McGonagall explained to Amy in a very serious tone the difference between a waiter and an ordinary little sister, and the difference between finding a waiter for a restaurant and finding a little sister for him.

"But the restaurant is yours." Amy said seriously.

There was a sudden silence, and people looked at MEG strangely.

"Well, let's go. Go home and go to bed." McGonagall waved his hand calmly and didn't care about the children.

As the crowd dispersed, Amy followed McGonagall into the dining room and asked curiously, "what kind of food are you looking for this time? Now that the fairy sister has it, the mermaid sister has it, the Dragon sister has it, Miss moon has it, the orc sister has it, and miss bat has it, what kind of one can you find? "

"You can also have a troll sister, a goblin sister, a dwarf sister..." Anna thought seriously.

McGonagall stopped, thought about it seriously, and quickly denied the proposal. He could not get the beauty of the three races. Dwarves were limited in height, so it was not easy to finish the work of the restaurant. Trolls were too big, so most trolls could only eat outside the restaurant, let alone serve as waiters.

As for goblins.

McGonagall only has the image of green goblin in his mind. Although some goblin guests he met during this period have different skin, not only green, but because he has lived in the grottoes for a long time, he always has a morbid feeling, and because he is too thin, he seems to have a feeling of skin and bone. With his aesthetic, he should not be the candidate for the waiter.

"Anyway, we have so many guests. Post a notice and choose slowly." McGonagall laughed and shook his head. He didn't let the two little smart guys go on with their ideas.

"Well, let's go and help sister Gina with the eggshell." Amy goes to Gina in the corner, who is tidying up the clay shell of Jiaohua chicken eaten by the guests today.

"I'll go too." Gina trotted along.

Every night, Gina would spend some time sorting out the mud shells into separate packages, one of which could help one of her people get rid of the curse.

And after this period of testing, she has tested a standard dose, a clay shell of Jiaohua chicken, which can lift the curse of 2.5 clansmen.

In order to facilitate her measurement, MEG bought her an electronic scale and a batch of plastic bags from the system, and the sorting work became more efficient.

With Meg's help, Gina only took more than ten minutes to repack all the mud shells.

"Thank you." Gina smiles, kisses Amy and Anna, and gives MEG a big hug.

"Don't lift your legs next time." McGonagall reluctantly put down Gina's naturally twisted long legs. Gina is good at everything, but this habit can't be changed. After that, if he is seen by Elena, he will jump to the Yellow River.

"Well." Gina was a little embarrassed and put out her tongue. She put away the separated mud shell with a crystal ball. Looking at MEG, she asked expectantly, "Mr. McGonagall, can I join in the battle the day after tomorrow?"

"If you want to join, you can join us." McGonagall nodded. Gina is not a big brainless vase. She has the strength of level 8. Although the former is also established, she will go with her, which is more or less a deterrent.

And with her, it will be easier to communicate with landister.

"All right." Gina smiles and wants to fight with everyone.

After washing the two kids, MEG lies on the bed and tells them a little story. Amy has fallen asleep, but Anna still looks at MEG with wide eyes.

"Doesn't Anna want to sleep yet?" MEG asked, looking at Anna.

"Uncle McGonagall, may I go with you?" Anna whispered, pursed her lips and hesitated, "I miss sister Sheryl and sister Gina."

McGonagall looked at Anna, a little distressed. It was Cheryl and Gina who saved her from the bad guys. She lived with Cheryl for a period of time, separated for a period of time, and it was normal to miss them.

But the battle the day after tomorrow, he is not sure whether it will turn into a big scuffle. In the chaos, even he can't guarantee that he can protect Anna who has no self-protection ability.

"If it's not convenient, I won't go, as long as you can save sister Sheryl and them." Anna said quickly, lowering her head as if she had done something wrong.

"Anna, I know you miss them and want to see them." MEG gently touched Anna's head and said softly, "but we may have to face a very fierce battle the day after tomorrow. There are many bad guys and they are very powerful. Everyone has to devote himself to the battle, so I'm afraid we can't take you with us this time."

"Well." Anna nodded and looked up at MEG. "You must be careful, too."

"Don't worry, we will help them out successfully, and they will be OK." McGonagall nodded and said with a smile, "so our little Anna is going to sleep. When I see Sheryl, I'll let her come back to see you."

"Well." Anna nodded, a smile on her face, obediently closed her eyes.

MEG got up, turned off the warm light at the head of the bed and went out quietly.

He did not rush to sleep, but went into the study, took out the information of the elves, and read it carefully again.

The day after tomorrow, they will face a battle with extremely unequal numbers. Although landist has a strong army, there are many unknowns for them in land combat. He must give full play to the peak time of the 15 minutes, and calculate and analyze the target and extent of the attack.


"Elizabeth! I will tear you to pieces

A valley, into a hundred meters dragon fox lying on the edge of the cliff, gnashing his teeth roar.

"Poof poof"

"Come on!"

With two strange sounds, fox's face changes dramatically. The 100 meter ice dragon turns into a blue fire jet fighter, collides wildly in the valley, and finally falls to the bottom of the valley.


Lodu, the palace.

The king looked at the tossing queen and said, "don't worry, Vanessa is with Abraham now. He will take care of her. And I've sent someone to protect her. No one can hurt her. "

"Your Majesty, this girl has never been so far away, and she has left the Empire. If she meets bad people, or has a problem, what should she do?" The queen was still melancholy, and she wanted to fly over and get Vanessa back now.


"Today's hot pot is delicious. Let's have it tomorrow." Vanessa said, looking at Lola as she brushed her teeth, her face full of happy smiles

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