"Fight!" Amy's eyes lit up, but she quickly covered her mouth, looked back and whispered to Ignaz, "wait a minute, I'll come out."

"Well." Ignaz nodded.

Amy quickly sneaked out of the magic room, looked at Ignaz and said with a smile, "bean sprout, is there anyone who wants to fight with you?"

"Well, it's a group fight. It's the kind that many people fight together." Ignaz nodded.

"Why do they want to fight with you? Why don't we just hit you? You don't look like you can beat anyone at all? " Amy asked three times with a puzzled face.

"Am I really that weak?" Ignazi felt that he had been severely hit, but he shrugged quickly. There was a trace of helplessness on his fat face and said, "when I came to school in the morning, the bully Gang bullied Daphne and me and asked us to give them all our pocket money. Because I couldn't beat them, I asked them to fight in groups. "

Amy put her face down and said angrily, "someone dares to bully Daphne. Let's go and take me to beat and cry them."

"No, no, not now. We've made an appointment to solve it in the alley outside the school after school today. It's against the rules to go now." Ignaz quickly stopped Amy, shaking his head anxiously, and the bean sprouts on his head began to shake.

"Well, tell them not to leave after school." Amy nodded.

"That's what they just told me..." Ignaz said weakly.


The bell rings for class.

"I'll go to class first. Remember to come when you finish school." the little fat man was surprised. He waved to Amy and ran towards the classroom.

"I really can't help you. It seems that there is too little homework." Amy sighed and turned back to the magic room.

"What's the matter, that little fat man is going to fight with little Amy?" As soon as Amy came in, Crassus asked with a smile.

"Well, bean sprout said that someone bullied him and Daphne and beat them. Shifu, should I help them?" Amy nodded honestly.

"The ability to help and protect our friends when we need them is exactly what we learn magic for." Krasu nodded with a smile, but said: "but the students in chaos school can still be regarded as enemies. Even if they are attacked, they should be restrained and punished. Don't make things too bad."

"Little punishment? Can't they all be killed? " Amy was puzzled.

"Yes, only those enemies who threaten the lives of you and your friends can be killed by the most powerful means. Amy needs to learn to observe and analyze the situation in order to protect the people you want to protect without causing trouble to others. " Krasu said with a smile.

Amy thought about it and asked, "but if you can solve a problem with fireball, why is it so troublesome? If I can't use the most powerful magic, why should I keep practicing and learning more powerful magic? "

"Learning more powerful magic is to be able to deal with more powerful opponents. This is the upper limit." Krasu shook his head with a smile. "Of course, a fireball can solve the problem, it is not a problem."

"Well, what are those guys who bully bean sprouts and Daphne? A weak and hateful opponent? "

"No, they just don't have enough homework. I'll talk to Novak in the evening." Krasu said seriously.


XIAOBAWANG Gang, the top force of chaos school and Qingya garden, is a mysterious gang composed of strong people from grade one to grade six. In recent years, it has been haunting the school toilets and gates. It is very powerful, and no one refuses to accept it.

After the school bell rang, in the corner of the playground, a group of primary school students with schoolbags on their backs and left ankles were quickly gathered. There were about fifteen or six of them.

A tall and thin primary school student stood on a stone and looked at the people with a dignified face: "today is the third anniversary of the founding of my little overlord gang. My brothers have gone through more than 100 days and nights with me and created such a huge foundation. They have a place in the chaos of the school park.

But today, there is a little fat man with bean sprouts in preschool class. He wants to fight with our Lancome left envoy.

This is a blatant provocation to our little overlord Gang! In contempt of me and you! You say, "what shall we do?"

"Set him up! go for it I'm not going to let him down! "

All the pupils responded in unison, quite excited.

"Good." Burton showed a grim smile on his face. He took out a pink magic wand from his schoolbag and held it high above his head. The magic wand lit up a pink light and fell on the pupils' bodies like flower powder.

The pupils' eyes lit up, like a sudden injection of hormone, and walked with Burton bravely towards the school gate.

"Ignaz, let's tell the teacher about it. I don't think it's good to fight in groups." At the school gate, Daphne looked at Ignaz, a little tangled.

"Don't worry, Daphne. I'll protect you." Ignaz looked around the school, patted his chest and assured.

Daphne shook her head, sighed and said, "I'm not worried about this. I'm worried about you being beaten and crying..."

"Do I look like someone who can cry?" Ignaz's breath stagnated and his expression was a little unnatural.

"Then why are you shaking your legs?" Daphne looked at Ignaz's trembling little fat legs.

"I'm just warming up." Ignaz made a jump in the same place, his legs softened and he almost fell down.

"Boss, it's the little fat man." A fat schoolboy came up to Burton and pointed to Ignaz standing at the door.

Bolton looked around, and the little fat man was followed by a thin little girl. He couldn't help frowning and said, "won't he just take a little girl to fight with us? Our little overlord's code of conduct is not to beat girls. We can't destroy it because of this little fat man. "

"I saw that he was full of confidence in the morning. I thought he could call a large group of people. Unexpectedly, he pulled a little girl to come." Lancome looks innocent.

"No matter, even if he is alone, we should follow the rules. We can't damage our reputation, so that we won't be told that our little overlord is afraid of a little fat man." With a wave of his hand, Burton walked straight to Ignaz, stopped beside him, glanced at him, and said sarcastically, "little fat man, we'll wait for you in front. If you have seed, you'll bring your people."

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