Looking at the guest who stood up, the ice dragons, who had clapped the table and stood up to give fox a strong voice, swallowed their saliva at the same time, then naturally turned around and sat back, picked up chopsticks and began to rinse duck intestines.

"Are you going to tear down the Maimi restaurant?" Asked an old man in grey Temple uniform, looking coldly at fox.

"The top ten!" Fox felt the powerful pressure from the other party at the first time, and from the identity of the other party's grey temple, he also judged the identity of the other party, one of the four deputy hall owners.

"How to do it?" A level 9 demon looked at fox with a bad look on his face. The momentum of level 9 was no less than that of fox. He twisted his neck and made a click sound.

"How about starting with my old bone?" Asked Novak, who sat opposite Krasu, smiling.

The powerful guests, just ordinary people's guests, all stood up slowly at this moment and looked at fox with a bad face.

This guy is going to smash their holy land and insult their faith!

"This plot is not right..." fox was flustered when he felt the gaze from the boss. He didn't expect McGonagall to deal with it so shamelessly.

What can we do? Even the ice dragon island is not enough for this group of animals to dismantle. Does he really dare to tear it down? It is estimated that he will die several times on the spot.

"I... i... I'm just joking. Building a harmonious society starts from me. How can I tear down such a beautiful restaurant?" Fox said with a strong smile. His face looked like a fly eating raw. "I like this restaurant. I love hot pot."

Elizabeth has a smile on her face. She relaxes completely and looks back at the direction of the kitchen. Unexpectedly, McGonagall can embarrass fox in such a wonderful way that he doesn't need to do anything. It's even more enjoyable than beating him.

"This year's guests are wonderful." She never thought that there would be so many strangers who would support the restaurant and support them. It's a good feeling to be cared about and protected.

Of course, it's all because of the boss, who let the guests volunteer to guard the restaurant with a sincere attitude towards the food.

The Deputy master of the grey temple came over, scooped a bowl of red soup from the pot in front of fox, put it down in front of him, and motioned, "do it first for respect."

Fox's face turned green as he looked at the abnormal spicy soup with red pepper and red oil, and the spicy smell that made his throat hot.

"This is an opportunity for you to show your love. If you miss it, it's gone." Kinks was a bit gloating. Just that mouthful of pepper made him out of his mind. If this bowl of red soup goes down with pepper, fox will be able to ascend to heaven.

Fox looked at the hostile eyes around him. He felt that if he didn't drink this bowl of red soup today, he would not be able to walk straight out of this place, but this red soup

He swallowed his saliva, but there was no mouth, and his throat began to burn.

"No?" The voice of the Deputy Temple master was a little cold again.

"To do first is to respect." Fox, feeling the killing intention, holds the hot bowl in his hands and looks up at a mouthful of red oil soup.

The hot oil, with a tempestuous pungency, poured into his mouth.


Fox clearly heard a light sound. Before the taste buds could cheer, they were all burned to death.

Fox's face suddenly turned red, and then quickly spread to his neck and head, the whole person became red, with dense white air on his head, just like in a sauna.

Fox's brain was completely blank, and his eyes were also full of color, as if he was blind. The hot feeling wanted to make a hole in his head, so that the heat could dissipate a little.

The hot red soup went down his throat, like a blunt knife stabbing down his throat, cutting his throat. That feeling was more painful than killing him with a knife. His body began to shake uncontrollably, which was no easier than any kind of torture.

With the thick soup in his stomach, the heat has not dissipated yet. It seems like a bomb explodes in his stomach, and his stomach begins to cramp. This kind of pain inside his body is no easier than breaking his hands and feet.


With a crisp sound, fox's clothes burst to pieces, and then dragon scales appeared on him, and his body soared. The chair behind him was crushed to pieces, and in an instant, it turned into a 30 meter high ice dragon.


The ice dragon raised its head and let out a roar, and a red pillar of fire.

"Lying trough, is there any medicine in this hot pot? Even attributes can be changed! " Kinks was surprised. It was the first time in his life that he saw the fire breathing ice dragon.

The other three ice dragons were also surprised, but all of them were big men. They didn't dare to speak. They could only look at fox with worried face.

Harrison was shaking with his bowl, and he was relieved to put the duck intestines in his bowl. He was almost old.

However, looking at the giant dragon more than 30 meters high, he suddenly worried about himself. He recommended the abnormal spicy food... When it's over, the dragon who was hit on the head by a pig won't settle for himself in the future, will it?

"Do you want to fight when you grow so big?" The Deputy Temple master looked up at Fox and asked calmly.

In the eyes of the strong, there is no difference between a bug and a bigger one.

Fox knew this truth, so he immediately reduced to a three meter high pocket dragon, but he still maintained the shape of the dragon. His body was being repaired, and he could not continue to maintain human form, but could only become a dragon. He said with a sad face: "don't misunderstand me, my Lord, I can only become like this."

"Since you like hot pot, finish the dishes and the bottom of the pot. If you want to tear down the Maimi restaurant in the future, come and say hello to me first. If I can't eat braised pork, I'll tear down the ice dragon island." The deputy hall Lord said seriously.

"Yes, yes." Fox quickly nodded his head, his heart was choked, but he didn't dare to show any on his face. He wanted to die.

When the guests saw fox, they sat down again and continued to enjoy the delicious food.

Kinks took a look at Fox, the clever chafing dish maker, and then stared at abemia, who was busy wandering among the guests in the restaurant. He said to himself, "I have to talk to this little girl later. Golden Dragon's children can't wander outside."

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