Due to the closure of the Maimi restaurant, an ice cream shop ushered in the peak passenger flow.

Ice cream is the perfect food in summer. On a cold winter day, you don't even want to reach out, let alone eat ice-related food.

However, during this period, the temperature in an ice cream shop has increased a lot. The first thing warm for people entering the shop is to take off their coats.

Sitting in a warm ice cream shop for a while, and then a sweet ice cream, this feeling is not too comfortable.

Therefore, in addition to children, it also attracts many young people, as well as many young couples.

"Business is surprisingly good." MEG looked at the ice cream shop full of customers, some unexpected way.

"Yes, Mia is very good." Gina gives a thumbs up and looks admiringly at mia, who is busy in the ice cream shop.

McGonagall saw a lot of familiar customers in the restaurant and said with a smile, "you go in."

"Father, won't you go in?" Amy looks at MEG strangely.

"Well, I'm going to do something. I'll come back to have lunch with you when I'm done. Tell sister MIA they'll go back to the restaurant for lunch at noon today." Meg said with a smile.

"Good." Amy nodded, and Gina walked toward the ice cream shop. McGonagall reached out and stopped a carriage for buffet manor.

"Is Miss Hill in, please?" McGonagall asked the porter at the door of Warren Buffett's manor.

"Do you have an appointment?" The porter looked at MEG with some vigilance, but still with respect and demeanor.

"No MEG shook his head.

The Porter said with a smile, "please come back after making an appointment. Miss Hill has gone out today. She has never seen any guests who have not made an appointment in advance."

He received dozens of people like McGonagall every day. As soon as he opened his mouth, he wanted to see Miss Hill, but Miss Hill didn't want to see them at all.

What's more, this guy came by carriage. How could he know Miss Hill if he didn't even have a carriage.

"Well..." McGonagall pondered that hill had to manage such a large family and company, and his schedule must be very full. He came suddenly. He really didn't think about it and was preparing to leave.

"Mr. McGonagall, why are you here?" Then a voice came from the manor, and a young man came out quickly, who was Hill's assistant who had taken MEG to the train base two times before.

"I'd like to talk to Miss Hill about something, but I didn't make an appointment in advance. It seems that I can only come back next time." Meg said with a smile.

The assistant said with a smile: "Miss Hill told me before. You are the first-line partner. If you want to find Miss Hill, I can take you to her now. I think she will be very happy to see you."

"First sequence..." the porter opened his mouth and looked at MEG in disbelief.

As far as he knows, among the people who rank first in Miss Hill's list are the master, the Lord of the city, the Lord of the grey temple... And this seemingly ordinary man is also on Miss Hill's first list!

"That's fine." McGonagall nodded. He was no stranger to the cooperation sequence. The higher the value of the partners, the higher the sequence. It seems that hill takes him seriously.

"Just a moment, please. I'll ask them to get the car." The assistant said respectfully, turned back to the manor, and soon a coachman drove out in a luxurious carriage pulled by four pure white unicorns and stopped beside MEG.

"Mr. McGonagall, please get in the car." The assistant opens the door.

"Thank you." McGonagall got into the carriage. His assistant closed the door and sat down on McGonagall's side.

"Just a moment, please." The carriage stopped in front of a buffet bank. The assistant said, got up and got out of the carriage. After a while, he came back, opened the door and said respectfully, "Mr. McGonagall, miss, please come with me."

"Good." MEG got out of the car, followed his assistant into the bank, walked through the lobby to the VIP room on the second floor.

"Mr. McGonagall, I hear you're looking for me. What can I do for you?" Hill, standing by the window, turned to hear the sound, looked at MEG and asked with a smile.

"Yes, I went to Eisenberg two days ago and met master Rom. I have a business to talk to Miss Hill." MEG nodded with a smile.

Although it's not the first time to meet hill, every time I see the girl in red, I still feel that I need to keep sober and alert in front of her.

"I just heard this morning that master ROM, who hasn't made a new work for a long time, forged a kitchen knife for a chef yesterday. Isn't the mysterious chef Mr. McGonagall?" Hill looked at MEG in surprise.

"Miss Hill is really well informed, and she's still brilliant." MEG nodded slightly, admitting it.

"Mr. McGonagall always makes unexpected moves. It's hard to figure out what kind of person you are." Hill looked at McGonagall and said with a smile, "but apart from you, there's really no other chef in Nolan who can make master ROM forge a kitchen knife."

"Miss Hill is flattered." McGregor airway.

"You go out first, don't let anyone in." Hill said to his respectful assistant at the door.

"Yes." The assistant answered, turned out and closed the door.

A sound insulation array lights up and covers the VIP room.

"I wonder what kind of business Mr. McGonagall is here to talk to me about today? Is it about master Roma? " Hill asked, looking at McGonagall with a smile, looking into his eyes.

Master ROM is the first forger in the continent of Nolan. He has been famous for 400 years. No one can surpass him.

The wealth he has accumulated over the past four hundred years, according to speculation, has exceeded billions of copper coins.

Such a large family, among the target customers of buffet bank, naturally ranks in the forefront.

"Yes, yesterday I talked with master Rom. he said that he would like to move the forge to a chaotic city. He was worried about the inconvenience of carrying the accumulated wealth, so I recommended Miss Hill's buffet bank to him." McGonagall nodded and opened the door to the mountain road.

Hill's eyes were slightly fixed. He didn't expect McGonagall to be so magnanimous. He immediately said with a smile, "I didn't expect Mr. McGonagall to find himself a satisfactory kitchen knife and get such a big client for our bank. How can I thank you?"

"Miss Hill has a good relationship with the goblins. Can they help the night elves in the dark?" MEG looks at hill.

"Night elf?" Hill's eyes narrowed slightly, looked at McGonagall and said, "is Mr. McGonagall for Princess Irina?"

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