Ten thousand elves surrounded the cave where the Night Elves were. Since the fire broke out a few days ago, the wind forest sent another 5000 elite guards to prepare to solve the night elves in the shortest time.

Although the night elf has a great reputation in Nolan recently, it has only a thousand people so far, and most of them are low-powered slaves.

Had it not been for the complex terrain of the grottoes and the endless array of traps, the guards would have wiped out the night elves.

It has been more than ten days.

This place is located in the territory of the goblin people. Not far from here, there are often goblin spies on the mountain. More than ten miles away, there are goblin troops stationed. Although they hide in the grottoes, according to the detection of the high priest, the number is more than 10000.

This encirclement and suppression must be completed as soon as possible. The long supply lines and the harsh environment around the grottoes are not easy for the Elven guards who participate in the encirclement.

Because of mining, there are many barren mountains near the grottoes. The bare rocks can't stop the cold wind for the Elven soldiers in this cold winter.

A few days ago, it rained several times, which made the situation worse. Many Elven soldiers have been frostbitten.

Stick to the line of defense, can't drink sweet dew, can't eat fresh and delicious food, in the ice and snow, endure the cold, gnawing raw and cold dry food, the momentum of the spirit guard is a little weak.

"Brother, you said that we were also captured. Why help them fight against the princess? She's fighting for us? " A young elf looked around, saw no one around, looking at the ELF's voice.

"Princess, she's a good fairy." The elf looked at the direction of the grottoes, and the look was somewhat gloomy: "but what she did was impossible to succeed. If we want to live, we have to recognize her life and lower the human race. That is our life."

"But..." the young elf wanted to talk.

"Stand up, all of you!" At this time, a sharp drink accompanied by a clear whiplash sounded. A tall spirit in gold armor riding on a tall Warcraft took back the whiplash, looked at the spirit with a deep bloodstain drawn out by the whiplash, and cried out: "cheer me up! Don't think how hard you are. You still have food to eat every day. Those traitors on the mountain have run out of food, Lord Berg said. If we don't accept surrender, we will surround the grotto and starve them to death! "

The elves, who were having lunch, stood up one after another, most of them with a faint meaning.

Some of them were captured by demons to return to the wind forest and then were directly exiled. More of them were ordinary elves who were classified as low-level elves and forced to undertake military service.

They have no freedom of choice, undertake the most dangerous tasks, take the most meagre food, and live a little more dignified than the slaves in the convoy.

When Princess Irina raised the banner of freedom and resistance, and announced to the whole continent that she wanted to fight for freedom for these low elves who were oppressed at the bottom of the Elven society, they became the sharp blade in the hands of those nobles who enslaved them.

Their sword can only be waved to those fairies who are braver than them, those who fight for freedom.

They bear the whips and insults of high-level elves speechless, just for the hard food and life in their hands.

The world outside the forest is not beautiful. If it falls into the hands of those demons, life is worse than death.

The Royal Highness described by the princess is beautiful, and freedom is so yearning.

Even before the powerful rule of the wind forest, even the mighty Princess of highness could only take the night elf into the grotto and die in hunger.

"Eat it." Previously, the spirit bit the dry food in his hand and whispered to the young spirit. His eyes were fixed on the general, but his heart was full of powerlessness.

With tears in his eyes, the young elf put the dry food to his mouth, but he couldn't swallow it.

The Elven general said with a proud face: "Lord Berg said that tomorrow at the latest, we can collect the corpses of those traitors and end this ridiculous rebellion. The class can never be overthrown, just as those traitors can never have food."

At this time, a strong smell of barbecue suddenly floated out of the holes in the grottoes, and was blown away in all directions.

"It smells good!"

At the foot of the mountain, the elves with dry food in their hands brightened their eyes one after another, sniffed the smell of barbecue, subconsciously swallowed their saliva, and then couldn't help looking for the source of the smell.

The strong smell of barbecue, just smell saliva will be rampant, even eat more than ten days of dry food, a bite of meat did not eat the elves in this smell in front of almost no resistance.

The smell was so tempting that it was far beyond the taste of the game they got by chance. Just smelling the smell, they seemed to have seen the greasy barbecue on the fire.

"The fragrance comes from the grottoes. They haven't run out of food yet! They're roasting meat! "

There are elves exclaim, voice with a bit of envy and yearning.

The elves soon determined that the fragrance really came from the cave. It could come from the depths of the cave and create such a strong surrounding effect. It showed that there was absolutely a lot of roast meat, most of which could be eaten by everyone.

Previously, he vowed that the night elves had completely run out of food, and that tomorrow's change could launch a general attack to solve all the traitors.

This is what Lord Berg said in person at the meeting this morning. According to the information from the internal spies, the night elves should have run out of food for several days. They don't even have wild vegetables. How could there be barbecue?!

"It must be the conspiracy of those traitors. They have been besieged for more than half a month and no one can escape. They have run out of ammunition! Take up your arms and guard these caves The Elven general was so angry that he pulled out an air blast with his whip in the air and rode away quickly. This matter must be reported to Lord Berg immediately.

"The night elves still have food!" Many elves are relieved to kill each other. This is not what they are willing to do. Besides, they are all elves of the same class.

And the elves, who had been looking down on the night elves, also had a light in their eyes.

"Brother, since we all live to eat, why don't we stand and eat meat and live freely like them?" The young spirit put down his coarse dry food, looked at his brother and asked.

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