On the other side, Randy had closed his eyes, slowly moved forward and sniffed. His long eyebrows were slightly raised and slightly wrinkled, revealing a trace of surprise. "Different from the spicy smell of spicy grilled fish, it has a sour taste, not too strong offensive, but like a gentleman, with a gentle feeling."

"The smell of fish is very special. It's not like the river fish near the city of chaos. It doesn't have the slightest smell of fishy and mud. The delicious smell of fish is not covered by pepper, but set off by hot and sour taste.

The hot oil spilled on the fish's head is the real finishing touch. The hot oil perfectly integrates chopped peppers, seasonings and fish. It's just the fragrance that makes my stomach begin to look forward to. "


Listening to Randy's words, there was a sound of swallowing around him. It was clear that he could not smell the fragrance, but he seemed to have tasted it. This is probably the explanation of taste.

"Culture is not the same, the same is a smell, you can quack quack quack water so much, and I will only say: really fragrant." Abraham has some sour ways.

Randy opened his eyes and didn't care about the sour words of Abraham. He said with a smile, "the color and fragrance are complete. Only this flavor is left. It needs to be tested."

He picked up chopsticks, but first picked up a small chopped pepper.

"If you don't eat good fish, what do you do with this red pepper?" Asked Abraham, puzzled.

"It seems that this chili is different from ordinary chili, and it's also different from the chili in spicy roast fish. I want to know what's the secret here. Naturally, I have to taste it myself." Randy said casually, and then fed the small piece of chopped pepper into his mouth.

Sour and spicy, blooming on the tip of the tongue.

The spicy taste is not particularly strong, but the sour taste stimulates the secretion of body fluid in the mouth. In addition, there is a trace of salty fragrance. It seems that after a spring and autumn in an old jar, it brewed out the sour, spicy and refreshing taste.

This reminds him of the bowl of noodles with pickled vegetables that the hostess invited him to eat when he stayed in a small town a few years ago. It was the most delicious noodles he had ever eaten. Now, he often thinks of the brown old altar in the corner of the kitchen. The pieces of pickled vegetables brought him a bowl of delicious noodles.

After that, he went through many places and never tasted similar taste again.

It was just like the charming landlady who knocked over the oil and salt jar from the kitchen to the bedroom after eating noodles on that crazy rainy night. They left messy traces in every corner of the old hotel and exhausted all their strength.

So sour with a trace of sweet woman, he never met.

But in this chopped pepper, he found the taste. Although it was pepper, the sour taste immediately recalled his memory.

He firmly believes that in the corner of boss Mai's kitchen, there must be an old jar, but it's not pickled vegetables, but peppers.

"How's it going? Is it spicy? " Abel rare Randy half a day no response, can't help but curious asked.

Other guests are also concerned. The fragrance is so attractive as Randy described it. But how spicy is the key.

Abraham's words pulled Randy's thoughts back from his memory, nodded, shook his head, and said with a smile: "this pepper is like a handsome, gentle and polite gentleman. It looks awe inspiring, but it can't help opening its legs... After soaking, the spicy flavor becomes mellow, and the natural sour flavor gives it a unique taste."

"You can force so much after eating. It seems that it's not very spicy." Abraham nodded thoughtfully and was ready to order.

"Now let me try this fish head." Randy peeled off the chopped peppers to reveal the white and tender fish below, picked up a piece of fish, dipped it in the red soup, and then fed it to his mouth.

Hot and sour soup is still the first to bloom, instant invigorating the taste buds in the mouth.

Teeth easily bite open the fish, soft and tender elastic teeth, fat but not greasy, although the sour taste has soaked the fish head, there is still no way to erase the delicious fish itself.

It was totally different from the little fish in the ditch of the city of chaos, and also different from any kind of fish he had ever eaten.

It's a more noble taste.

Wonderful taste, sour and spicy taste, just like a fireball burst in the mind, it makes the scalp numb!

"Is this fish steamed?" Randy some incredible looking at the fish in front of him, steamed fish he has not eaten, the right heat, can really make the fish become fresh and tender.

But the biggest problem with steamed fish is the fishy smell that is hard to eliminate. Even the best chefs can only cover it up with some side dishes and can't eliminate it, which has become the biggest flaw.

But in front of this fish head is different, in addition to the delicious fish, he did not taste the slightest fishy smell.

The chopped peppers spread all over the fish head add a sour and hot taste to the fish head, but do not cover up the delicious taste of the fish itself.

Maybe it's because this kind of strange fish really has no fishy smell, or boss Mai uses a special way to erase the fishy smell, leaving only a wonderful aftertaste.

Randy swallowed the fish, felt the warm current and made his scalp feel numb, looked at the people who were looking forward to him, and said with a smile: "the wonderful taste can't be expressed in words, so I can only go back and slowly write it in words. If you want to know what it is, please pay attention to the next issue of carnivorism..."


Everyone cut at the same time, and then began to raise their hands to order.

"Miss mia, I'd like two sides of minced fish head with pepper, please." Abraham was the first to raise his hand. He has confirmed that this is a delicacy he would regret if he missed.

"I'll have one, too."

As long as it's not hotter than spicy grilled fish, it's easy to say.

Listening to Mia's report, she grabbed a fat headed fish and sighed: "fat master, go well. Remember, the knife that killed you is called fat headed fish. You are not wronged at all."


With the knife in hand, the fat headed fish staring at a pair of kazilan's big eyes was split into two perfect halves. Then it was quickly cleaned up and put on the steamer.


In the chaos school, after class, Amy, who is lying at the window and beating mosquitoes with a fireball, sees Ignaz pacing hesitantly outside the magic room. With a turn of his fingertips, the fireball flies to the sky and immediately turns, whew sliding in front of Ignaz.

"Oh, Ho!" Ignaz leaped back with fright. The green bean sprouts on his head shook. His eyes flew up into the sky along the fireball, and then exploded into fireworks.

"Hey, bean sprouts, what are you doing here?" Amy asked with a smile.

Ignaz looked up at Amy, hesitated and said, "Amy, there are... People who want to fight with me."

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