The young knight sat on his horse, looked down at MEG and asked, "are you the restaurant owner MEG?"

"Yes." McGonagall nodded. He was a little curious about what the king of Los had in mind, and sent the king's personal guard to deliver it.

This knight looks at 25-6 years old, but he has six levels of strength. He is a young talent with good talent and strength.

"The king's will, when half kneel to meet." Said the young knight in a deep voice.

"I'm not a member of the Los empire. I'm in a chaotic city. Why do I kneel down?" McGonagall asked, unmoved.

"You..." the young knight looked cold, and raised his whip. When he remembered the leader's advice, his majesty told him to come and invite the cook. He could not hurt him. He put it down and said in a cold voice: "the king's will is to ask Mr. McGonagall, the owner of the Maimi restaurant, to go to lodu to cook a palace banquet. The flying mount is ready and he will leave immediately."

He was a little puzzled, just a chef, why did his majesty make such a great effort to let him come, and specially sent flying mounts to meet him.

However, he didn't like the chef's attitude. With his strength and identity, he dared to talk back to himself, not to mention an ordinary chef, even those powerful people in Luodu.

However, to be able to go to the Royal Palace of the Los Empire to cook Palace Banquet for the king is the honor that many chefs dream of. This guy must immediately change his attitude and begin to kneel and lick him.

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't take the king's will." McGonagall pointed to the blackboard beside him. "Unfortunately, I've just asked for three days' leave. I have to open tomorrow, or my lovely guests will go away."

"Well?" Young knight a Leng, looking at McGonagall, like looking at a fool, this guy not only did not immediately kneel lick him, even refused the king's invitation?

How can anyone refuse a king in this world? How dare anyone refuse the king!

"What did you just say?" The young knight thought he might have heard something wrong.

"Please go back, because I have to run a restaurant. I don't have time to go to the Los empire." McGonagall remained calm.

No time.

What a perfunctory reason, this guy should use this reason to refuse the king's invitation?!

"Do you know what it means to refuse the king's invitation?" The young knight drew his sword from his waist, pointed to MEG and said in a cold voice, "now you have to worry about me, not your idiotic guests! You have two choices. Follow me or die. "

"Young man, it's better to keep a low profile." MEG looked at the young knight with a complicated look.

"Low key?" The young knight laughed and said with pride: "from becoming the king's personal guard, a humble person like you is only qualified to look up to me..."


A folding chair draws a beautiful parabola and slaps the young knight sitting on the horse's back in the face.

The young knight was directly photographed on the ground from the horse's back. A fiery figure leaped up from a distance. With one foot, he stepped the knight struggling to get up on the ground. With one hand, he firmly caught the folding chair that had just fallen.

"It's not good for the Burning Legion not to have holy rougamo." Sargeras looked at the young knight who was pressed on the ground with his feet, and said with a serious face.

The young knight only felt that half of his face was directly hit by the galloping carriage, half of his face was completely numb, and his whole head was dizzy.

And the powerful momentum of the devil who stepped on his face made him fear, which was the terrible power that could easily kill him.

"As I told you, my guests are very violent. Now you believe it." McGonagall looked at the young knight who was trampled on by Sargeras, and sighed slightly, but the schadenfreude in his voice made people want to hit others.

"You devil know who I am! I'm the special envoy of the king of Los empire. If you dare to bully me like this, the Los empire will definitely list you as the one to be killed. Don't let me go as soon as possible The young knight exclaimed angrily. With the support of the Empire of LOS and the king, he was fearless.

"Special envoy of the king?" Sargeras frowned. It would be a bit of a problem if the Los Empire were to target their burning legion. In that case, this guy

Sargeras's eyes were cold, and he was ready to kill.

Seeing that Sargeras hesitated, the young knight thought that he was afraid of the Los empire. He became more and more proud and said, "hum, you are just a devil. How dare you disobey the king's order and let me go as soon as possible, and then kneel down to me to beg for mercy. If I am happy, maybe you will die."

Even McGonagall couldn't help admiring the elder brother's killing behavior. This time, the Knights of the Los empire can't do it. How can such a guy with eyes above the top come out of the boundary of the Los Empire, and have the illusion that he is the boss.

If it wasn't for the worry that this guy might cause him some trouble if he died in the chaotic city, he would like to open a ladle for him with a kitchen knife and have a look at what was inside.

Sargeras, with a cold face, clenched his folding chair and was ready to send the man on the road.

"When can the people of the Los Empire run to the chaotic city and threaten and bully the residents of the chaotic city at will?" Just then, a majestic voice sounded. A black carriage stopped at the door of McMillan's restaurant. The door opened and Roland came out, looking coldly at the young knight who had been trampled on the ground.

Sargeras took a look at the man in the carriage, folded up the folding chair, took back his feet on the young knight's face, and stepped aside.

Now that the Lord of the grey temple has come, there is nothing to do with him.

The young knight only felt a terrible pressure enveloping him, and the powerful mental force was pressing on him. Although the devil had withdrawn his feet, he still lay on the ground and could not move. The strong sense of oppression made him almost unable to breathe.

"Lord Roland of the grey temple!" The young knight was shocked in his heart. One of the actual controllers of the chaotic city, unexpectedly appeared here for a cook and gave him a hand.

"Lord Roland, I've been ordered by the king to invite Mr. McGonagall, the owner of Maimi restaurant, to the Luodu cooking palace. I don't mean to offend you. Please forgive me." Young knight even busy way.

It is said that the leader of the chaotic city is forthright and benevolent, but the leader of the grey temple is cruel and cruel. If he is famous for his actions, I'm afraid his majesty will not say much.

"Would Mr. McGonagall like to go?" Roland looks at MEG.

"The restaurant is busy. Please tell the king that I'm sorry I'm not able to go there." Meg said with a smile.

Roland put down his authority, looked at the knight and said coldly, "you've heard that. Now, you can go away."

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