"Goodbye." The knight sprang up, quickly stepped on the horse's back and didn't look back.

Although he may be punished for not completing the task, he chose to slip first instead of staying here.

What's the background of the restaurant owner? However, an ordinary chef can ask his majesty to come to invite him, and the Lord of the grey Temple personally protects him.

When it comes to people at the level of the Lord of the grey temple, he can no longer control and participate in this matter. He just needs to send the news back as soon as possible, and then wait for the above orders.

McGonagall looked at the far away knight and said to Roland and Sargeras, "thank you for your help."

"Hei hei, you're welcome, boss Mai. We're here to eat rougamo." Sargeras said with a smile.

Burning Legion people also follow the smile, one by one bright big bald look strong social atmosphere.

"Mr. McGonagall is a resident of the city of chaos and has the right to refuse the rude demands of those in power in other countries. The duty of the grey temple is to protect your rights." Roland looked at Sargeras, then at McGonagall, and said, "I wonder if Mr. McGonagall has ever been to the Lord's mansion."

"The Lord of the city?" McGonagall raised his eyebrows slightly. He didn't expect that hill's action was so fast. He nodded his head and said, "the Lord of the temple, please. Naturally, I want to go."

"Mr. SA, the restaurant is not open today. I'm afraid we can't have rougamo. Come early tomorrow morning." McGonagall looked at Sargeras road again. Sargeras should have just come back from the north. He wanted to ask him about the situation of the night elves, but Roland himself invited him. He couldn't put him aside, so he had to postpone the handover.

"Well, let's come back tomorrow." Sargeras scratched his head and said nothing. He led the Burning Legion away.

"Please." Roland said, and got on the black carriage first.

McGonagall locked the door, got on the carriage, sat down opposite Roland, the door closed, the carriage turned and drove away, hardly feeling the bump in the carriage.

Roland closed his eyes and did not speak. MEG did not speak. He looked at Roland quietly.

The Lord of the grey temple, who represents the majesty of the law of the city of chaos, is also a level 10 magician. Previously, he could make the knight lie on the ground and can't move just with his authority, which can be seen from his strength.

Roland looks very young. She is only in her thirties. She has long hair and thin body. She looks like an ordinary face. She still awes people with her eyes closed.

Since the establishment of the city of chaos, he has set up the grey temple. The Lord of the city of chaos has changed for two times. He is still the Lord of the grey temple, and his face has never changed.

There are rumors that he is a devil.

There are also rumors that he is a dragon.

Far longer than human life span, eternal appearance, and never been tested the strength of deep diving, so that the mysterious gray Temple Lord put on a veil.

In Alex's memory, McGonagall found the sporadic meeting between him and the temple Lord. The most profound thing is that they once had a diplomatic encounter in the chaotic city.

Alex made a sword, Roland only released the magic once, no win.

In Alex's resume, there are few such things as draw, which shows Roland's strength is really strong.

Almost to the Lord's mansion, Roland suddenly opened his eyes, just to McGonagall's eyes, deep eyes slightly narrowed, voice slightly low way: "I'm very curious, who are you?"

"I am me, flowers of different colors." McGonagall almost picked it up, calmly looked at Roland's eyes, and said with a smile, "I'm probably a cook who likes to make trouble, think blindly, and do nothing about his business."

Roland stares into McGonagall's eyes for a while, and a smile appears on his unsmiling face. "There are many strange looking people in the city of chaos who want to be separated from the past. I'm one of them, so you don't have to worry that we will explore your past, as long as you agree that you are a resident of the city of chaos, that's enough."

"That's probably why I like it here." McGonagall said with a smile.

When the carriage stopped, Roland put away her smile and got out of the car.

McGonagall got out of the carriage. This is already inside the Lord's mansion.

Roland leads MEG through a corridor to a quiet courtyard. As soon as he steps into the courtyard, he feels a powerful array that completely envelops and closes the courtyard.

Meg's eyes flashed a little surprised. It seemed that this should be an important reception point in the Lord's mansion.

"Roland, Mr. McGonagall, here you are." The door of the only room in the yard opened outwards. Michael looked at them with a smile and said.

"Lord, headmaster." McGonagall followed him into the room. Besides Michael, Novartis was also there. The big three in the city of chaos got together and interviewed him. It can be seen that they attach great importance to this matter.

The room is not big. There is only a round table and four stools in the middle of the room, and there is nothing else. It seems that it should be a place for the big three to discuss important matters on weekdays.

"Sit down. Mr. McGonagall is here today because Miss Hill has just come to talk to us about something. Mr. McGonagall should know what it is. We are very interested in it, so we want to talk to Mr. McGonagall face to face." Michael sat down and looked at MEG.

"Good." McGonagall sat down in the last empty seat, only against the big three in the city of chaos. If he didn't pass the test, he would be scared of heart disease.


The conversation lasted more than two hours. McGonagall told a lot about his plan to unite the vertical and the horizontal, disturb the internal of all ethnic groups, and let them worry about themselves, so that they had to give up their expansion ambitions.

Although McGonagall is quite confident in his plan, the information he can get is too little, and the correctness needs to be verified, so he knows that there may be many loopholes in his plan, or there may be better alternatives.

However, this is what the three of them need to consider. It is not difficult to obtain more first-hand information with the strength of the chaotic city. I believe there are also special departments that have been doing it.

The three listened to McGonagall talking, nodding, frowning and thinking. When McGonagall finished speaking, their eyes were completely different.

"Boss Mai, don't you really think about joining the city Lord's mansion? I'm going to keep the position of chief staff for you. " Michael looked at MEG and said.

"I prefer to be a cook, by contrast." MEG smiles and shakes his head.

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