"Princess Elena?" McGonagall was a little stunned. He immediately shook his head with a smile. "I don't know her."

"Why does Mr. McGonagall care so much about the night elves, since it's not for Princess Elena?" Hill was still staring into Meg's eyes.

"I don't know if Miss Hill has any impression of the waiters in my restaurant, such as Elsa, Sheryl and Phyllis?" McGonagall asked.

"Mr. McGonagall is talking about the three fairy maids," he said

"Yes." MEG nodded. "Ever since Princess Irina officially announced the establishment of night elves in the city of chaos, they left the restaurant and went to join the night elves.

As a result, I learned more about elves and night elves. As the boss who has worked with them, I want to give them some help. "

"I didn't expect that the three elves all joined the night elves." Hill was a little surprised and looked at McGonagall a little more clearly.

Mr. McGonagall is indeed a mysterious person, but from the understanding of all parties and the contact during this period, he is also a kind person. It is not difficult to understand that three employees who have worked in the restaurant want to help the night elves.

"They fight for the freedom of the elves, and I have no right to stop them." MEG nodded.

"Fighting for freedom is really a very moving reason." Hill nodded slightly, looked at MEG and said solemnly: "however, this is an internal war of the elves with the intention of overthrowing the rule of the wind forest over the elves. Any intervention of external forces may be regarded as an enemy by the wind forest.

Warren Buffett's bank operates in the whole continent of Nolan. It has never participated in any political events, and focuses on business, so it can always maintain a neutral and expanding attitude.

I sympathize with the night elves, but I'm afraid I can't make any commitment to Mr. McGonagall in this matter. "

McGonagall and hill looked at each other for a few seconds, then pulled back, slightly disappointed, and said, "it seems I'm embarrassing Miss Hill."

"I hope Mr. McGonagall can understand." Hill apologized.

"However, since buffet bank does not participate in any political events, what is the purpose of so actively promoting the passage of steam locomotives?" McGonagall looked up at hill, with a smile on his lips. "Buffett's banks are all over the mainland of Nolan. They build a huge financial empire based on the convenient circulation of stable and reliable currency, and all of these are built on the premise of the stability and order of Nolan.

Once an all-out war breaks out, or a local war expands, causing a wide range of chaos, the first thing to collapse is the monetary system. When the foundation of stability of the buffet bank is lost, the Empire will naturally collapse.

Therefore, I believe that buffet bank should be the most desirable bank in Nolan to maintain the current situation of the mainland. Miss Hill, am I right? "

When hill looks at McGonagall, he is clearly just an ordinary restaurant owner, but his vision and vision have surpassed many people standing at the top of the chaotic city. He can see through the plight of Warren Buffett's Bank at a glance.

As McGonagall said, the bank seems to be prosperous, but in fact it is on the verge of survival.

More than a month later, the outcome of the eight ethnic groups and one city peace talks will determine the future of Nolan and whether the financial empire of the Buffett family will continue to expand or collapse.

"Mr. McGonagall's vision is indeed very unique, but the Buffett family has been operating for decades, and it is not so easy to be destroyed." Hill remained calm.

McGonagall looked at hill and said, "if there is no Warren Buffet, the Warren Buffet family can only compete with the Molton family and Marquis family in the city of chaos. I don't think this is what Miss Hill wants. Even as the president of Aden chamber of Commerce, it's nothing but candy in Miss Hill's eyes. Suddenly, she has some interest and gives a hand. "

"This guy..." Hill's eyes narrowed slightly. She felt as if she had been completely seen through. Naturally, her goal was not the city of chaos. The territory developed by her parents was no longer attractive to her. Her goal was the wider world outside.

It's a pity that she didn't take over the Buffett family at the right time, and the world will be in chaos.

But all this, but McGonagall see so thoroughly, who is this man in the end?

Her amazing cooking skills and interdisciplinary inventions are enough to make her famous as a genius, and the vision and insight he shows now makes her curious.

"What's Mr. McGonagall's opinion?" Hill acquiesced to McGonagall and asked sincerely.

She was curious about the purpose of Meg's words.

"I also hate war. I don't like the chaotic world, and I don't want Nolan to fall back into the race war of a hundred years ago and become a mess." MEG looked at hill and said with a smile, "I'm the same as Miss Hill at this point."

"The outcome of the peace talks is no longer up to you and me. I'm not sure how much the steam locomotive can change the situation." Hill shook his head with a trace of loneliness in his eyes.

The outsider in the eyes of strong and smart strong woman, the same powerful not from the heart.

"I want to do what I can in a world that may be in chaos, but I need a strong alliance to protect more innocent people." MEG looked at hill and held out his right hand.

Hill looked at McGonagall's outstretched hand, then looked up at McGonagall, not holding out his hand. He said seriously, "before forming an alliance, I need to make sure that you are also a strong ally."

"A very wise answer." McGonagall took back his hand, took a map of Nolan from his pocket, spread it flat on the table, and took out a pen.

"What's this?" Hill stood at the table, puzzled, looking at the map. The map is a sketch, which only shows the general territorial boundaries of all ethnic groups.

"This is a simplified map of the continent of Nolan. Based on some books I have read in my spare time in recent years, I have sorted out the current situation of the continent of Nolan." MEG picked up his pen and drew it on the almost blank map.

"Nuoran is now a city of eight ethnic groups. Among them, the dragon is the super strong ethnic group, and its strength is superior to other ethnic groups. The dwarves are the weakest. They are neutral and conservative, and the city of chaos is the most special. They are the products of the peace agreement of the last ethnic war. After a hundred years of development, their strength has ranked seventh among the major forces in nuoran, and they are stronger than the dwarves Goblins. "

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