What a tempting condition. If it's a normal wandering dragon who has been wandering for more than ten years, suddenly a big man tells you: you are a genius. Now we are going to take you home, give you luxury cars and houses, and give you the best teachers, so that you can become a big man

Probably not many people can stand it.

They all look at MIA one after another. They are reluctant to give up. Are they going to lose a little partner again?

Elizabeth also looked at mia, she just did not ask MIA how to go to Golden Dragon Island may face more challenges, but it is really a shortcut to become a strong.

The powerful master of golden dragon can give MIA more guidance. Meanwhile, some holy places on Golden Dragon Island are more suitable for MIA's cultivation.

"Is sister MIA leaving?" Amy grabs Meg's hand, a little reluctant. Sister MIA is so kind to her that she can't bear to leave.

MEG didn't say anything. He respected Mia's choice, which was also his promise when they entered the restaurant.

Abemia is not an ordinary wandering dragon after all, because she was adopted halfway.

"But I like to be a waiter in Maimi restaurant. I like it here, and I want to stay here. I don't want to go to Longdao." Mia looked at kinks, shook her head and refused without hesitation.

"You want to continue to be a waiter, don't you want to go back to Golden Dragon Island and become a strong one?" Kinks asked again, feeling as if he had heard something wrong.

"Yes, I just want to stay at the mcmillas." Mia nodded firmly.

"What's good about this restaurant? You can't be a strong man if you stay here. Instead, you waste your talent. When you go to Golden Dragon Island, you will grow up soon, and you may even become the head of the golden dragon clan. Isn't that better than being a waiter in this restaurant? " Kinks looked puzzled, completely unable to understand why MIA would make such a choice.

"You can eat the most delicious food in the world for free in restaurants, but not in Golden Dragon Island."

"The restaurant has the best boss in the world, the best partners in the world, and the two most lovely babies in the world. There is no Golden Dragon Island."

"The restaurant can receive all kinds of guests every day. You can listen to them tell stories that happened all over the mainland, but you can't hear them on Golden Dragon Island."

"And I'm not only the waiter of the Maimi restaurant, but also the manager of an ice cream shop. The children are waiting for me to open the door and make ice cream for them every day. If I leave, they will be very sad, but no one will be sad if I don't go to Golden Dragon Island."

Abelmia said clearly.

"I..." kinks opened his mouth and thought for a long time, but he was speechless.

Abemia bowed to kinks and said sincerely, "thank you for treating me as a member of the tribe, but now I just want to stay in the Maimi restaurant with the boss and my lovely companions."

"What a lovely child." Kinks was in a very complicated mood. It was a very good thing to take a gifted child home. However, looking at Mia's clever appearance, he couldn't say anything serious. After struggling for a long time, he took out a jade card from his arms and handed it to MIA. "This is a cultivation skill of the golden dragon clan. Take it back first, If you don't know anything, just ask me when I come to the restaurant. "

"Thank you." Mia took the medal in both hands and made a deep bow to kinks.

From Elizabeth, she knew the value of practicing martial arts. Because Elizabeth learned the martial arts of Binghuang dragon clan, which is not suitable for her, she has not started to practice martial arts, just learning flight and some combat skills.

Elizabeth also looked at the jade card in Mia's hand in surprise. The skills of the whole family are very precious. Unexpectedly, jinks gave them to MIA in this way. In this way, Mia would have suitable skills to practice.

"No... nothing." Kinks scratched his head and looked at Elizabeth again. "Miss Elizabeth, if you change your mind, you can always tell me that the golden dragon family welcomes you."

With that, kinks took the other three dragons and left.

"Kinks, isn't that the rule?" Flying away from the city of chaos, a dragon spoke out.

"Yes, she doesn't want to go to huangjinlong island. She hasn't officially become a member of our people. She rashly passes on the skill to him. If she is known by the Presbyterian group, you may be punished." Another dragon is also worried.

"What can we do? We can't watch such a good young man waste his time outside, or even let others bully him because he doesn't have the strength? It's not our golden dragon style. " Kinks asked.

The dragons were silent, which is why they didn't say anything to stop them.

"I will report this matter to the Presbyterian group, and I believe the elders will agree with me.

As for the fact that she didn't want to leave the restaurant, it was really hard for her to escape from the palm of boss Mai after eating such delicious food.

But the life span of human beings is only a hundred years. For us, a hundred years is just a short period of time. When those human beings gradually die, she will naturally return to the dragon family. " Kinks said with a smile, but he was a little melancholy when he thought that he might never eat such delicious food in a hundred years.


"Sister mia, it's good that you don't go!" Amy threw herself into Mia's arms and gave her a happy kiss on the cheek.

"I thought you, like them, were going to leave suddenly." Barbara shrugged, casually expressionless, but visibly relieved.

"Sister MIA is also the most lovely person." Anna smiles, her eyes a little red.

"Of course I don't want to leave you. I want to be with you forever, stay in the restaurant forever, eat more delicious food, and have the best of you." Mia gives Amy a kiss on the cheek, touches Anna's head again, and then smiles at everyone.

Meg's face was also full of smiles, which was probably the most perfect result. It didn't delay Mia's cultivation, and she didn't have to leave.

"Well, today we have doubled the workload, hard work, first go back to have a good rest, these days I will post a recruitment notice for the restaurant to recruit a few more employees, so that we will not be so busy." Said Meg, looking at the crowd.

"That's good. Gina still has some difficulties in communicating with the guests. It would be perfect if she could add one or two colleagues to help serve the dishes." Mia said with a smile.

"Father, are you looking for some beautiful little sisters again?" Amy asked excitedly.


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