.

"Meatballs, good." MEG nodded, took out a black rubber band from the small box, combed Amy's hair, made a flexible circle with his fingers, tied it with the rubber band, and a perfect ball was formed.

"Have a look." MEG hands the mirror to Amy.

"Wow, nice little ball, I want to eat it." Amy said happily. Then she jumped out of bed, hugged Meg's neck and said with a smile, "I have an omnipotent father!"

"I have a super cute baby." MEG smilingly picked up Amy, helped her put on her boots, then walked to the bathroom, washed and went downstairs.

Gina was carefully wiping the table and chair with a rag. Hearing the sound, she looked toward the stairs. MEG came down the stairs with Amy hanging around his neck in one hand and the ugly duckling in the other. Her angular face was wearing a warm smile.

"It's so warm." Gina's eyes lit up. Mr. McGonagall always makes people feel at ease.

"Gina, you didn't have breakfast, did you?" MEG looked at Gina in a daze and asked with a smile.

"Ah? Well, I haven't eaten yet, but I'm not hungry. " Gina was stunned and shook her head.

"Gululu." As soon as her voice fell, there was a series of grunts in her stomach, and her face turned red.

"Sister Gina is a liar. Your stomach says it's hungry." Amy slipped off MEG and said with a smile.

"Sit and wait. I'll make breakfast for you." McGonagall said with a smile. He put the duckling on the counter, tied his apron to his waist and turned into the kitchen.

Today's breakfast is Yangzhou fried rice for one person. The mild fried rice comforts the hungry stomach and makes the new day full of vitality.

"The restaurant is closed today. Let's go to the ice cream shop." After breakfast, Meg said with a smile.

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