"Boss..." awed by Fox's rebuke, abelmia turned back and looked at MEG, who was standing at the door waving to her. Her eyes suddenly turned red, but she hesitated whether she would let the anger of these guests lead to the boss.

"Come here." MEG repeated.

Abelmia immediately put down her chopsticks and walked up to MEG.


Fox and kinks spoke almost at the same time.

But this time, abelmia didn't hesitate any more. She went straight to Meg's side and hid behind him. Then she secretly looked at him. These guys really looked like bad guys. They looked terrible and unfriendly.

Fox's face was filled with surprise and anger. He was so angry that the little waiter dared to ignore his words. He was so surprised that the woman was a golden dragon. If he remembered correctly, she should have been a lowly half race when he came last time.

Kinks and the golden dragon are surprised. They can be 100% sure that the little girl has extremely pure gold blood, which is purer than any golden dragon on the Golden Dragon Island.

But kinks clearly remembers that he saw this little girl the last time he came here. He didn't have a special impression on her at that time. He only vaguely remembers what happened to her during this period of time. He successfully awakened her golden blood and became a real golden dragon.

"MIA is still young. If you have anything to do, please tell me. If you have any requests, please let me know. If I promise you one, I will lose." MEG guards MIA behind him and looks at Fox and kinks calmly.

The signboard of Maimi's restaurant is really standing in the city of chaos. Now he has the name of a senior consultant of the city Lord's mansion hanging on his head. He is also a person of half the city Lord's mansion. There are people on it. It's right to be arrogant.

Of course, even if there was a real fight, McGonagall could use a sow to beat fox to a pig's head, but now he has the courage to beat him to a pig's head again.

McGonagall's words attracted a smile from the guests. Boss McGonagall is really your uncle. He's a ruthless man who even the top ten dare to refuse another bowl of bean curd. His hanging heart is also released.

Elizabeth looked at McGonagall with a twinkle in her eyes. The corners of her mouth turned up in a radian, and she felt a little relieved.

"You know who I am, a little restaurant owner, how dare you talk to me like this!" Fox yelled angrily. He was attacked and ridiculed by kinks and Elizabeth. Now even the restaurant owner dares to talk to him like this.

"Hello, uncle, have you ever seen a boar falling from the sky?" Amy didn't know where she came from and asked suddenly.

Fox's expression froze, and the air seemed to solidify.

"Ha ha ha!" Kingston laughed and said, "fox, do you know your legend so well that even the children know it?"

All the golden dragons also burst into laughter.

Harrison, who is quietly washing hot pot while watching the play, instantly gets this stem, and then chokes on it. He turns his head and laughs bitterly and ferociously. Spicy ferments in his nose, and he has to control his own laughter. They all say that people should not tell jokes when they eat!

Fox looked at Amy, the veins on his forehead beating, and he wanted to swallow her.

But soon his eyes found that the restaurant is staring at his two big men, it is death gaze, his heart just ascended a little spark instantly extinguished.

He didn't want to experience the suffocating feeling at the door of the restaurant for the second time, and no one would intercede for him this time.

"It's said that swearing doesn't expose the shortcomings. Amy is really... Very popular with me." McGonagall looked at Amy with satisfaction, for the enemy, we should let them feel the cold like winter, do not have to say anything moral.

Not daring to move Amy, fox's eyes fell on MEG again and said coldly, "I'm the guest who gives you money. Now I want your waiter to serve me. Do you have any dissatisfaction?"

"This guest, the hot pot is already in front of you, the dishes have been served, and the service provided by the restaurant has been in place. What's your dissatisfaction?" McGonagall asked with a smile.

"Do I want a pot and vegetables? How can I do this by myself? I just want the waiter to rinse it for me and feed it to my mouth one by one. " Fox said coldly.

"If you don't want to do it, why are you sitting in the hot pot section? Do you want to come and swim? " McGonagall looked at fox with the eyes of caring for children with mental retardation. "Moreover, if you can't move your hands or your brain doesn't work well, you need to be fed one by one. Sorry, if you want this kind of service, please go home and find your mother to rebuild it. This restaurant doesn't offer it. "

"You... You..." fox was angry and angry, but McGonagall couldn't say a word.


When she was chewing the Flammulina velutipes, Vanessa spurted out, and a Flammulina velutipes was hanging on Randy's face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... It's boss mai... What boss Mai said is so funny..." Vanessa looks at Randy with a sorry look on her face. On one side, Lola quickly takes out a silk scarf and hands it to Randy, trying to hold a smile.

The guests also laughed one after another. Many of them who were eating hot pot were choked. They coughed and laughed at the same time. It was really painful and happy.

At the same time, the guests also reached a consensus that in addition to being careful of the little boss's fireball, they should also be careful of the boss's mouth.

"The boss is so powerful!" Abemia, standing behind McGonagall, looks at McGonagall's back in surprise. Although she thinks that the boss's speech style is different from his usual gentle appearance, it's really cool to be a bad guy with no dirty words! If it's her, I can't say a word.

"It's really my father. I have to continue to work hard." Amy looked up at MEG thoughtfully, her face full of adoration.

Elizabeth, who was still a little worried, looked at Fox's innocent face. She felt that he was disgusting. She didn't expect that there were times when he was so shriveled as today. McGonagall was really surprising.

"It seems that I have to ask this little boss for advice when I have time. If I can learn 30% or 40% of the skill of swearing, I will be invincible all over Longdao." Kinks looked at McGonagall thoughtfully, much more senior than the ordinary low-level scolding.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll tear down your old restaurant?" Fox stood up slowly, the temperature around him dropped suddenly, and there was frost under his feet.

"Then you have to ask them if they agree." MEG turned straight to the restaurant.

Then a guest stood up.

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