Since the beginning of the encirclement and suppression half a month ago, the atmosphere in the night elf caves has never been as relaxed and pleasant as it is today.

The smell of tempting barbecue accompanied by the breeze, through a roadway, so that the defense of the elves in the caves mood will float up.

The news has come down this morning, today's lunch is barbecue!

Since joining the night elves, because of the crazy siege of the wind forest, their food is strictly controlled, and they have not had enough.

But there was no complaint about it. Because half a month ago, her royal highness had never eaten, and what complaints did they have?

But from breakfast two days ago, they had the most delicious fried rice in the world, with a big bowl for each.

The fried rice, which is called Rainbow fried rice, is so delicious that the elves marvel, and the weight is enough to make an adult elves full.

After two consecutive days of delicious fried rice, the low atmosphere in the grottoes began to be full of vitality and hope again.

It is certain that Her Highness has solved their food and grass problems, and they have the courage to continue to stick to the cave and fight for ideals and freedom.

Today's barbecue at noon is more like the gentle tail of a kitten, stirring their hearts. I don't know how many times I have swallowed saliva.

Deep in the cave, a rather wide cave was transformed into the main kitchen of the night elves.

"Turn the roast over and brush the sauce evenly." Phyllis commands more than 30 elves to turn over your beef on the grill, and then tells the elves waiting on the side: "send the first batch of barbecue to the soldiers guarding the front line first."

"Yes." The elves answered and began to do things in an orderly way according to Phyllis's orders.

"For all night elves to have a roast beef, it will take another five batches." Phyllis wiped the sweat on her forehead with a silk towel. The temperature in the cave was a little high because of dozens of stoves and fires.

Cooking meals for more than 1000 people is quite different from cooking in restaurants. Besides, she only needs to cook for her royal highness, but now she has to command dozens of people to cook together, which is undoubtedly a great challenge for her.

This is her first time to cook barbecue in the grottoes. After all, it's wartime. There's no way to cut the beef into small cubes and string them one by one with bamboo strips in the dining room. So he fumbled for two days and cut the beef into steak, but instead of frying it, he chose to roast it with charcoal.

She learned to roast beef kebabs, Yangzhou fried rice and stewed chicken rice in Maimi restaurant. Even if she could not refine them, she still wanted to serve the most delicious food for the hard-working soldiers on the front line, and at the same time, she did not want to insult the cooking skills that Mr. McGonagall taught her.

Looking at the smile and satisfaction on the faces of the Elven soldiers, she felt a strong sense of achievement. Hard work and tiredness were nothing.

The elves in the kitchen looked admiringly towards Phyllis's eyes. As the maid of honour of the Royal Highness, Phyllis's cooking was amazing. Since she took over the kitchen, eating every day has become the most anticipated thing for all elves.

Under her command and instruction, ordinary food is cooked into delicious food. It seems that there is a source of delicious food hidden in those bottles and jars, which brings an unparalleled delicious experience.

"Princess, if we let them know that we still have food and grass, will we give up the siege and start to attack the grottoes fiercely?" Night elf bodyguard Ashley looked at Elena with some worry.

At noon today, Elena suddenly let go of the smell blockade of each passage, and used the array to transport all the barbecue flavor from the kitchen out of the grottoes.

This kind of behavior will tell the elves who besieged the grottoes about the present situation of the remaining food in the grottoes. During this period, their situation of encircling but not attacking the grottoes may change, and they will begin to attack the grottoes regardless of the cost.

"Ashley, what do you think will happen to the night elves if this siege continues for a month? What about the wind forest? " Irina turned to Ashley and asked.

Ashley was a little stunned. After thinking for a while, her face changed slightly and said, "the forest of the wind has not fought with other people for a hundred years, and has accumulated a lot of resources and wealth. It is not difficult to keep ten thousand guards besieging the grottoes. And a month later, the night elves ran out of food yesterday, and we will be in a food crisis again. "

"In that case, we are the one who needs change." With a smile on her lips, Irina looked at some rioting elves at the foot of the mountain. "Those in power don't take these soldiers at the bottom seriously at all. After their pay has been deducted layer upon layer, they only have hard to swallow dry food. It's even more common for officers to beat and scold at will. Then I'll use the fragrance to confuse his morale and let the bottom soldiers know that we fight for freedom, stand and live, but we can eat delicious barbecue. And they fight for those who exploit and torture them, but they are bound to be free and live

"Is the princess trying to plot against them?" Ashley's eyes brightened and her voice raised a little.

Since the cave was besieged, the night elves have lost the channel for fresh blood to flow in. With the increase of the number of escorts, the cave is surrounded by no air, no reinforcements, and can not expand the scale. For the night elves, this has become a dead end.

But soon Ashley was worried: "for the night elves now, treason is a double-edged sword. The addition of fresh blood can enhance the strength of the night elves, but the increase in the number of people in the grottoes will also accelerate the consumption of food and grass, making our time more tense."

"Rebellion can't be achieved overnight, but as long as his morale is in disorder and those elves at the bottom yearn for us, whether it's a breakthrough or a counter campaign, we will have a better chance of winning." Irina calmed down, took back her eyes, turned and walked toward the passage, "the barbecue smells good, the bean sprout cooking is really good."


"Lord Berg, the smell of barbecue is coming from the cave. Is it because the news is wrong? Do they have enough?" Not far from the foot of the mountain, in a magnificent tent, several Elven generals gathered together, anxiously looking at Berg sitting in the first place.

Berg's face is also a bit gloomy. He has not received any news from the spy since the day before yesterday. However, according to the previous news, the night elves should have run out of food. How can they have barbecue now? Did Irina ever go out?

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