
McGonagall looked at the girl who just reached his chest height and had short flax hair. She was stunned for a moment. Her petite figure didn't match the huge and soft feedback from her hands. This sudden collision with the ball was really beyond people's control.

The girl looked down at her hands, which were pressed on her chest. She was also stunned. Then she suddenly looked up at MEG.

Some disordered curly hair separated towards both sides, revealing a white and beautiful face. A little freckles on the nose made that face vivid. The blue gray eyes were full of shame and anger, and two pink and white animal ears stood up, just like cat ears, which was a little cute.

She was wearing a thin cotton and linen blouse, holding half a cake in her right hand. She had a lot of ash on her body, as if she had just rolled on the ground.

"Asshole, don't you let go of it!" The cat ear girl said with shame and anger.

McGonagall quickly took back his hand, a little embarrassed, said: "sorry, the girl ran in a hurry, under the touch can't prevent..."

"This way!" At this time, a burst of rapid footsteps came from the alley behind, quickly approaching in this direction.

"Shut up! Kiss me Cat ear looked back in a little panic, put his hand over Meg's mouth, some urgent orders, and then turned to the corner, grabbed Meg's collar and pulled it down. Meg's face came up to her, almost to kiss her thin lips.

But just as the four lips were about to close, McGonagall raised his hand and pressed the wall behind the girl. He looked in front of her and closed her eyes. She looked as if she was dying and raised her eyebrows slightly. What's the trouble? Are girls so free now?

However, judging from the girl's reaction, he could guess something. It seemed that someone was chasing her.

This inexplicably familiar bridge section.

At this time, a group of figures rushed out of the next lane. MEG leaned slightly, unbuttoned his coat, and the coat spread to both sides, just wrapping the cat ear girl. MEG lowered his head and pressed the wall with one hand. Their faces were almost together. From the outside, they looked like lovers in a hot kiss.

As they passed by MEG, the group slowed down obviously. They stared at Meg's back for a while. The woman under the coat could not see anything. The city of chaos was really open. Soon it was speeding up again. Someone whispered: "hurry up! If we let her go, the chief won't let us go! "

After the crowd left, McGonagall looked slightly. It was a group of orcs. The leader of the group had reached level 8, and the rest were also level 6 or 7 orcs. Why did such a pair of orcs chase the cat ear girl? Chief is the name of the head of the orc tribe. What does it have to do with orcs?

Connie closed her eyes tightly, expecting a sticky, disgusting kiss, but unexpectedly it didn't come, which surprised her.

This human man who just took advantage of himself is not a good man. How can he not take advantage?

However, the rapid footsteps made her hold her breath and dare not move. If they caught her, she would be killed like her father, and no one could go back to save her brother. She had to live and become stronger.

Although she didn't kiss her, the warm breath from her nose, which was almost close to her face, gently blew her face, but it made her face red. Instead of the pungent sweat smell of ordinary orcs, it had a pleasant light fragrance.

"Do human men have this strange smell?" Connie's heart was full of doubts, the coat that hung down to wrap her was so warm, and the man who was almost close to her was like a big stove, which suddenly drove away the cold.

She has been running for more than ten days. She has no warm clothes and dare not have a good sleep. She starts running as soon as she opens her eyes every day. She is almost caught several times. Even in this place called the city of freedom, she still can't find a place to accommodate herself.

But now the warm embrace, but let her panic heart suddenly settled down, inexplicable peace of mind.

MEG was sure that the orcs had run away. She looked back at the ear girl with her back against the wall and her hands clutching the half of the cake covered with mud. Her eyes were still tightly closed, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, but her mouth pursed slightly.

"What is she expecting?" McGonagall's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the girl's mouth, cherry mouth, lip shape is very lovely, just a little less blood color, and because of the dry some skin, it will greatly affect the kissing experience.

As a serious person, this is certainly not the reason why McGonagall didn't speak.

Is he such a casual person?

Even if he was knocked down by Elena, he at least fought symbolically.

"They have gone far." MEG drew back his arm, straightened up and looked at the girl.

The warmth was suddenly replaced by the cold, and the faint fragrance also went away. Connie shivered, feeling a little empty. She opened her eyes, looked at the deserted alley, and then looked up at MEG.

If you look at it carefully, this man is actually very good-looking. His handsome face is like a knife cut line, and his two curls of upper lip and light beard add a bit of mature charm. His eyes are as gentle as water. This tall human man has just saved her with his own body

Wait... Even so, it can only offset his rudeness to himself just now!

Moreover, mother said, good-looking men are liars!

Then this man must be a big liar!

Thinking of this, Connie's eyes at McGonagall became more alert.

"Are you cold?" Asked MEG.

"You... How do you know?" Connie was surprised and looked at MEG with wide eyes. Can this man read his mind? I know she's cold now!

McGonagall looked at Connie who was shivering with cold for a while. If she was a normal person, you could see why she had a look that you could see through?

"Why are those people chasing you?" McGonagall continued.

"How do you know they're after me!" Connie was even more shocked, even holding the dagger in her sleeve for the first time and looking at MEG warily.

"If I don't chase you, is it after me?" McGonagall rolled his eyes, feeling that the conversation had no way to go on, and turned to leave.

"He... Did he just leave?" Connie breathed a sigh of relief, but looking at McGonagall's back was inexplicably lost, just that embrace, really warm, good peace of mind

McGonagall took a few steps, sighed, turned and walked back to Connie, took off his coat, put it on Connie's face and said, "come with me."

"You damned gentleness..."

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