"Today, the dragon clan is detached from the world. Except for a few evil dragons, the other dragons generally do not participate in the disputes among different ethnic groups in the mainland.

The strength of the Los Empire has surpassed all ethnic groups, and formed an alliance with the powerful demons and the elves in wartime. These three alliances are enough to easily destroy other ethnic groups, which is the most uncertain factor in the peace talks. Once the war starts, for the Terrans and demons, the powerful power can make them gain more benefits in this war.

The forest trolls and the orcs have also formed an alliance. The two races are all in the front. There are many strong in the clan, and the number of middle end combat power is sufficient. After forming the alliance, they can protect themselves in the war, and they can make profits by invading the weak races.

The dwarves have always been neutral, mainly craftsmen. There are few strong people in the dwarves, but with extraordinary skills and advanced weapons, Eisen iron fort has become the most difficult castle to break.

The goblins are at the bottom of the list, and they have rich mineral resources. Although they have a large number of grottoes, they have little resistance ability if they encounter a large-scale invasion.

Should chaos city and goblins form an alliance? Although it is a helpless move to unite the weak and the weak, it also has a little power to protect itself. " Said Meg.

Hill nodded slightly, but these are all platitudes. Anyone who knows something about the situation on the mainland can talk about it for an afternoon. If McGonagall is only at this level, she thinks the conversation can be over.

"Miss Hill should have heard a lot of these things. There's really nothing to worry about." McGonagall seemed to see what hill thought and said with a smile, "but what I want to talk about today is not the situation on the mainland, but how to solve the problem."

"Solve the problem?" Hill raised his eyebrows, looked at MEG and said, "does Mr. McGonagall have any solution?"

Meg said with a smile: "the increasingly powerful Terrans and Demons began to expand, and formed a villain alliance that could fight with the dragon clan. Conquering the continent of Nolan, they had a broader territory, and keeping all ethnic groups under their feet became the main reason for the current tense situation.

Goblins and dwarves are just forced to form a group, and they have no time to hold their big legs. Once the war starts, they will basically become victims.

Although the alliances of all ethnic groups crisscross, the relationship between them is not so simple and harmonious. The hatred left by hundreds of years of ethnic wars and the peace of just one hundred years can not be completely resolved.

Therefore, if we can use the stratagem of combining vertical and horizontal, divide the strong ethnic alliance, strengthen the weak ethnic alliance, and make the mainland situation return to a relatively balanced state, the ethnic war will not be reopened. Even if the peace agreement cannot be renewed, the situation in Nolan will continue to maintain a relatively peaceful state. "

"Vertical and horizontal..." Hill said softly, her eyes lit up slightly. As a businessman, she seldom thought about problems from all ethnic levels. No matter how powerful the buffet bank is, it is only a bank after all. How can she shake the decision of a race.

Even steam locomotives just want to let all ethnic groups see the power of science and technology and the possibility of integration in Nolan, so as to influence the decisions of all ethnic groups.

However, in Meg's words, she has already regarded all ethnic groups as chess pieces, and Norland as a chessboard. This pattern and height seem to open a door to a new world in front of her.

When we look at MEG, her eyes have changed. He seems to be covered with a mysterious veil, which is hard to see through.

However, McGonagall's words are still a little broad. The game of all ethnic groups is all calculation and strategy. If it is easy to divide and unite, it will not become such a tense situation.

"I'd like to hear about it." Hill looks at McGonagall.

"The alliance between the Los Empire and the demons is the first thing to solve. When the demons invaded the wind forest, they almost destroyed the elves. There is no way to resolve the hatred and contradiction between them. The alliance between the ELOS Empire and the elves divided the villain alliance, intensified the contradictions among the three groups, and thus disintegrated the situation of the indirect alliance among the three groups, forming internal constraints.

However, the alliance between orcs and forest trolls is relatively weak, which can be maintained to restrict the Los empire.

The alliance between chaos city and goblins can best be combined with dwarves. The mineral resources of goblins, the powerful skills of dwarves, and the railways and steam locomotives of chaos city can speed up social evolution. The weak alliance can also have the power to protect itself. " Said Meg.

If hill is thoughtful, according to McGonagall, the situation in Nolan will become controllable. At least no race dares to launch an all-out war easily. Is this the so-called joint vertical and horizontal?

"Now, is Miss Hill willing to be my ally?" McGonagall looked at hill and said with a smile.

"Mr. McGonagall can be a good politician even if he is not a cook or an inventor." Hill extended his hand to McGonagall and said with a smile, "hill hopes to hear your more careful plan. The buffet family will do their best to keep the world peaceful."

"I'm afraid it's not the task that the buffet family and I can accomplish, but with your current relationship with the city Lord's mansion and the power of the chaotic city, we still have a chance to change the world." McGonagall took Hill's hand with a smile. "Next, let's make the world a mess."


It was almost noon when he left from Buffett's Bank, and hill asked the assistant to send MEG back to the restaurant.

"Thank you." MEG got out of the car, said to the assistant with a smile, watched the carriage leave, and then turned into the dining room.

As a puppet fan, relying on the historical records and military books he read when he was a child, and with the wisdom and experience of his predecessors, McGonagall spent several months making a detailed subversion plan for all ethnic groups.

McGonagall is a chef who runs a restaurant. In order to make the guests have a good meal, he must do something for the peace of the world.

Ethnic war can not be prevented by one person.

Even if he restores Alex's peak strength, the courage of every man, in front of a race, is still very small.

"Father! You are finally back. We are starving. What shall we have for lunch today? " As soon as Meg entered the door, Amy, with her chin on the counter and her eyes shining, slipped down from the chair and trotted into Meg's arms, full of expectation.

Mia and they all arrived. They were looking forward to seeing MEG. They didn't eat the delicious food made by the boss for two days. They were not used to it.

"At noon today, we have fish head with chopped pepper." McGonagall looked at Amy and the girls and said with a smile that they were the reason why he wanted to do it.


Hill stood alone by the window for an hour. When he turned around, his eyes became clear and firm. He picked up the map on the table and went out of the door. In a cold voice, he said, "go to the Lord's mansion."

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