Connie, in her warm coat, followed MEG in circles.

She didn't know why she followed a man she just met, or even his name, or what kind of man he was.

Probably because she really has no place to go, and his clothes are so warm, even if she doesn't know anything, it makes her feel like she wants to trust.

Of course, the biggest possibility is that... He lost half of the big cake she managed to snatch from the big dog and said he would take her to eat delicious food.

She was so hungry

All the good-looking men are really big swindlers. They cheat her all at once.

The long coat, almost hanging to her ankles, completely wrapped her, with his body temperature and fragrance, was the most comfortable time in more than ten days.

Out of the alley, McGonagall reached for a carriage, took Connie to the carriage, and went straight back to the dining room.

"Is this... Your palace?" Connie got out of the carriage and looked at the splendid restaurant, a little surprised.

The way this man talks, he feels domineering. Maybe he is also the chief of some human tribe.

"This is my restaurant. Come in." MEG opened the door and looked at Connie.

"Restaurant!" Connie's eyes lit up and walked quickly into the restaurant.

As soon as she entered the restaurant, the warmth wrapped her up. There were almost two worlds inside and outside the restaurant, as if they were on fire.

"It's so warm." There was a smile on Connie's face. She was surprised to see the beautiful decoration of the restaurant. Although everything was not as gold as her home, it was very comfortable.

"Sit down. I'll get you some water." McGonagall said casually, looking at the message from the psychic gate in his mind, the cat ear girl was an orc, which was different from McGonagall's impression of an ORC with dark green skin.

But orcs are made up of hundreds of tribes of different sizes. They are called orcs because of some of the characteristics of Warcraft. It's not surprising that they have different characteristics.

MEG goes to the kitchen and comes out with a glass of warm water. He looks at the cat ear girl standing in front of the twilight mural.

The coat had been taken off by her and put on the chair beside her. She was staring at the mural, her eyes were red, and her mouth was pursed. She didn't want to cry.

MEG stared at her for a moment, put the glass gently on the table beside her, and turned into the kitchen.

Before long, a smell came out of the kitchen.

"How fragrant Connie, standing in front of the mural with red eyes, moved her nose. Her eyes suddenly lit up. She couldn't help turning to the direction of the kitchen. The attractive fragrance came from the kitchen.

"What is he doing?" Connie's stomach was growling. She hadn't eaten for three days. When she was hungry, she ate a handful of snow. After smelling the smell, she had no way to control her body to walk towards the kitchen door.

McGonagall in his apron turned his back to the door. The iron pot was shaking in his hands. The colorful ingredients were rolling and jumping in the pot. It was like a rainbow stretching. It was from there that the attractive fragrance came.

On the other side of the stove there is an iron pot, but the pot is covered with a lid, I don't know what is cooking inside.

"Is he a cook?" Connie looked at McGonagall strangely. She didn't expect that he said she would take him to dinner. She actually ate what he made.

McGonagall turned off the fire, put Yangzhou fried rice on the plate, took a spoon, turned around with the tray, looked at Connie standing at the door and said, "let's have a Yangzhou fried rice first, the rest is not good."

"Well." Connie answered, but her eyes were completely attracted by Yangzhou fried rice.

MEG carried the tray to the table where the water cup had been placed. He put down the fried rice and looked at Connie, who was about to reach for the spoon. He held out two fingers, grabbed her wrist, shook his head and said, "wash your hands before you eat."

Connie took a look at her dirty hand and was surprised. "Why is this hand so dirty?"

"This is your hand." Meg, speechless, pulled her into the kitchen and turned on the tap.

"What is it? Why do you let out transparent and unknown liquid at any touch? " Connie looked at the tap in surprise.

"This is the tap. It's water." McGonagall, that's a bad line.

"Tap!" Connie jumped back two steps, looked at McGonagall in shock, and said with a tremor in her voice, "you twisted off the dragon's head and put it in the kitchen! What comes out of his mouth is saliva

McGonagall stares at Connie for a long time, and suddenly has the impulse to throw the mentally retarded girl out.

"Wash your hands and eat." Meg said as quietly as he could.

Connie took a look at the fried rice on the table outside. Her stomach had already launched a strong protest, and her eyes fell back on the silver tap. Although she didn't know how McGonagall turned the dragon's head into such a slender shape, her fear was finally overcome by hunger. She reluctantly stepped forward and touched the clear water column.

"Warm!" Connie took back her hand, and her expression was even more shocked. "This... Is the dragon still cool?"

"Yes, warm water is just right for use in winter, so every time you use it, you kill it now." There was a cruel smile on Meg's face.

Connie's eyes gradually widened and immediately closed her mouth. This guy was so terrible that she had to kill a giant dragon every day in order to get warm water.

"I'm sorry, Mr. dragon. I didn't mean to. I was forced." Connie said to herself, washing her hands with warm water.

MEG turns on the tap and Connie can go out.

Connie quickly walked out of the kitchen and looked in the direction of the door, but her eyes were soon attracted by the bowl of Yangzhou fried rice on the table.

"Gululu ~"

Listening to the call of her stomach, Connie reluctantly sat down at the table, secretly glanced at the direction of the kitchen and said to herself, "I'll run away after eating this. This must not be a human, but a terrible devil. I want to stay away from him, or I'll be eaten dry and wiped clean."

Then she picked up a spoon, scooped a spoonful of Yangzhou fried rice, and the smell of eggs came to her face.

The rice is wrapped in golden eggs with distinct grains. All kinds of ingredients are cut to the size of grains of rice.

In the tribe, she always eats large pieces of meat, roasted and cooked. She has never seen such beautiful food.

"My father said that if you eat meat, you should eat it in a big mouthful. If you cut it so small, will it really taste good?" Connie was suspicious and fed the fried rice to her mouth.

The eggs almost melt in the mouth. The winter bamboo shoots and green beans cut into grains of rice are crisp and delicious. The rice wrapped in eggs is full of sweet taste after chewing.

The soft waxy ham is kneaded into the rice, and there seems to be the taste of shrimp in it!

All kinds of tastes were included in her mouth, which made her wake up all of a sudden except for a few days of snow.

The taste buds are reveling, welcoming the wonderful taste.

After swallowing it, the fried rice turned into a warm current and slid into her stomach. Connie felt warm all over her body. Her hungry stomach was gently comforted, and then she had a stronger desire to eat.

"Well! It's delicious, isn't it

Connie couldn't help praising, picked up the spoon and scooped another spoonful of rice into her mouth, chewing happily.

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