The elves in the grottoes gradually get roasted beef, which is full of fragrance. The freshly baked beef still emits heat. They bite the full beef in one bite, and the gravy explodes in their mouth, which completely detonates the taste buds. The delicious beef is perfectly matched with the delicious sauce, bringing an unparalleled delicious experience.

"How delicious

The night elves are enjoying the delicacy and satisfaction brought by a whole piece of beef. Many people have rarely been able to eat meat in the past 100 years, and they have never eaten such delicious beef.

The smell of roast beef swept around the grottoes, which also made the elves at the foot of the mountain have some disturbance.

The news of night elves and food soon spread, and the smell of barbecue was the best proof.

The elves, who were eating hard to swallow dry food, smelled the delicious smell of barbecue and listened to the praise from the cave, which was more and more unpleasant.


Maimi restaurant.

The efficiency of pangtouyu slaughtering pangtouyu is really extraordinary.

The golden blade flashed by, and a fat head fish became two flat heads.

Lunch is a fish feast, a chopped pepper fish head and a large spicy roast fish.

People switch between hot and sour and spicy, enjoying the delicious experience of two classic cooking methods of fish.

"Boss, shall we open at night?" After lunch, Mia looked at MEG, a little worried, said: "three days in a row, the guests seem to be very angry."

"This trip is for business. In order to bring new dishes to the guests, this is the first rest day, so we won't open the door tonight." McGonagall smiles and shakes his head. Anyway, it's all pigeons in the daytime, so we'll have another day off at night.

"Then I'll continue to open the ice cream shop in the afternoon." Mia nodded. The boss went to Eisenberg. It was really hard.

"Is master ROM starting to forge weapons again? I've heard that he hasn't forged weapons for two years Elizabeth asked curiously, her fists clasped unconsciously.

Master ROM's reputation, even among the dragon people, is not small.

Because Alex's Tiandu sword once killed many famous dragons, and Tiandu sword was forged by master ROM.

Before the battle with Fox, she was seriously injured and dying. It was Alex who saved him.

This period of time in the city of chaos training, her injury has almost recovered, so also secretly looking for Alex's trace.

For Alex, her emotions are a bit mixed.

At that time, her father disappeared, life and death unknown, she attributed all this to Alex, he let his father lost the heart of the strong, so he left dragon island alone, disappeared without a trace.

On that day, he fell from the sky and seriously injured fox, saying, "I saved this dragon!" And "who dares to stop me?", Firmly engraved in her mind.


He is clearly her enemy and the person she hates most. Why do you want to save her?

And... Even drugged her.

She wanted to find him and ask all the questions in person.

Whether it's why he saved her or something about her father.

It's just that Alex is haunted. Although he appeared twice some time ago, he disappeared after each appearance. He didn't leave any clues and couldn't find them at all.

Meg said that master ROM forged a new kitchen knife for him, which made her think of Alex for the first time, so she couldn't help asking curiously.

"Maybe I'm lucky." McGonagall said with a smile, and did not reveal much about master ROM.

Elizabeth did not ask any more. It was hundreds of years ago that Tiandu sword was forged. It was obviously impossible for master ROM to know Alex's trace.

"Boss Mai." At this time, outside the door came a knock, as well as a deep husky voice.

"It's master Julian!" As soon as Amy's eyes brightened, she trotted to the door, tiptoed, grabbed the handle and pushed it out.

"Little Amy, you're back." Julian looked at Amy standing at the door and said with a smile.

"Yes, master Julian, are you here for dinner?" Amy nodded and asked curiously.

"No, master has already had lunch." Julian shook his head with a kind smile on his face. "I want to ask little Amy, do you want to learn magic this afternoon? You didn't come yesterday. If you didn't learn ice magic for two days, you might be weaker than that silly melee magic. "

"Well, I'll go to class this afternoon. I had a good time with my father two days ago." Amy nodded her head cleverly.

"Lord Julian, I'm sorry that I didn't ask Amy for leave in advance yesterday." McGonagall was a little sorry. As a father, he always played truant with Amy. Even he was a little embarrassed.

"It's ok... It's OK. Of course, little Amy's happiness is the most important thing." Seeing that Amy was willing to go to class, Julian's face glowed red. He waved his hand indifferently and took Amy back to the magic potion shop for class.

"Boss Mai! You're back at last. Is the restaurant open at noon today? I'm so hungry that my chest is close to my back... "As soon as I got to the door of the restaurant, Harrison looked at McGonagall, who was about to turn and enter the door. Suddenly, he let out a wolf howl, and his huge body of two or three hundred kilograms ran over like a whirlwind, holding McGonagall's arm.

McGonagall looked at Harrison's trembling fat, quietly pulled back his arm, and said with a smile: "the restaurant is closed today, and it will be officially open tomorrow. Moreover, the word" front chest and back "is a little inaccurate. It's across mountains and rivers."

Harrison's face broke down and he said, "boss Mai, if I don't eat your food for one day, I'll feel sick all over. If I don't eat it for three days, it's killing me."

McGonagall was not moved. He shook his head with a smile and said, "there will be a new product tomorrow. Let's go back today."

"New products!" Harrison's eyes suddenly lit up, blinked at McGonagall and said, "boss McGonagall, with our relationship, let me know something about the new products. What kind of food are you going to eat tomorrow?"

"Fish." McGonagall revealed only one word.

Harrison couldn't dig out more information from McGonagall's mouth, so he had to go inside.

McGonagall turned around and was about to enter the door when the sound of a horse's hoof sounded. At the same time, there was a middle voice: "where's McGonagall, the owner of the Maimi restaurant? The king of Los has an order

"The king of Los Empire?" McGonagall stopped, turned and looked at the Black Unicorn, which was speeding up and stopping at the door of the dining room. On it sat a young knight in soft black armor.

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