"Uncle, if you don't get your duck intestines, you will be old." Harrison looked at the dazed jinx, and couldn't help reminding him.

"Old?" Kinks took the chopsticks out of the hot pot and looked at the duck intestines curled up together, wondering, "isn't it dead?"

"Old, it means the best time to eat." Harrison explained helplessly that some words were not universal.

"I'll try this duck sausage." Kinks didn't care what Harrison said, so he picked up the duck intestines and fed them directly to his mouth.

Hot and spicy is still the main theme, but after chewing a metamorphosis chili, his resistance to metamorphosis chili has been significantly enhanced, no matter the deep-water taste buds, munching duck intestines.

Besides being spicy, the crispy and crisp duck intestines make kinks' teeth experience a very novel and pleasant feeling. As the taste buds get used to the spicy flavor, the strong fragrance under the spicy flavor begins to grow stronger and stronger. The more you chew, the more fragrant it is. The coldness of sitting in the snow is also eliminated.


Kinks gave a thumbs up, but the little duck intestines were not enough to fill his teeth, so he took two plates of duck intestines and poured them into the red soup pot in front of him.

"Duck intestines don't eat like this..." Harrison raised his hand to stop it. It was too late. He looked at the duck intestines that had been poured into the hot pot, which was a blasphemy to the food!

"Duck intestines need to be rinsed with chopsticks. It's the best time to eat them. Only in this way can duck intestines have soul." Harrison tried to control his emotions.

"Your way of eating is too much for our dragon." Kinks disdained to skim his mouth, took up a plate of fat cattle, poured it into the hot pot, stirred it with chopsticks, and ate it when the soup pot was boiling again.

"That's a good way." The golden dragons, who used to calculate their time carefully, have followed suit one after another. Otherwise, with their ten portions, they will not know whether they can finish it tomorrow morning.

"This is really silly..." Harrison for his own safety, finally swallow the last few words back, out of sight, out of mind, continue to rinse his hair gracefully.

After all, the fierce and abnormal hot dragon did not let go of them. Just as they praised the delicacy of hot pot, they changed uncontrollably. Finally, they could only shrink to the size of Fox and continue to wash hot pot.

Looking around, Harrison, a little fat man, continued to sit in a quiet hot pot, which also attracted people's attention. This is a real hero!

The novel eating method of hot pot brings guests a new dining experience.

Even give a lot of people a strange illusion.

"Husband, I think my cooking skills have risen greatly. I'll cook for you at home in the future." Bonnie took a bite of the potato and said confidently, looking at vicennio sitting opposite.

Vicennio, who was pale, just recovered from the crazy output in the afternoon, shook his head at Bonnie's words.

"Why, you don't think my food is delicious?" Bonnie has a straight face.

"No, I'm worried that oil stains your delicate hands. How can you do such a thing?" Vicennio shook his head and said with a smile.

"That's true." Bonnie raised her orchid fingers and looked at her delicate hands. It was a pity to use them to do housework.

"Yes, my hands, but there are more important things to do." Bonnie's hand pinched vicennio's thigh under the table, her tongue licked her bright red lips, and her smile became obscene.

Vicennio's throat moved, and he suddenly wanted to order two rougamo next door. Who can stand that!

"I think the best thing to eat is lotus root slices. It's crisp and delicious. It's also delicious." Vanessa chuckles at lotus root slices. The hardness is moderate, and it doesn't put any pressure on her teeth.

Abraham shook his head. "I think mushroom is better than that. It takes the red soup essence, and it tastes fresh and delicious. It's better than the ordinary fungus. It's the hot pot vegetable dish."

"What's good about vegetables? Are you sure you don't want to try pig brain? It's more tender than bean curd. After soaking in the red soup, it's even more delicious. It's not too dreamy. " Randy mentioned the spoon, a pig brain was picked up from the red soup, looking at the people seriously recommended.

Vanessa and Lola shook their heads at the same time. The pig brain looked more frightening than expected. Thinking that it was something dug out of the pig's head, they immediately lost their desire to eat it.

"Give me some?" Abraham hesitated.

"For the sake of your inviting me to dinner yesterday, I'll share half of your brain." Randy put half of his brain into his bowl and the rest into the bowl of Abraham.

Abraham picked up a spoon and scooped half a spoonful of the pig's brain. When he put it into the pot, the pig's brain with a little blood had completely turned white, and it was wrapped with a layer of red soup, which looked quite attractive.

The spicy red soup automatically removes all the fishy smell, and the spicy flavor is mixed with the strange smell.

As a gourmet, Abraham also tried animal brain for the first time. Before that, he had never heard of anyone eating pig brain.

Half a spoonful of pig's brain, a dull mouth.

The appropriate spicy taste first makes the taste buds nervous, and then the pig brain melts in the mouth. The delicate taste is similar to that of bean curd, but the taste of bean curd is much more refreshing and neat, while the taste of pig brain is softer than that of glutinous silk. The fragrant taste blooms on the tip of the tongue, forming a contrast with spicy taste, bringing a unique delicious enjoyment.

"It's delicious!"

Abraham is intoxicated. If duck intestines and tripe are a wonderful song for teeth, then pig brain is the existence that brings happiness to taste buds.

Three or two people ate half of the pig brain in the bowl, but Abraham still felt that he had more than enough. He raised his hand and ordered three more pig brains.

"Listen to me, right." Randy was a little smug.

"Pig brain can also be used as food material. Hotpot can't be rinsed with nothing! The creation of boss Mai is likely to leave a strong mark in the history of catering. " Abraham nodded and sighed.

"Only boss Mai can afford to be the first person to carry on the cause and forge ahead." Randy nodded.

If a chef just makes the best of a family dish, he can only be regarded as a good cook, but not a chef.

But Mr. Mai is different. Every new dish of his is surprising. His exquisite cooking style has the energy to subvert the current catering industry.

It's very normal to eat a hot pot for an hour or two, so many guests wait for a long time before they get their place.

Fox finally drank the last mouthful of the bottom of the pot and flew away with a blue fire in his mouth after the guests changed their cars

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